Chapter 18

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Previously on The Last Angel:

Avery's POV-       

       I felt his hand grab my wrist as he pulled me into his lap and laid my head against his warm chest. I was able to hear his heart beat. It was increasing more and more. But then calmed back down as he wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on top of mine.

        "Just let it out Avery. It is okay. I'm here for you."

        With that phrase I broke down and cried into his chest. My tears falling onto his shirt. As I cried he moved me to where I would be more comfortable. He moved my legs around his waist. After he did that I slid my hands around his neck as I moved my face into his collar bone. My tears had finally stopped as we just sat there. Hugging each other.


Third Person's POV-

       Avery sat in Porter's lap as she laid her head on his shoulder. Porter didn't mind. As he sat there and traced circles onto her back. After a few minutes had passed Avery sat up to look at him.

       "Why?" She questioned him.

       He gave her a cute goofy grin as he replied with,"Why not?"

       She smiled back at him and then shook her head as she began to get off of him. Once she slid off of his lap she stood up and held out a hand for him.

       He took her hand and stood up. Then he pushed her into the lake with a laugh.

       Avery gasped as her back hit the water and she floated down. The lake was 5 foot deep so she swam up and stood. The water coming to her shoulders. She glared playfully at Porter. As he was now hovered over laughing.

       She gave a small smirk as he hasn't realised she was up yet. So she went back under water and breathed out so small bubbles floated to the top.

      Once Porter noticed the bubbles he panicked. He threw off his shirt and dove in. Once he got to her he brought her back up. When their head were out of the water. Avery began to laugh at him. That was when he realised that he had been tricked. He gave a small glare and huffed.

      "That wasn't funny. I thought something was wrong." He grumbled.

      This made Avery giggle as he gave a small pout.

       "Well you did push me in." She stated but after that she began to cough. "Let's get out of here."

       "Fine." He said with a smile as he carried her out of the lake.

       He placed her down and that was when he noticed a black flame tattoo on her side. Since she wore a white tank top he was able to see her skin and bra. She noticed his staring and blushed as she covered her body with her arms.

       He opened his mouth to speak but then noticed why she covered herself up and blushed also. He looked away and reached down to pick up his shirt that he had thrown to the ground. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. With quick movement he placed his shirt over head, helping her get it on. He slid her arms through the sleeves and pulled the shirt down to cover her body.

       Now Porter wasn't a big guy but the shirt was double the size for Avery. Going passed her shorts. It settled in between her thighs and her knees. So basically it was a dress on her.

       "Thank you." Was all that was said after that.

       They began to walk back to where the others were. Avery slowly following. Until Porter grabbed her hand and pulled her along. Which for a reason that is unknown to Avery, caused her cheeks to heat up.

       'His hand is so warm and soft.' She thought to herself as she stared at their hands the whole time.

       When he had stopped she didn't notice and bumped into his back. She grunted as she back up and shook her head to process why he had stopped. She stood on her toes as she tried to look over his shoulder. Once she did she went back down and held onto Porter's shirt. She closed her eyes shut as tears began to form again.

       Hayden and Elric stood side by side in front of them with their swords raised.

       She could feel a growl rumble through Porter's body as he spoke.

      "What do you want?"

      "The Demon should die." The person spoke.

      "She has done no harm Hayden." Porter argued back.

      "No, she hasn't. But she might. You know how her Ancestors were."

      "No we don't. We don't know the Demons because we were babies Hayden. There could've been a misunderstanding."

      "It's better kill her now then wait and she kills us instead. Now back away Porter." Elric demanded.

     "Over my dead body." Porter replied.

     Hayden scoffed and told him. "Well then. Your funeral."

     He raised his sword and swung it down. Only for it to hit some strong.

     "Put the sword away."

     A calm angelic voice growled out.

     Now standing in front of Porter was Avery in her demonic form. She had black horns coming out of her head. She also had huge black wings sticking out of her back. Her eyes were fully dark orange and it had a pretty glowy look to it. She was floating above the ground slightly thanks to her wings. She had her hand up as a clear bubble was formed around her and Porter. As she glared at Hayden she growled. Slowly lifting up her top lip showing that her teeth were now sharp like canine teeth.

     Porter decided to lighten up the mood a little by saying,"Well, now I know not to get on her bad side."



    We that is the end of this chapter! I hope you liked it! Thanks for getting this far into the book. I can't believe I have over 1.6k reads!! I'm so excited! Also, do you have any ship names for some of the characters from this book? Yes or no? If so tell me them in the comments! Well I hope everyone has a fabulous day and thanks for reading! <3

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