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Wednesday evening.


I was finishing some laundry when I heard my phone's notification tone go off.  I set down my laundry basket on the floor and checked my phone.

Matt: Hey, I was wondering if maybe we could meet up tomorrow after school in the library to work on the project a bit?

Y/N: Hey Matt, yeah I have no problem meeting up tomorrow.  Can you please send me the articles you saved?

You waited a few minutes for a reply.

Matt: Oh, my bad.  I thought I sent them.

A moment later you got an email notification from him.

Y/N: Cool, I just got them.  And I'm guessing you want to meet right after class?  

Matt: yeah

Y/N: I'll meet up with you as soon as I finish talking to my English teacher.  He somehow misplaced my quarter paper and it's kind of worth a lot.

Matt: Dang, that sucks.  And sure.  I'll find a table for us, although I doubt the library will be that busy tomorrow.

Y/N: Nice.  See you tomorrow then.

Matt: See you tomorrow.  

You set down your phone on your table and went back to folding your laundry.  Once everything was put away you walked downstairs to join your mom on the couch to watch a reality show.  She soon brought out some snacks and you thanked her.

"So what's the project on?  The one that you brought up the other day," she asked putting a pretzel into her mouth.  "With a partner, we have to research some aging process and something that can affect it.  The reading I've done hasn't been too boring thankfully," you tell her.  

"Ah, I see," your mom responds.  "And who's your lab partner?" she asked with her eyes fixed on the TV screen. 

"Matt.  I don't know him but I do know he's smart and seems interested in the project though," you tell her.

"Is he cute?" your mother asks, nudging your arm.

"MOM!" you yelled, rather shocked.

"What?" she asked with a sly smile.  "It's just a question, (Y/N)" she said.

Your mom knew that you currently weren't interested in dating at all.  You were almost 17 and you enjoyed your life honestly.  Of course, there would be a little tug at your heart when you would see a cute couple holding hands at school or while you were out with your friends, or seeing couples surprise each other with small gifts, or seeing couples support each other at school events or all the cheesy posts on social media, etc.  But you just didn't care for a relationship right now.  

"No, I don't think he's cute," you answered your mom.  "And besides, I don't even know him other than the fact that he's basically a genius when it comes to math."

Your mom remained silent as she kept her eyes on the sobbing woman on the TV screen.  The woman had just seen her fiance flirt and get handsy with another woman.  The woman walked up to her fiance and began yelling, then stormed off.  The man chased after her and he did catch up to her in the parking lot.  Just as she was about to get into her car, she reached for one of her heels and threw it at the pleading man.  "And don't you dare come home to sleep tonight!" she shouted, closing her car door and speeding off.

"Serves him right," your mom said.

"Yeah, he deserved that," you said.

You watched the rest of the episode in silence as the climax was juicy between the personalities.  

"Oh mom," you started, "I'm going to be working on the project tomorrow after school with Matt," you said.  "I'll probably just be home a little later than usual and I'll text you when I leave the school."

"Yeah, no problem (Y/N)," she said.


Matt's P.O.V. 

I sat at my desk reading articles about the project.  I have never been super interested in Biology but I figured that reading up on aging should help me feel more prepared.  And honestly, I'm really hoping this project won't feel like a drag.  

I decided to take a break and climb onto the roof of the house for some fresh air.  I pulled a navy blue sweatshirt over my head and thought maybe Katie would like to join me.  Tippy-toeing to her room I lightly knocked on the once, then twice quickly, then once again.  We've used this secret knock for about 2 years now whenever one of us wants to stay up with the other.  I hear faint footsteps coming towards the door and a groggy Katie opens it whispering, "What do you want?"

"I was thinking of sitting on the roof for a while, wanna come?" I asked.

"Sure," she replied as she reached for a dark green hoodie.

We quietly made our way back to my room where I grab my laptop and slip on the nearest pair of sneakers.  I open my bedroom window and let Katie go first.  Once we're on the roof we take in the sight of the moon.  It's nearly a full moon tonight, the sky is clear, there's a slight breeze, it's overall peaceful.  Katie scoots herself closer to me and leans her head on my shoulder.  

"So, what homework have you been working on," she asks me pointing to my laptop.  "You don't bring your laptop up here that often."

"Oh, I was reading some stuff for biology tomorrow," I being," I'm starting on a research project tomorrow after school.  I thought that reading beforehand will help it go smoothly."

"Is that the project you have to do with that assigned partner?" she asked.

"Yeah," I answer.  "I just don't want this project to feel like a drag."

"You said you got paired up with a girl right," she asks me looking other at me.

"Yeah, her name is (Y/N)," I answer.

"So are you FINALLY gonna get a girlfriend?" she asks in a teasing tone.

I playfully push her slightly away from me.  "HEY, I could have a girlfriend if I wanted to right now," I say pushing up my glasses further up the bridge of my nose.  "I'm just not interested in any girl right now," I say opening up my laptop.

"Whatever," Katie says fixing some of her hair behind her ear.  "I bet you $10 that you will develop a crush on this girl," she says with a sly smile.

"I'll take you up on that bet Katie," I answer her.  "Better have that crisp $10 bill ready in a month though, this project isn't due for about 5 weeks."

"That leaves plenty of time Matt," she says.  

"Whatever," says Katie.

"How about we look up some new space articles?" she asks cheerfully with a gleam in her eye.

"I knew you would ask something like that," I respond with a small giggle opening up my web browser.  

Katie and I spend the next half hour reading new science articles about space and physics and theories.  Eventually, she yawns and I feel one coming too.  I suggest for us to go to sleep and we do.  After we climbed back into my room I watch her walk back down the hall and into her room.  I climb under my blanket and within a few minutes, I feel sleep take over me. 


Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter may seem kind of boring.  I'm still trying to figure out how I want to write the actual project part of it based on the research I did last semester.  I know HOW I want their relationship to be but I want this project to feel real.  The next chapter will be better, I promise.

Also THANK YOU SO MUCH for voting and reading!


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