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Theo's POV-

        "Look, Cresent. I don't think we could be anymore than friends." I said to the vampire standing in front of me.

        She laughed and pushed on my shoulder slightly.

        "Aw, come on Theo. You know you wanna." She said while biting her bottom lip.

         "No, I really don't." I said while giving her a small fake smile.

        She reached over and kissed my cheek, then whispered in my ear,' Too bad your little Angel saw that.' She had a smirk plastered onto her lips.

        I growled and shoved her backwards. "Leave Roselyn alone! You're not aloud to mess with her!"

        She just kept her little smirk and watched behind me. I turned around to see Roselyn running to the woods with a few guys following behind her. I turned back to Cresent and growled.

        "If she gets hurt. You're dead. That's a promise." I barked out as I ran after them.

        'Oh, please stay safe Rosie.' I thought to myself as I ran. When I made it there I saw Roselyn at the edge of the cliff, then she lost her footing and went tumbling down the cliff. I growled and shoved all the vamps out of way. While punching one of them in the process. Then I ran and jumped off the cliff. I dove into the water and swam to Roselyn's body.

        She was sinking, looking lifeless. I grabbed her arm, gently, and pulled her towards my chest. She was knocked out so I swam faster until we were above the water. I swam to the closest shore and laid her on the sand.

        I placed my fingers on her wrist and searched for a pulse. When I didn't find one I held onto her nose with one hand and breathed into her mouth. After a few breaths I placed my hands on her chest and began CPR. It took a few tries but she finally coughed up the water. But was still unconscious.

        I sighed in relief, while tears flowed down my face. I picked her up bridal style and walked up the path. We went through the area where the party was. Everyone was dancing and chatting. Until people saw Roselyn. Gasps were surrounding us as was more chatter. Hushed whispers were heard as I walked to the infirmary.

         "I warned you." Was all I said to Cresent. She shook in fear as I walked passed her.

        I kicked the door open and yelled," I need help!" A nurse took her and they took her to another room.

      "I'm sorry, but you need to wait in here." She said as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

        All I could do was nod and sit in a chair in the waiting room. 'It's all my fault.. if only I got there sooner..' I thought as I placed my head into my hands and cried.

        "Theo? Is that you? What are you doing here, boy? What's wrong, why are you crying?" A voice I recognized asked.

        I looked up and saw the person whom I wish I didn't see. 'I'm so dead..' was all I could think.

-----------------To Be Continued-----------------


     Sorry the chapter is so short. But I wanted to have you guys guess who he saw. Thought I'm pretty sure you'll know haha..

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