Chapter 23

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Roselyn's POV-

I was laying down on the queen size bed in the cabin. Waiting for Theo to come back so we can sleep.

I was slowly dozing off when the door opened.

"Finally.. you're not Theo."

I stared at the stranger in front of me. He was tall. He had brown hair that slightly covered his green eyes. He had a small smile on his face as he stared at me.

"Princess. I'm here to kill you."

He spoke with a tone that was deep and dark.


A girl flew in with her pretty wings.

"You don't announce what you are going to do."

She had her hands over her face while mumbling about having an idiot partner.

"I'm sorry Natalie!"

He whined softly towards her while hugging her waist.

"Don't touch me."

She groaned with a blush over her cheeks.

"But Natalie."

He was cut off by me giggling.

"What's so funny?"

The girl glared at me.

"You guys are cute together."

I told them while a small giggle bubbled from my throat.

"We are not/ Thank you!"

They spoke at the same time. The boy saying the latter.

"So, are we fighting then?"

I questioned them as I tilted my head to the side, curiously.


Natalie responded with a nod.

"Okay, but let's take this outside. Don't want to destroy the cabin."

They both nodded and complied. We walked outside and stood away from each other. My sword attached to my hip.

I stood tall with my legs together and my hand on the handle of the sword.

The male made the first move. He charged at me with his own sword while Natalie began to make vines appear.

I slid my sword out of the sheath. It's black blade glistening in the moon light.

The only thing that was heard was our blades clashing.

I jumped back, flipping backwards and kicking his chin. While dodging the vines heading for me feet.

"This is fun."

I laughed as I fought the male and dodged the vines.


Third Person's POV-

If someone was watching the fight it would have looked like Roselyn was dancing. With the way she moved. She was swaying and flipping around. Her sword swinging lightly in the air. Clashing against Brenden's.

She had a smile on the whole time they fought. Enjoying it like it was just a game.

Until Brenden's sword scratched her right arm.

"You're getting slow. After this we should kill your little boyfriend toy."

Brenden spoke with a teasing tone.

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