Diving In

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"Hurry Y/N!  You don't want to be late do you?" your mom's voice rang from the kitchen.

You got the job at the cafe and the manager, who also happened to be the owner of the place, was training you.  Your shifts currently started around 10am, after the morning rush.  The manager was nice and she seemed excited to build up her crowd.  For the cafe only being open for 3 months, she said the business was doing good so far.  She thought you had a "friendly face" and a "nice attitude" and she showed you how to make drinks like cappuccinos and iced coffees.  While the cafe wasn't the biggest place around the area, people were responding quite well.  During your morning shifts, you would help make the few types of sandwiches the cafe offered, make sure the refrigerators were stocked in the dining area, and cleaned what needed cleaning.  Maggie, your manager, was kind and had charisma; people loved her.  

Pushing a small cart, you headed out into the front and placed some more bottled drinks into the refrigerator.  The familiar ringing of the front door's bell chimed and you immediately looked over and smiled when you saw it was Matt and Pidge.  

"Welcome you two," you said as you walked over to them.  

"Hey Y/N," Pidge said as she took a seat at one of the tables.  

"Has it been busy?" Matt asked as he gave you a quick side hug before sitting across from Pidge.

"It wasn't too bad when I started.  I mostly serve the basic drinks and ring customers up if we get busy.  I haven't messed up any drinks yet so that's a good thing," you said.  

"Any rude customers yet?" he asked.  

"No, not yet anyway," you responded.  You walked towards the counter and began to wipe it down to make sure you didn't seem completely distracted from your job.  Although both you and Maggie have been getting along well, you still wanted to make a good impression.  At times you thought you might seem a bit stiff around the cafe, but surprisingly your anxiety had been minimal while you were on the clock.  

"Can I get you anything?" you asked them.  

Pidge immediately perked up and asked for a smoothie.  Matt simply said, "surprise me."

You headed behind the counter and decided to make something with chocolate for Katie and something fruity for Matt.  "I'll be right back," you told them as you headed to the back for the diced fruit.  Maggie had been in the back of the store going over the inventory for the last 10 minutes or so and she didn't mind having you alone at the front of the store when she knew it probably wouldn't get busy anytime soon.  Within a minute the blenders were roaring and drinks were being served.  You had placed a few cookies and pastries onto a plate and placed everything onto a serving tray and brought it over to their table.  

"Taadaa!" you said as you placed everything down in front of them.  "I thought you'd like to have something to munch on too, and these go really well with the drinks I made for you."

Katie noticed there was no lid on her drink and before she could look up at you, you brought out a can of whipped cream you had been hiding behind your back.  "I love you," she told you as you topped of her smoothie with some glorious whipped cream.  "Love you too," you responded to her.  The siblings enjoyed their drinks while you finished restoking the front and helped the occasional customer that'd come in for a cup of coffee to go.  

"Well Ms. L/N, I must say I berry much enjoyed the smoothie and it was as sweet as you," Matt said to you as he walked up to the counter to pay for the drinks and snacks.  You giggled in response and typed in your employee number to unlock the register.  "I'm glad you liked it, Matt.  I would have gone completely bananas had you said otherwise."  Just then Maggie appeared from the back and greeted the guests.  

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