Chapter 12

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     Brooklyn's POV-

        I was conversing with my brother Porter when a huge pure white dragon flew over to us. It stopped right above us and that was when I could see it up closely. It was beatiful. It's scales were a pure white,  white as snow. Its eyes were a clear icy blue. Over all even though this was the first dragon I have seen. It was by far the prettiest thing I had ever seen.

        It gave out a small roar and that was when I heard Roselyn speak.

        "Quid?" She spoke like she was questioning something.

        She gave a slight nod and spoke again. "Nos sumus hic in quest."

        'What the?' I thought to myself as I stared at her in confusion.

        Avery then walked towards her and placed a hand onto Roselyn's shoulder. Roselyn spun around to see who it was and her eyes softened once she had noticed it was only Avery.

        My brother then shook his head and whispered to me. "And this is your friend? She seems like a lunatic." He shook his head and sighed at me. He mumbled more to himself but still loud enough so I could hear. "Now our parents will have something else to complain about." He sighed heavily and walked over to his friends. Speaking to them instead.

        'Probably because I am his sister that is a disappointment to our family name.' I thought to myself sadly. As I sat there in my own sorrow. I head Roselyn speak in a rushed voice.

        "We have to follow her." She said as she looked at us.

        Theo gave her a questioning look and asked, "Follow who? The dragon?"

        Roselyn nodded as she spoke, "Yes! She wants us to follow her."

        "And how do you know this?" Hayden asked as he stepped forward. While Roselyn opened her mouth to answer him. I grabbed my bag and slid it onto my arm.

        "I'll explain later! Come on let's go before it's too late!" She then swung her bag onto her shoulder and took off after the dragon.

        I took off after while yelling, "Come on before we loose sight of Roselyn!"

        With that they took off after me. All of their footsteps were loud as they ran. Their feet slamming onto the ground. While mine made no sound. My movement was soft and swift as I ran.

        'Running is the only thing my family was proud of me for. I was always light and swift on my feet. No matter what.' I thought to myself as a small smile danced it's way onto my lips.

        Roselyn raised her hand slowly. Signalling us to slow down and come to a halt. I did as commanded and slowed down before stopping all together. Once we all had stopped. Roselyn walked up towards the dragon and asked it a question in that weird language again.

        "Nunc, antequam quicquam aliud. Ego te peto, ut dictum est. Quod nomen tibi est?" She questioned her as the dragon gave a small snort as it stood as high as she could. With that Roselyn nodded.

        "Bene Chione. Ubi aliae dracones?" She asked as she walked closer to her.

        The dragon gave a small roar before walking towards a cave.

        Roselyn then turned around to look at us and asked, "What?" As we all looked at her weirdly. With that she shrugged her shoulders slightly and made her way towards the cave. Following the dragon. Hayden and Elric let out a sigh as we all followed her.

       Once we entered we saw a beautiful area outside of the cave. The sun shone brightly and the grass was the greenest I had ever seen it. Not only that but dragons were everywhere. The dragons were gorgeous. Everywhere I look there was a dragon with a different color and style. This place felt so warm and comfy. Like I was supposed to be here.

        We followed the white dragon towards this other dragon. Which was twice the white dragon's size. In which was huge because the white dragon was almost twice the size of our ship.

        Once we had gotten there the gigantic dragon was more visible in color. It was a light smokey gray and it's eyes were a red. Like a dark scarlet red. Once we were stopped in front of him the white dragon bowed it's heaf and flew away.

        "My name is Kapnós. The head of the dragons." He spoke to us. Before his red eyes turned dark. "And why did you bring a demon here with you?" He questioned with a snort. I was still in shock that he had spoke. He spoke to us. Roselyn didn't seem shock though. Well not in shoxk about the dragon, whom we now know is called  Kapnós,  spoke. But that there was a demon among us.

        "I could smell the demon from a mile away." He stated and when he did I saw Avery in the corner of my eye stiffen.

        "You with the mismatch eyes. What is your name?" He asked.


     Avery's POV-

        "I could smell the demon from a mile away." Kapnós stated firmly. Making me stiffen slightly.

        "You with the mismatch eyes. What is your name?" He asked me.

        "Avery Downy." I stated. He gave a small nod.

         "Come forward Avery." He commanded. I did as I was told and walked towards him. Once I did he snorted loudly and stood tall.

        "Why are you here demon?" He questioned with a growl.

               To Be Continued



        The language Roselyn is speaking is Latin. I'm sorry if someone knows Latin and it's wrong. I had asked my friend who knows Latin to translate it for me. This is what she gave me. So I'm terribly sorry if it is wrong. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Now you know who Kapnós was claiming to be a demon!

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