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Author Note:

Hey readers! Hope this week has been a good one for you all! I'm trying to time skip a little in this and I hope you all have been enjoying it so far.  I felt that I kept dragging it but didn't really know how to speed this up, but I know what I'm doing now lol.  Also, I recently started a Voltron book and requests are OPEN!  

Alright, let's get on with this chapter then!

I hope you all enjoy it.


It was the day before the presentation and most of the class was procrastinating.

"Sup John, you have your project done yet?" You asked your friend as class was about to start.

"Yeah, just editing tonight.  Partner Lazy Bones actually worked on it a lot this past weekend so I'd say we're set for presentations tomorrow." He answered you as he took his seat.  "I'm guessing you guys are done right?" He said.  "I mean you two seem to be communicating very well," he said in a teasing tone.  You elbowed him and thankfully your other friends didn't hear that as they were too busy complaining about the work they still had left.  

"Shush," you whispered harshly.  "We haven't talked much since then."

Just then the sound of your teacher clapping her hands silenced the rather noisy room.

Time flew by and next thing you knew you were at your locker getting your books.

Your friends said their goodbyes for the day and they walked away dreading all the work they still had to do on their projects.

"My poor babies," you whispered to yourself.  

"Hey Y/N," you heard Matt's voice from beside you.

You peered over your locker door and looked at the boy.  "Hey," you responded.

"So what time would work for you tonight?  I think you said you had some chem due tonight too right?" He asked.

"Yeah, I have that crap to deal with first," you said with a fake groan of complaint.

"Okay, I'll text you later then," he simply said.

"For sure," you said as you closed your locker.  You walked out of the school together and before you reached the main intersection some type of awkwardness fell between the both of you.

Matt P.O.V.

The past few days I just keep replaying that comment I made in my head.  A part of me really wanted her to take it as just a simple compliment.  Yet another part of me wanted to know if she thought anything of it at all.  In the last five weeks we've had so many great conversations, we've made each laugh, we've opened up to one another.  And even if she doesn't like me right now, I hope we'll still talk to each other once the project is over with.  Honestly, I don't know how to go about this, but I'm sure we're friends.

Reader P.O.V.

The walk to the main intersection lastly only about five minutes.  But in those five minutes I wondered if Matt would bring up the comment from over the weekend.  It was nice, and I really do enjoy hanging out with him and talking to him, but I'm not sure how I'll react if he were to bring it up.  The intersection was not even a half a block away now and I broke the silence.

"So would around 7 work for you tonight?" you asked.

"Y-yeah, sounds good," he answered, and you noticed he didn't make eye contact with you.

"Cool," you answered simply.  "Talk to you later then, bye," you told the boy as you crossed the street.

"Bye Y/N, text ya later," he said giving you an awkward wave.

Once you made it home you tossed your backpack onto the floor of your room and brought out your phone.

"Hey, I'm feeling something and I may have just created some awkwardness between us." You said to the person on the other line as soon as you heard them say "hello."

"Told you so," John said.

"Ugh," you groaned. "I've been thinking about him and I do like the friendship we have so far.  I can actually have an intelligent conversation with him and he's funny and he's kinda nerdy and he has a cute laugh." you began to ramble.

"Kinda?" John questioned in an exaggerated tone.

"Shut it," you snapped back in reply.

"Okay okay," you said as you inhaled deeply.  "Once the presentation is fully over with, I'll talk to him and try to get at what he's thinking," you said, trying to sound confident.  

"Good enough," your friend replied.

After another 20 minutes of rambling and teasing over the phone, you finally hung up and made yourself a snack.  You didn't want to go to bed too late so you started your homework as soon as you finished your quick bite.

Your mom came home and she left you to do your homework, as she just called you for dinner.

It was 6:30pm and you were on your last chemistry problem.

"Just act cool, Y/N," you told yourself, mentally preparing for the video chat.  "Just be normal, you've video chatted him like a dozen times now right?  This is nothing."

The next half hour seemed to go by slowly, yet too quickly at the same time.

Third Person P.O.V.

He kept checking the time as he didn't have any other homework assignments for the night.  had all his notes ready to go over the presentation again.  Then, Pidge came into his room, jumping onto his bed.  

"What are you up to Matt?" she asked.

He seemed a bit stressed about something, like he couldn't concentrate on the work in front of him.

"Hey Katie, I'm just about to finish up a presentation for tomorrow.  That biology one." He replied dryly.

"About time it's over with.  Then maybe we can play some videos games this weekend!" 

"For sure," he answered.

"So was your partner cute after all?" She asked.  "You haven't mentioned her much."

Matt's posture stiffened at the mention of her.  "She's alright," he responded.  "She's nice."

Katie noticed how Matt's attitude changed and she got up and left the room.  She still suspected something, she just didn't know what yet.

Reader P.O.V.

The video chat started and the awkwardness was still there, like both of us were avoiding something but didn' know how to bring it up in conversation.  Eventually the mood faded and the conversation flowed like normal.  You both wrote on a note card to make sure you wouldn't forget anything and honestly, the majority of the time spent on the call was talking about anything BUT the project.  Matt was good company and you really did enjoy talking to him. 

------Time skip to Biology class the next day-----

You and Matt were called up to present.  You weren't nervous, and you felt prepared.  The class laughed at the memes within the presentation and it seemed to pass by quickly.  The presentation was over with before you knew it.  You both took your seats once again and sat through the rest of the presentations.  

The bell finally rang and everyone handed in their paper to go along with the presentation.  You walked out into the hallway and to your locker with your friends.  John had asked you if you were up for a burger when his mom had asked him to come straight home after school.

"Never mind I guess, next week for sure," he said before starting his walk home.

You closed your locker door and noticed Matt standing a few steps away from your locker.  

"Hi," you said.

"Hey," he answered. 

You didn't even think this over in your head, you just blurted it out.

"If you don't have to be home soon, would you wanna hang out right now?"

Chance & Trust (A Matt Holt x Reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now