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Here is the next update, I realized I should start moving time along.  Also, if you haven't done so already, check out my Voltron one-shot book :)  It's new and I usually update the same time as this one.  Feel free to request something, and as also comment on my work, I absolutely love and appreciate it. Enjoy!


Third Person P.O.V.

Matt wasn't sure of it yet, but he really felt something for Y/N.  Just that one afternoon with endless conversation had such an effect on him.  Matt could be shy at times, maybe a little awkward, and he was a bit self-conscious, though none of these factors have affected his relationships greatly.  But he felt so comfortable around you and he wanted to develop a friendship because he's never been so gravitated to someone before.  Being around you, felt so natural to him.  

You would see each other around school and wave to each other, but you had very different schedules so you only had biology class with him, even then your assigned seats were on opposite sides of the room.

--------Time Skip--------

It was a Saturday night and your mom had made plans with her friends, except this time they included you.  Apparently, it was one of her friend's birthday and she was hosting a dinner at her house.  You and your mom spent the morning baking pastries for the party, giving yourselves enough time to get ready for the evening.  You wore a simple navy blue dress and wedges, your mother in maroon pants and a beige blouse with heels.  The dinner was great, it was practically a buffet.  Eventually the women had brought out bottles of wine and some light mixed drinks were being made.  Your mom offered you some wine and you took it.  If this was adulthood, you didn't think it seemed so horrible.  Of course work was important, but your mom's group of friends seemed to enjoy themselves every now and then, taking time away from their work and endless responsibilities just to have fun for a few hours. 

You sat on the comfy couch munching on some snacks when you felt your phone vibrate.  Taking your phone out of your clutch you saw the notification:

Snapchat: Matt

You opened the message, reading: Are we still on for tonight? 8:30 right?

"Crap!" You mentally facepalm yourself.  

You were so caught up with finishing your English paper and helping your mom bake that you completely forgot that you and Matt had arranged to FaceTime to finish editing the project.  

You opened the camera and snapped a picture of the dinner scene, adding the caption: Hey Matt, I'm sorry I completely forgot about it.  I'm not home right now and I don't think I'll be home by 8:30.  I'm not sure what time I'll be home tbh. 

You sent your snap and waited.  Knowing your mom's friends, the dinner wouldn't carry on forever.  They were already on dessert, so maybe about an hour longer?  

Your phone vibrated again and you quickly opened Snapchat.  

Matt: It's alright.  You have some delicious lookin' desserts in front of you.  I'm usually up late so I don't mind.  

Y/N: Oh okay cool.  And yeah, I'm a sucker for desserts so I'm enjoying myself.  

Matt: Good.  Text me when you get home.

Y/N: okay :)

About 2 hours later you had finally made it home.  You rushed upstairs to your room and changed out of your dress and into some sweats and a t-shirt.  You gathered your notes and grabbed your laptop to sit on your bed.  Your mom poked her head into your doorway saying, "I'm going to clean my face and call it a night.  Don't stay up too late, okay?"  You answered her, "Yeah, I won't.  Good night."  "Night," she said, closing your bedroom door.

Chance & Trust (A Matt Holt x Reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now