Chapter 10

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Roselyn's POV-

        I gathered up all my items and waited for it to become dark.

        'I haven't seen the girls today.' I thought as I grabbed my bag and slid it onto my back.

        'I wonder what they are doing..'

        "Well, I better be off." I said as I saw the once blue sky become pitch black. I slid on my boots and ran out the door. As I ran I pulled my hair into a high ponytail,  thoigh I was sure it was messy. Once finished I made it to the gate of the school,  seeing no one there. I sighed and sat down underneath a tree and waited. While sitting there I slowly drifted off to sleep.


        "Hey! Roselyn wake up." I heard as someone pat my cheek repeatedly.

        "I'm up,  I'm up. Goodness me." I slurred out as I opened my eyes. "Oh,  hey Theo." I said with a tired smile plastered onto my face.

        He chuckled and kissed my nose before helping me up.

        "Hello to you too,  sleepy head." He said with a smile.

        "So,  is everyone here?" I asked as I looked around and saw everyone. "Okay,  so I'm sure you were told about this quest?" I asked.

        "No,  we were just told to pack up and head to the gates." Elric had said as he had his bag on his right shoulder and his hand gripping the strap.

        "Well, okay then. I'll give you the run down. Let's walk wihile we talk." I said as I motioned them to the docks,  where a ship was waiting for us.

        They all looked over there and headed towards it,  as I stayed behind them.

        "We are going on a quest. It's a quest to find my dragon. The chairman said that an arch angel is supposed to have a dragon. So he was sending me on a quest with people he chose. Which is you guys." I informed them as we walked onto the platform that led to the floorboard of the ship.

        "So,  we are going on a wild goose chase?" Hayden questioned.

        Elric rolled his eyes and said,  "No Hayden,  we know exactly where we are headed. We even have a map that is marked with where her dragon is." His voice laced with sarcasm.

        "Cool." Hayden said with his voice filled with sarcasm as well.

        I sighed and headed to the beds. "Well the captain will be sailing us to an island. This island is the last know place that someone has seen a dragon. Which was years ago,  but it's a possibility that a dragon is there. Anyways for right now we can rest until morning." I said as I glanced at them to see them following me.

       Once in the room with beds I plopped down on the closest one and sighed. I placed the blanket over me and started to fall asleep. But not before I felt two warm arms wrap around my waist and a deeop husky voice say, "Good Night,  my little Rose."


        "We're here my lady Roselyn." A voice said to me as I groaned and sat up.

        "I will be staying on the ship,  waiting for you." The captain said as he bowed his head slightly and walked away.

        "Okay. Wake up guys!" I said as loud as I could but my voice came out raspy.

        Everyone got up except Theo. I sighed and sat by him on the bed. I closed my eyes and focused on the sound of water. I focused on lifting it up and carrying it towards us. I had it hovering over Theo before I open my eyes and jumped away. He woke up with a yell.

        "That's cold! Dang it Rosey!" He groaned and glared at me playfully. Before a sly smile appeared onto his face.

        "NO!!" I squeeled as I ran away with him on my heels. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his chest,  hugging me tightly.

        "Ewww." I groaned then laughed. I kissed the corner of his mouth and smiled up at him. "I hate being short." I stated as I only reached the lower part of his chest.

         "Well, I think your adorable."

         "Thanks. I just hate that you are so much taller than me." I said with a pout as his arms were resting on my waist.

         "Not my fault I'm 6" 2." He replied as he kissed my cheek.

         With that Hayden came back into the room saying, "Roselyn when are you guys going to stop flirting so we can go?"

         I sighed as Theo removed his arms, while walking out.

         "Okay,  lets go." I said as I walked to the deck.

         "MY LADY!" the captain yelled as he ran over to me. "It's a dragon." He exclaimed as he ran to stand in front of me.

        I looked up to the top of the mountain on the island. Flying above it was a gorgeous white dragon. When it saw the ship it dove towards us. It roared and hovered over us. It's eyes scanned everyone before we made eye contact.

     'My lady. What brings you all here?' I heard a beautiful sweet angelic voice say.

               To Be Continued



        Well here is chapter 10! I hope you enjoyed next chapter will hopefully be more interesting. Hope you enjoyed in the small cute moment between Theo and Roselyn. Thank you for reading my story! Have a fabulous day everyone.

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