Chapter 20

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Roselyn's POV-

       "Aw they are so cute!" I gushed as I stood in the door way of Avery and Porter's cabin.

       On the bed was Avery and Porter. Their legs were tangled together. Avery on the left and Porter on the right. Avery's head was against Porter's chest her hands barely beneath her chin. Her body pressed against his, while Porter's head was above Avery's and his right arm was underneath her body and his left hand was on her hip. They were snuggled together small snores coming from Avery, kind of like a cat.

     I covered my mouth with both hands as I fought back a squeal. I took out my camera from my brown bag that was wrapped around my waist and aimed it at them. I clicked the button and the picture was taken. The film coming out from the bottom of the camera. Once I finished I looked up and noticed Porter begin to move around a little. So I took off out the door and ran to Theo.


Third Person's POV-

     Porter began to wake up and tried to turn around but was stopped by something holding onto him. He opened his eyes and saw the position they were in. His cheeks began to heat up and a small smile made way onto his face.

     'She is so beautiful.'

     He thought to himself as he removed his hand from her hip and brushed some hair behind her ear.

    'Too bad that she will never like me.'

     He saw her begin to stir and closed his eyes again, placing his hand on her waist. He felt her move slightly then the moving stopped.

Avery's POV-

     I woke up to the feeling of nor being able to move. When I opened my eyes I figured out why right away. Porter and I were tangled up and I was up against him and his hand was on my waist. I tried to get my legs free but failed. So I finally got the courage to place my hand on Porter's shoulder and shake him slightly.

     "Porter? Wake up." I whispered as I shook him more.

     He groaned slightly and pulled me closed to him.

     Making me gasp and sigh.

     "Porter?" I whispered in his ear.

     He hummed softly as he hid his face in my hair.

     "I want to get up." I said softly.

     He groaned softly and mumbled,"But I'm comfy. Just a little longer."

     I sighed but nodded and snuggled into him. After a few minutes I unconsciously began to hum the lullaby Myrene would sing to me. After I finished I felt Porter chuckle.

     "That was beautiful." He told me.

     I smiled softly against his shoulder and that was when he got up. We both stood up while stretching.

    "Dibbs!" I yelled as I ran to the bathroom giggling.

     "Not on my watch!" I heard him yell after me.

     I was almost to the bathroom when I felt arms wrap around me and lift me up into the air. Causing me to squeal and laugh as he spun us around.


     I squealed out as he laughed before setting me down. I spun to face him and hit his chest softly.


      I whined as I noticed he was in front of the door.

      "Aw but you love me."

      He taunted making me blush and glare at him.

       "Who says I do?"

      I taunted back as I crossed my arms over my chest while raising an eyebrow at him.

      A smirk grew onto his face as he grabbed my waist and threw me over his shoulder.


      I screamed as I hit his back with my fist. Then he threw me onto a soft object, making me realize it's the bed. He crawled over me and began to tickle my sides.

      I squirmed under him as I failed to hold back my laughs. Keyword, failed. I was laughing loudly as I tried to get out from under him. He had my legs locked between his as one hand held my arms above my head.

     "I need to shower, Porter." I gasped out between laughs.

     "But your so cute when you laugh."
He told me as he looked down at me.

     My face turned red and I rolled my eyes.

     "Fine." He groaned as he rolled off of me.

     I grinned and reached over kissing his cheek quickly.


     I ran to the bathroom and jumped into the shower.


Roselyn's POV-

     I was walking around the group of dragons. According to Kapnós my dragon will choose me. I could get a new one or I could get an old one. I swift or strong one. It all depends on our souls.

     As I walked around I saw a dragon that was a little bigger than a horse.
This dragon was black and gold.

(Similar to the pic below the difference is that it's underbelly is black not gold.)

     I walked up towards it and our eyes met

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     I walked up towards it and our eyes met. My blue ones with it's gold ones.

     When our eyes met I felt a rush go through my head and then I saw a black egg with a shiny gold ring around it. It was so beautiful. Then I saw it cracking. While it cracked open a woman came towards it. She was beautiful with brown hair and bright blue eyes like mine. She looked similar to me except for the silver tips that I have and her skin was lighter. She also had light brown freckles that looked like it was splattered across her nose. But she was gorgeous.

    Followed behind her was a man. He had silver hair and blue eyes. Even though he had silver hair he still looked young. He came up to the girl and hugged her from behind as they watched the egg hatch open.

    When the egg finished hatching a noise similar to a whine from a newborn puppy was heard. They walked towards the egg and lifted the top of the egg up. Looking into the egg it was a baby version of the dragon I saw before.

     The woman spoke as she looked down towards the dragon.

     "You're name is Celeri. Mine is Averlyn and this is Gabriel. The little one in my tummy-" she paused as she smiled down at her stomach and Gabriel rubbed Averlyn's stomach softly. "Is Roselyn."



    Well that's the end of this chapter. How did you like it? I tried to make it longer this time. I hope you enjoyed this story and have a great day!

    Thanks for reading!

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