A Night In

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"UGH," you groaned as you tossed your pencil aside in frustration over your sworn enemy: chemistry.  You decided to take a break from homework and leave your room to get a snack.  It was 7:30P.M. and your assignment was due by 11:59P.M. 

You reached your freezer and decided to go for the tub of ice cream.  You grabbed a spoon and went to the coach to unwind with some TV.  You were about a month into your junior year of high school and everyone that cared about their grades, college, and the dreaded future was stressing over college applications and major assignments coming up.  Your main focus has been school, but you weren't the type whose only goal was to get into an ivy league university (thank goodness).  As you flipped through the channels you decided to watch a crime show.  You absolutely loved crime shows, although you despised that sometimes the narrator's voice was so boring that it would put you to sleep.  You put another spoonful of ice cream into your mouth and watched as the investigators explained the crime scene and the evidence found and how the wife of the deceased was no where to be found.

"It was a lover, I'm sure of it" you said as you licked at the spoon.

A few moments passed and you placed the tub on the table next to the couch to make yourself more comfortable.  You didn't feel your body become heavy when the next thing you knew your eyes shot open in panic. "Damn!" you yelled as you quickly got up to check the time.  The clock on the wall read 9:15.  You let out a sigh of relief as you tried to calm your breathing and turned off the TV.  You washed the spoon you just used and made your way back upstairs to your room to finish your assignment.  Your mom should be home soon.  She made dinner plans with some of her close friends and she's usually back around 9:30.  Your father died when you were 10 years old in a tragic car accident.  You were now 16 and at times it hurt thinking of him and how he has missed out on some parts of your life, but you did your best on the difficult days.  

Just as your opened your laptop you heard a car door close and a moment later you heard your mom come in through the front door. 

"I'm home (Y/N)" you heard her call from the living room. 

"I'm in my room!" you yelled from your desk.  You heard footsteps coming up the stairs and turned to face the doorway.  "Hey mom, how was dinner?" you asked and your mom made her way to your bed to sit.  "It was nice seeing my friends for bit.  We talked about the usual: work, kids, trying to make time for everything, rude customers and bosses, etc." 

"I can only imagine," you giggled as your got up from your desk chair to sit on your bed next to your mom.  "Has Helen found a boyfriend yet?" you asked looking at her with the tell-me-all-the-details-look.  Helen was one of your mom's closest friends.  She's 4 years younger than your mom and she's never been married.  You didn't think there was anything wrong with that, but Helen did.  Every time you saw her or overheard you mom talking to her on the phone she would always say something like "I'll never find the one" or "Someone's missing out, I'm telling you."  

Your mother laughed at your question saying," No, but she finds a new coworker at the office kinda attractive though.  Who knows maybe something will happen there."  "Maybe," you responded.  

"Oh, I brought you back some pasta."  Your mother informed you.  "YES!" You exclaimed as you knew your mom went to one of your favorite restaurants for dinner.  Just as you were about to get up and leave your room your phone rang and you saw your best friend (BF/N)'s face on the screen.  

"What up, buttercup?" you said as you answered the phone.  "I'm dying!!" She said in an exaggerated tone.  "I hate chemistry.  Why do we even need to take this stupid class anyway?  It's not like I will ever need to calculate the moles of something in my life" she whined as your made your way downstairs to get some pasta.  "I don't know, but I'm dying, too.  What question are you on anyway?"  

"I'm on number 12 out of 20" she answered.  "Not bad," you answered, "you still have some time to finish them."  

"How did movie night go with your boy last night?" you asked closing the microwave door.  "It went great (Y/N)!!!" she squealed.  "Well give me some details then.  Make my life interesting I'm begging you."  Your friend (BF/N) had recently gotten with a guy from school almost 2 months ago.  They had a few classes together last year and they clicked effortlessly.  

Just as you were making your way back up the stairs you heard your mom's bedroom door close.  "I'm going to take a bath!" she yelled from the other side of the door.  "Okay!" you yelled back so she could hear you. 

You sat back at your desk with your phone against your laptop screen and your plate of pasta next to you.

You made yourself comfy on your chair asking," You gonna give me details or not?" Just as you put some pasta into your mouth she said, "We kissed and held hands."  You chocked on your pasta from hearing that your best friend was kissed by her crush of over 6 months.  "AWWWWW" was all you could say at the moment.  "You two make a cute couple honestly," you told your friend as she blushed on the other side of the screen.  "But he knows that if he hurts you I will HURT him right?"  "Oh trust me he knows who you are and that my best friend will always come first."  "Good," was all you sternly said to your screen.  

"Hey I have to go now (Y/N).  If I keep talking I'll never finish this stupid assignment."  You nodded your head and said," Okay, see you tomorrow."  Just as your were about to hang up you said," Hey, remember tomorrow we get assigned a partner for that bio lab project okay?"  "Ooo I almost forgot about that," your friend said in a shocked tone.  "Maybe we'll get paired up, who knows!" (BF/N) said.  

"Maybe." was all you said. "Bye! Good night."


Author's Note:  

I hope you enjoy where this is going.  Point out any errors I missed.

I love Matt Holt and I really feel passionate about this story.

My IG is kerebos.ly.

Twitter: LAGchick. 

Stay tuned and comment :)

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