Chapter 5

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Roselyn's POV-

        I cradled my new baby sister as I hummed to her. I could see Brooklyn walking over as she was talking to a girl with blonde hair and glasses.

(Her up above but has one black eye (left) and one orange (right).)

        Her eyes were beautiful. I loved the mismatched colors. She was smiling brightly at everything as they chatted.

        "Oh, hey Roselyn! This is our other roommate. Avery Downer."
Brooklyn said with a big grin on her face and smiled more, if that was even possible, when she saw Blossom in my arms. "Oh My Snizzles!! She is so adorable!" She cooed as she ran up to blossom and made faces.

        "Yes she is. This is my little sister, Blossom." I said as I stared down at Blossom, feeling proud to be her big sister.

        "She is so cute, may I hold her?" Brooklyn begged, but my father came over and took her away.

        "No, I'm sorry. She is only a few hours old." He said as he smiled down at Blossom.

        Brooklyn nodded while he walked away to the nurses. We both then turned towards Avery and gave her a smile. In which she returned.

        "Oh! I gotta introduce you guys to my friends!" I yelled excitedly.

         "Yeah!" They both yelled causing all three of us to go into a fit of laughter.

         With that we ran towards the smell of my friends. Ryder had the smell of the sea, Blame had the smell of ginger, and Theo had a mixture of smells; cinnamon, pine, and vanilla. He had my favorite scents mixed together. I ran towards his smell and once he was in sight. I sped up and jumped onto his back. He just chuckled knowing it was me, making me grin. 'I wonder what my smell is to him..' I thought as I looked at the grinning girls. Brooklyn sent me a wink and mouthed 'get some.' While Avery just grinned.

        "Why hello to you to, my little rose." Theo said with his raspy voice and chuckled. I felt like I was melting from the vibrations when he chuckled. He makes my chest warm and me happy.

        "Hey Theo. I wanted to introduce you to my roommates." He nodded and turned us around so we face them.

        "Yo, I'm Theo. Roselyn's childhood friend." He said, but when he said friend I frowned slightly. My chest tightening up and I felt like I was breaking into small pieces. I shrugged it off and forced a grin on my face. I gave them the peace sign while they gave me suspicious looks. I slightly shook my head and mouthed 'Tell you later.' To which they nodded to.

        I jumped off Theo and walked towards them only for him to grab my hand, yanking me towards him. I bumped into his hard and warm chest.

        "Where do you think your going?" He stated with a grin and looked down towards me.

        "I WAS headed to my roomies." I said with a joking eye roll and then grin back at him.

        He opened his mouth to say something when someone bumped into him, making us fall.

Third Person's POV-

        Somewhere behind them a group of guys were throwing a ball back and forth. When Ryder threw the ball to another werewolf. Blane's brother Grasyn to be exact. He had backed up to be able to catch it and when he did he also bumped into someone behind him.

        "I'm so Sorry! Theo?! Rosie?!" He yelled as he turned around to see the two on the ground. Theo had landed on top of her. His legs on each side of her hips and his arms holding himself up so he doesn't squish her. But that wasn't what everyone was focused on. If you looked at their faces their lips were touching eachothers.

Roselyn's POV-

        After we landed on the ground I felt something soft against my lips. I slowly opened my eyes to see Theo's beautiful blue eyes staring back at me. He looked frozen and that was when it finally clicked for me.

        'We are KISSING!" I cheered in my head. 'Too bad this was only an accident.' I thought sadly.

        I slowly felt his lips move against mine and I saw his eyes slowly close. I closed mine also and kissed back. I could feel bombs go off through out my body. My body also felt numb as we kissed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. I'm not sure how long we were kissing, but when we finally pulled away no one was around us. Theo looked down at me and his cheeks began to dust with pink. He then jumped up and said,"I'm sorry.. let's forget that happened.."

        My mouth hung open as I sat there breathless. I was about to say something but he took off running. Heading towards the boys dorms. So I just laid there on the ground confused.

        "What the hell?" I voiced out my thoughts as I bit my lip trying to figure out what in the world just happened.

        I then stood up and slowly walked to my dorm. I entered the dorm house and walked to the very back dorm. I opened the door and walked in, closing it behind me. I then went to my bed and plopped onto me stomach. Shoving my face into my pillows.

        "What the hell?" I voiced out my thoughts again as I racked my brain, trying my best to figure out what just happened.

        'Why did he kiss me in the first place? I mean I know it only started because someone bumped into him.. But he could've just gotten up and said sorry.. But noooo he had to make it confusing by KISSING me. Then telling me to forget it even happpened!' I ranted in my head as I then screamed into the pillow.



    I'm so sorry it's been a while since I posted again. Like a week or so. But I got sick and felt horrible. But anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Bye guys and have a great day!


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