Chapter 15

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Third Person's POV-

     The morning came slowly. The sun slowly rising up,  lighting up the once dark sky. The birds were tweeting around the cabin. Waking up the young demon that laid on the bed.

     The sun creeped up into the windows of the cabin. Avery awoke and slowly sat up. She let out a yawn as she rubbed her eyes tiredly. The girl was now thirteen years old.

     She stood up and strolled her way towards the bathroom. When she did in the corner of her eyes she noticed something moving in the kitchen.

     "Hello?" She called out.

     "Anyone there?" She asked as she head towards the noise.

     "Myrene?" She questioned.

     She slowly walked into the kitchen slowly. Her body shaking the whole way there.

     "M-Myrene?" She stuttered.

     Her palms began to sweat as she gripped onto her white silk night gown. She gripped so hard that her knuckles began to turn white.

      As she walked into the kitchen she gasped as she bumped into someone.

      "What has you so scared?" The voice questioned her as she slowly looked up.

      "Myrene! I was calling for you but you didn't reply!" Avery whined throwing her arms up in the air.

       "I'm sorry. I was busy with breakfast." Myrene explained with a small giggle.

       "It's not funny!" Avery whined as she bounced slightly with her arms raised and moving side to side.

       "Oh, but it is."

       Avery crossed her arms while her bottom lip stuck out. This is what she did when Myrene teased her. She stood there pouting until Myrene giggled more.

        "Okay, okay." Myrene said as she controlled her giggles.

        "Hey.. Myrene.. how are you so pretty?" Avery complained.

        "I'm far from pretty Avery, you though. You're very beautiful." Myrene told the young blonde.

         Avery looked up at the red head. Myrene has bright red hair, green eyes, and a pale skin color. She wasn't short but she wasn't tall either. She stood at five foot six. Her face was very delicate. That when the Demons were alive everyone called her a 'doll'.

         "But Myrene. You are gorgeous!" Avery yelled with a  groan.

        "Thank you." Myrene finally gave in and walked towards the kitchen to get their breakfast out of the oven.

       Myrene grabbed some oven mitts and pulled out the casserole she had made. The casserole consisted of hash browns on the bottom, bacon and breakfast sasuage on top of it, also a nice thick layer of cheese, then eggs that were cracked on top and backed to perfection.  She hummed with satisfaction as she cut the casserole into squares. Making sure that each square had a yolk on top.

      She placed a square onto a plate and watched as the cheese oozed out of the sides. She smiled and called for Avery.

      "Yum!" Avery yelled her voice filled with excitement.

     With that the young teen dug into the food. Her mouth watering from the yummy taste that oozed into her mouth.

    She groaned in satisfaction as she continued to devour her food. The look on her face made Myrene proud that the young girl liked her cooking so much.

   "So, today we will be practicing enchantments again." Myrene explained as she sipped in her coffee with vanilla and honey cream.

    "Aw! I hate enchantments!" Avery groaned with a mouthful of food. It sounded more like,' Aw! I hate enchwanmens!'

    "What have I told you about talking with your mouthful?" Myrene questioned the young teen as she crossed her arms and sat in the dark oak stool. Her foot tapping lightly onto the ground, as she raised an eyebrow at Avery.

   "I'm sorry!" Avery whined.

   That was when Avery slowly began to yawn. Getting more tired every passing minute. With that Avery fell asleep in her chair. Her head hitting the table.

   "Avery? Avery?!" Myrene yelled as she ran to the girl.

   Then Myrene to fell over and passed out.

   "It has been done." A deep voice said into a head set. While a man walked into the house and picked up the two girls. Then carried them out to a carriage and left.
                 To be Continued


     I'm so sorry that I haven't updated.. I've been so busy and then I couldn't think on how to leave this chapter off.. but now I have it and I've started on the next chapter! Hopefully having it down this weekend! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading this! Also up above is what Myrene looks like. Just imagine a small heart shaped birthmark under her left eye!

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