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About three months had passed since you officially met the Holts.  Mrs. Holt would invite you over and she let you know countless times that you were welcome anytime.  Today Mr. Holt invited you to join him and Matt to his work and even give you a tour of the Garrison.  You were currently in the back seat of the car next to Matt discussing the latest articles about space theories you had read.  Occasionally Mr. Holt would interject a comment and tell you whether or not he even thought it was possible or not.  You and Matt loved talking about conspiracy theories and during the car ride you would find out that a few were actually true and some were total lies and scientifically impossible.  An hour later you pulled up to a gate with guards and drug-sniffing dogs.  The guard already knew Mr. Holt and let him enter quickly.  After parking you followed Mr. Holt through a bunch of hallways and past several offices.  You walked up to a panel with numbers and a retinal scanner, apparently, this was Mr. Holt's lab and office.   Matt nudged your arm and whispered, "I never get tired of seeing that."  You giggled in response and walked into the large lab with cabinets, screens, panels, and computers everywhere.  Mr. Holt explained some things to you and then began the tour around the grounds.  

Eventually making your way back to the lab, you all sat on the couch in the corner to relax.  "I can't believe you work here and get to build rockets and space gadgets!" you said.  "Well," Mr. Holt started, "it takes a lot of time, trial and error, and patience.  You see that thing in the corner?" he asked.  You nodded in response and looked at what seemed to be a weird bike, hovering device stashed away in the opposite corner.  "The plan didn't take long, but getting everything to work smoothly and working out all the kinks took me almost a year.  But now I can build one in a week if I wanted to," he said.  "And I can add updates of course."  You and Matt both let out a small laugh.  

Just then a beep was heard and the door opened, Shiro and Adam walked in.  They were dressed in their Garrison uniforms, their top buttons undone and they both had some spots of what seemed to be oil on their uniforms.  "I need a break," Adam said.  "Hey you two," Mr. Holt greeted," how's it going today?"  "I need a break," Adam repeated, this time looking directly at Mr. Holt.  "It's going well," Shiro said, "it's only malfunctioned once today and we've done three test runs.  We're getting there."  Adam slumped down on the reclining chair next to your end of the sofa.  "Hey Adam," Matt said.  You looked over at Adam and he seemed tired.  "Hey," you said with a smile.  "Does your dad push you guys like this at home?" Adam asked Matt.  "Because I can feel a knot forming on the back of my neck and he's fully responsible for it."  You couldn't help but giggle at the tone and Matt just shook his head because he knew how dedicated his father and his team were, all of the hard work and time they put in to get something to work.  

After some small talk, Matt walked over to where Shiro and Mr. Holt were standing, he decided he wanted to look at the blueprints on the monitor and see what his dad was working on.  You didn't feel like getting up and decided to keep talking to Adam.  You talked about school and movies and he asked you what dating Matt was like.  Your tone was one of excitement and endearment when you spoke of Matt, you really did care for the dork.  Adam let out a laugh but he smiled at the conversation.  "Matt is a great kid, and I'm glad you two are finding out more about one another," he said.  Before you knew it an hour had passed and Mr. Holt was still discussing possible changes to the plan of whatever was on the screen.  You weren't sure if looking at the screen would be considered sneaky, I mean it technically was a government project right?  Adam walked towards the door and he noticed your expression and he thought you looked a little bored at the moment.  He got your attention by waving his hand and signaling you to follow him.  "Where are we going Adam?" you asked the man walking slightly ahead of you.  "To see something cool," he responded simply.  "Am I allowed to see whatever it is you want to show me?" you asked cautiously.  "Because I don't want to get in trouble or anything."  Adam slowed his pace and made eye contact with you, "Y/N I swear you're allowed to see this stuff," he said with a reassuring smile.  "And besides, you're with me," he said.  

Chance & Trust (A Matt Holt x Reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now