Chapter 4

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(This chapter is just her father's Point Of View)

Shane's POV-

The sun had started shining through our window waking me up. As I sat up my wife, Audrey, groaned and tried to pull me back down. This made me chuckle and reach over to kiss her forehead. That was when a howl forced both of us to jump up. I ran downstairs yelling,"Stay put! Only leave if you have to!"

I ran heading towards the howl, placing my finger onto the bracelet on my right wrist. I tapped it and our specially made clothes formed onto my body. Once I was fully clothed I shifted. I continued running and found our warriors at the entrance of the village.

"What's going on?" I barked out as I made my way to the front of the group.

"Alpha! Rogue wolves are coming. There are at least 30!" My beta Kyle Parker explained, his voice laced with panic.

"Everyone in formation c. Now!" I commanded as they scampered off to get in the formation.

Kyle and I stood at the entrance in our wolf, as we waited for the enemy to make their way. 'Honey? Is everything alright?' I could hear my wife talk to me telepathically. Only she was able to talk to people like that. I guess that was her power since she can't shift. No girl can.

'Rogue wolves are headed our way. 5 minutes away. Get Roselyn up and packed. The Academy riders should be on their way.' I thought back to her.

'Alright. Stay safe!'

'Always.' I thought back as I smelt a wolf coming straight towards us.

"Why are you here?" I barked out the question, my tone demanding.

"For the thing you are hiding!" A rogue claimed. This wolf was a pure dark brown. It's yellow eyes laced with hatred.

"I don't-" I started but was cut off.

"Don't you dare try to lie! We can smell her from over here!" The same wolf barked out, it's voice laced with anger.

"I'm not sure what you are talking about.." Kyle trailed off.

'Audrey.. Get her out of here NOW!' I thought panicking.

'She is gone. But honey.. rogues are in the house. I'm trying my best to get them to stay away.' She told me.

With that I gave Kyle the signal and he attacked the wolf while I took off towards my house. While I ran I had to fight off rogues. One managed to cut my shoulder, but it didn't stop me. I ran as fast as I could, biting off it's head. Once I was there I pounced on the rogue that had stabbed my wife's stomach. I growled deeply. My eyes glaring into his. With that I ripped at his neck.

        "Shane.. I'm not going to make it." I heard her voice choke out. The pain clear in her voice. I could feel my heart shatter as I shifted back and walked towards her.

         "Don't say that! You will!" I choked out as I held back my sobs.

        " You're hurt." She trailed off as she traced my wound which was already healing since it was a deep wound. My wolf can only heal certain wounds.

        "Yes, but don't worry about me. Save your energy." I cried out as I placed her head in my lap and held pressure against her wound.

        " I wanna say something before I pass.." She trailed off as she looked at me.

        'Roselyn, baby. I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure I won't be able to see you again. I love you so very much.' I could hear my mother's voice say. 'I'm loosing to much blood. I'm here with your father and he is safe. He will meet you at the Academy don't worry. I just wanted to say. I love you, I don't care if you aren't my real daughter. To be honest. My baby died just a day before we found you. Her name was Adahlyn. It was a dream come true that you came into our lives and I hope you can forgive us for not telling you sooner. I l-love y-you.' I heard her say in her telepathic way.

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