End of Summer pt. 2

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The bookstore was welcoming as ever to both of you.  You walked through the comicbook section, looked at the new games they had displayed, and debating on buying Uno Flip.  After getting something to eat you walked to the park that was one of your favorite places to go to on any given day.  You and Matt sat on a bench and he began to tell you about all his adventures while on his trip.  He told you about the museum tours, the guest speakers, the group activities, and the shenanigans that the students would get themselves into at night in the dorms.  

"So you had some cake at 3 am?" you asked.  "That has to be the most rebellious thing I've ever heard you do Matthew," you told in a scandalous tone. 

"Yeah, you're probably right," he responded.  "Anyway, I brought you something."  He leaned away from you and pull out something from his t-shirt pocket.  Wrapped in royal blue tissue paper was a simple silver bracelet.  "Hand please," he asked.  You extended your right arm and he unlocked the clasp and placed it around your wrist.  Your eyes widen with surprise and you felt your neck become a bit hotter.  "Does he really like me THIS much?!" you asked yourself.  

"Aww, thank you Matt!" you exclaimed, wrapping your arms around him.  He returned the embrace and kissed your forehead.  

"You're welcome, Y/N.  But I don't think you've even seen the best part," he said as he released you from his embrace.  "Look at what's engraved on it."

You examined the bracelet and when you saw the writing on it you couldn't help but let out a giggle.  "That's so adorable, I love it!"

"That's right, a space pun," he said proudly.

On the bracelet were the words: We found each other, even in interstellar space.

Later on you walked to Matt's house where you sat in the living room with his family.  

"So, I was thinking,  and of course ask permission before giving us an answer," Mrs. Holt began, "would you like to come with us on our camping trip Y/N?"  Mrs. Holt looked up at you.  You didn't know what to say. 

"Wow, I've never been camping before," you answered.  "I'll ask my mom, thank you very much for the offer."  

"If you end up going, I promise it'll be entertaining to see Pidge lose her mind over not being able to play video games for a few days," Matt said.

"Is that so?" you inquired, "out of the both of you I would expect that you would have a harder time without technology honestly," you said referring to your boyfriend.

Pidge chuckled in the corner, "yeah, between the both of us I've been more impatient.  It gets boring after a while."

"How could spending some quality time with your family be boring?" Mr. Holt pipped in, narrowing his eyes at his daughter.  Katie bit her bottom lip and remained quiet. 

Matt looked over at you, asking, "Hey Y/N, want to come to my room so I can show you more of the things from my trip?"  You sensed a bit of tension in the room after Pidge's comment so you nodded your head in response.  Matt opened the door for you and you sat on his bed while he excitedly brought some things out from bags and books from his bookshelf that was either given to him by the program or things he bought while on his trip.  After the two of you geeked over the material and new fun facts he learned, he opened his laptop and started to show you pictures he had taken.  By this time, at least 30 minutes had past and for Matt, the position he was sitting in was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable, so he leaned back against his pillows and brought you back with him.  He kept the commentary coming as he talked about the tours he experienced and the group activities that he surprisingly ended up enjoying.  Slowly you felt yourself becoming more and more comfortable laying on the bed so put your head on his shoulder as he continued the virtual experience.  You hadn't realized how late it was getting until you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket.  It was your mom calling.  You answered, "Hey mom."

"Y/N, have you noticed the time?"  It wasn't until then that you saw the time on Matt's laptop, it read 9:16 pm.  "Oh crap," you thought to yourself.  

"I'm sorry mom, I didn't realize the time.  I'll start walking home now if you want," you asked.

"No it's alright, I'll go pick you up." And with that, she hung up on you.

 "I'm sorry Y/N," Matt said.  "I didn't mean to keep you here for so long.  

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure she's just a little mad because I didn't call her saying I would be out this late," you responded.  Matt closed his laptop and put it down to the side.  For a few seconds, both of you were just awkwardly staring at the ceiling before you turned your body to the side a bit and cuddled him, your face buried into his chest.  

The following weekend you were in an RV with Matt and his family and you were on the way to their favorite campground that was about 3 hours away from home.  You and Matt were reading comicbooks while Pidge was reading a sci-fi novel.  The drive was silent at times but in a calming way; Colleen had turned on the radio.  Pidge stood up from her seat on the couch to grab a bag of chips and brought it back to the table and she offered to share.  You gave Matt a side glance and he just shrugged his shoulders in response and leaned over to grab some chips.  

An hour later, Sam had parked the RV in the family's favorite spot and you and the Holt siblings were taking out everything needed to get ready for dinner.  A hammock was set up, the barbeque was almost ready, you and Matt had set up the small table and folding chairs, and the snacks were ready to be devoured.  After the early dinner, Mr. Holt decided to take you and Matt for a short hike so you could become familiar with the area.  Since you had never gone camping before, everything was new to you, but you were enjoying yourself nonetheless.  After watching the sunset you had returned to the campsite where Mrs. Holt and Pidge were ready with the small table set up with chocolate bars, graham crackers, and marshmallows.  The evening was peaceful and you had felt welcome by Matt and his family more than ever before.  As everything was put away for the night everyone made their way back inside the RV and got ready for bed.  Now, this was the part you were a bit curious about because you noticed that the RV had a separate bed (presumably for Matt's parents), and then two smaller beds.  You thought you were going to sleep on the couch by the eating area because it was definitely more than enough room for you to lie down, but it was actually Colleen that had pulled you aside to tell you that she didn't mind if you bunked with Matt (She would have suggested you bunk with Pidge except she moves A LOT in her sleep and would probably kick you out of the bed, literally).  

"Does Matt know you're okay with it?  I'm more worried about him being okay with it because I'm sure he'll think it's awkward," you responded with a giggle.

"Oh he'll be fine, once he stops blushing like crazy," she answered. 

Everyone was settling in for the night and you decided to wait until Matt got into the bunk-style bed first, then you would make your way into the bed.  As soon as Matt saw you moving into the bed his eyes went wide, so to calm him you whispered, "Your mom is okay with it, don't worry."  Matt still seemed as though he didn't believe it.  You turned to face away from him and brought the blanket up to your chest.  

"Good night," Mr. Holt said. 

"Night," Katie responded.

"Good night," you and Matt simultaneously responded.

Everyone else sounded like they were asleep and you were dozing off when you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder.  You turned your body to face Matt and looked at him, your expression saying, "Yeah?"  Matt took one of your hands in his and kissed your forehead, or at least he tried because since it was pretty dark he ended up kissing the bridge of your nose instead.  You held back a giggle and decided to reach out your hand: you felt his cheeks and you brought your head closer and pecked his lips.  You both fell asleep soundly after that.  

The rest of the camping trip went smoothly, more hikes, more deep conversations, more dad jokes from Mr. Holt, more time spent with Mrs. Holt, and your favorite memory... star gazing with Matt.  Mr. Holt brought a telescope and it was amazing.  You and Matt nearly pulled an allnighter looking through the telescope and taking pictures of the sky.  Matt used his camera to take some pictures of you, unbeknownst to you.  Eventually, you saw the camera and posed for him then you both took some pictures.  It was a lovely trip and it was the perfect way to clear your mind and prepare for the new school year.  

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