Chapter 8

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All I could do was nod and sit in a chair in the waiting room. 'It's all my fault.. if only I got there sooner..' I thought as I placed my head into my hands and cried.

"Theo? Is that you? What are you doing here, boy? What's wrong, why are you crying?" A voice I recognized asked.

I looked up and saw the person whom I wish I didn't see. 'I'm so dead..' was all I could think.

-----------------To Be Continued-----------------


Shane's POV-

I had just left Blossom in the infant area with a nurse. Something kept telling me to go get a drink. So that's what I did. I was headed to the front doors of the infirmary when I saw someone familiar sitting in a chair in the waiting area.

"Theo? Is that you? What are you doing here, boy? What's wrong, why are you crying?" I asked as I saw tears falling down his cheeks.

He looked up and his eyes widened when he saw me. He opened his mouth to say something but it shut closed and he clenched his teeth. His hands forming into tight fists.

'Come on Theo.. be a man. It's for Roselyn. It's my fault so I should be beaten for it.' I heard him mumble.

"What happened to Rosie?!" I snapped.

My eyes began to glare at the boy in front of me. My voice came out as a snarl as I tensed.

"W-well.. You see sir. We had accidentally kissed and I didn't want her to hate me so I decided to just ignore her for the rest of the day to give her space. But at the party she took off to the woods where three vamps followed her-" his voice began to grow with hatred," They tried to do things but she was at a cliff and she stumbled and fell.. I was too late to save her. They were just going to leave her, sir! So I punched one of them then dove in to save her. When I got her out she was so lifeless. I felt like my heart shattered. So I brought her here and they are tending to her right now." He said his voice breaking at the end.

"Who are the vamps?!" I growled out, my pupils grew as I glared.

"I-I dont know. But I do know who they work for. Cresent." He stated, his voice filled with venom.

"Princess Cresent?" I questioned as our conversation was put on hold when the nurses came out with Roselyn.

"Sir, you don't need to worry. She healed herself!" Was what one nurse claimed.

"Papa!" Roselyn yelled as she ran into my arms.

"My little rose." I said as I held her close to me.


Roselyn's POV-

I awoke to gasps as I sat up and looked around.

"How did I get here?" I asked as I ran a hand through my hair.

"A handsome young man brought you in. I'm guessing he is your boyfriend?" She said at first but the last sentence came out as a question.

"I don't have a boyfriend." I replied quickly, my cheeks dusting with a rosey pink color.

"Well maybe you should think about it with him." She said giggling.

"Is he still here?" I asked while tilting my head to the right slightly.

"Yes he refused to leave." She replied while nodding.

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