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Matt P.O.V.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, snapping me back to reality. It was a text, from Katie.

Katie: Did you get kidnapped or something?! Where are you?

I chuckled at the thought of my little sister actually being worried about me.

Matt: Haha, no I didn't get kidnapped. I'm on my way home, I should be there in 20 minutes tops.

Katie: ok

The rest of the walk home I spent feeling some type of happy.  Occasionally looking up at the sky I started thinking, and then that's when I realized it: I actually liked being around Y/N today.  I didn't know her at all, and I was honestly dreading the idea that she might be a lousy partner to have for the project, but I don't think this project will be boring after all.

To busy in my train of thought, I didn't even realize that I was just a moment away from home.  I made a left and crossed the all too familiar street.  Unlocking the door I was greeted with a hot-headed Katie.  

"You know you could have texted me or mom that you were going to be home late right?!" she said raising her voice at me.  

"I told mom I was going to be at school late.  And I swear I told you, too," I answered her calmly.  "Maybe you just forgot.  The fact that mom hasn't called me or left any angry voicemails I think says she remembered." I answered with a chuckle.  

I walked into the living room and saw my mom sitting on the couch reading a magazine, and she looked... calm.

"Hey mom," I said taking a seat next to her.  At first she didn't make eye contact with me, and for a second I thought that maybe I had forgotten to tell them I would be out late.  "Oh no," I thought.  "Did I really forget to ask permission to stay out late?? I swear I asked my mom.  Of course I did, I always do."  I started panicking, trying to remember every conversation I've had with her the last couple of days. My mom looked over at me with a stern expression.

"And you stood out late because.....????" she dragged that last word.

"I, uh, had that biology project to work on."  I started to explain.  "The one that I've been reading articles on lately.  I thought I told you about it?  And I thought I asked permission to stay out late today."  I was speaking at 100 words per second and I could feel my neck heating up a little.  Then my mother's face relaxed and she started laughing.

"Told you he would get scared, didn't I?" she said looking over to Katie.  She was laughing hysterically, hunched over in the chair across from the couch.  My mom got up and gave Katie a high five saying, "got him," then proceeding into the kitchen.

"UGH!" I groaned.

~~~~~~~~~Time Skip to next school day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 Third Person P.O.V.

Biology class was about to start and I took my seat amongst my friends towards the back of the class.  "Hey Y/N," John greeted you.  "How's your project coming along?" 

"Hey John," you said, taking out your notebook.  "I'd say we got a good start.  Have you started on your project yet?"  You asked your friend who was known for procrastination.

"Yeah, I've tried to anyway," he said sounding a little frustrated.

"You seem..... bothered.  What's up?" you asked.

"Well, for starters, the guy never answers his phone.  He leaves me on read a lot.  He doesn't really seem to care about this project.  I'M trying to get a good grade here but this guy just doesn't give a shit," John began to rant.  You felt bad for your friend.  It's fair to say that most people have felt that they've had to do all or the majority of the work in a group project at least once in their lifetime.  You stared at your friend, he really was getting heated.  John was not only known for leaving things for the last minute, but ever since you've known him he also stresses a lot, and not just when it comes to grades.  You extended your hand out and placed it on top of John's.

Chance & Trust (A Matt Holt x Reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now