Another Monday

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You closed your locker and started walking down the lengthy hallway towards your biology class. It was your 11A.M class but you were hungry so you opened your backpack to start munching on the cookies you packed.

As you approached the biology classroom you saw (BF/N) coming from the opposite end of the hallway slightly panting. "Why do you look like you just ran a mile?" you asked her. "I had to talk to my English teacher after class about some 'missing assignment' I have" she said making quotation marks in the air with her fingers. "I'm sure that old guy Johnson lost it again. I thought I was going to be late so I decided to run." She answered you. "I'm so lucky I didn't get Johnson this semester for English, it sounds like such a drag" You said while finishing your cookies as the both of you made it your way into class. "Yeah yeah yeah, just be thankful for your luck because eventually it's going to run out and you'll be more miserable than me, (Y/N)" (BF/N) told you as she took out her notebook from her backpack.

"Good morning class," your biology teacher Mrs. Cartinelli said as she walked in and placed a stack of papers on the edge of her desk. "Please be seated so we may start immediately in order to have the last 10 minutes of class to introduce this semester's lab project." The class settled down and you clicked your pen, ready to take notes on the day's lesson. As the lesson went on you felt yourself become intrigued with the current chapter and you hoped the class project would be just as interesting, if not even more so. It was 11:43A.M. and Mrs. Cartinelli capped her dry erase marker and set it down in the small container at the bottom of the whiteboard.

"Alrighty then, now that you have some introductory information on how organisms' aging patterns can be studied, I'm going to briefly explain your semester project." She grabbed the stack of papers from her desk and passed one to each student. The flipping of pages was the only thing heard in the room as Mrs. Cartinelli walked back towards the front of the classroom. "This semester your class will get the opportunity to combine the ideas of the DNA and hereditary chapter with the aging chapter to write a paper on one way aging can be studied in an organism and factors that relate to an organism's aging," she said clearing her throat to continue, "In a group of say...20 monkeys for example, all of them may be healthy but 2 can develop some kind of heart defect in their later stages of life. You and your partner would research that species of monkey and how illnesses affect animals and write about it." As Mrs. Cartinelli began to write some notes on the board to looked down at the guidelines for the paper. You copied down the notes that we on the board and just as you finished the last sentence the bell rang.

"Please don't all run out of here," Mrs. Cartinelli said, "I'm going to hand you a folded sheet of paper with your assigned partner's name, as well as some extra tutoring hours I've scheduled in case you have questions about these chapters or the project." (BF/N) looked at you eagerly, hoping you would be each other's partner. Mrs. Cartinelli began handing papers to students as they exited the classroom and the occasional "thank you" and "bye Mrs. C" could be heard as students were now making their way to lunch. As you neared the door you felt a bit anxious about who your partner was. You hoped it would be someone you knew, best case scenario being (BF/N) or one of your other friends from the class. You approached Mrs. C and she handed you the paper saying, "Here you go (Y/N)" "Thanks Mrs. C" you called out as you gave her a small smile and exited the room.

Just outside the room two of your friends, John and Amy, stood outside waiting for you and (BF/N) so you could all walk together to your lockers.

"Who'd you get, (Y/N)?" Amy asked you as she unfolded her paper.

"Don't know yet," you said as you pushed up your glasses a bit.

"What about you, (BF/N)?" you asked, turning your head to your friend.

(BF/N) let out a sigh, "Well it's not you (Y/N)," she said as she took out her phone to scroll through Instrgram.

You and your friends reached your lockers and you opened your backpack to get your books for your next class.

"YES!" you heard Amy say as she high-fived John. "I'm working with you, John. Better make sure you don't slack off." John returned the excitement.

"Well at least they're working with someone they know." You thought to yourself.

"C'mon (Y/N), who's your partner?" John asked in anticipation.

"Let's see here," you said zipping your backpack closed. "I'm working with," you said in a rather dramatic tone looking down at your sheet of paper.

The name written on the paper read: Matthew Holt.

Chance & Trust (A Matt Holt x Reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now