Chapter 1: Manifesting

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          "Dylan Harper. You are one hard girl to find." A woman in business clothing said while sitting down across from me at this rundown diner. I was kindly escorted here by five burly men against my will.

"Yeah... Sentinal Services is looking for me. If they find me, I'm as good as dead... They think I'm dangerous, so I don't go around to five star establishments screaming my name. That would be stupid. This, by the way, is not cool." I said sarcastically pointing to the five men sitting around the diner making sure I stayed put.

 "Let me introduce myself. I'm Evangeline. I was recruited by some powerful people to give you a purpose." She said acting like I cared.

"Listen, my "purpose" or whatever is to avoid Sentinal Services and stay out of prison. With my record I'd end up in one of those fun psych hospitals where I won't remember my own name, so if you'll excuse me..." I said attempting to get up, but was pushed down by her henchmen. 

"The X-Men have chosen you to help run the Mutant Underground along with two other powerful mutants. You won't have to be alone anymore. You could have people to look out for you. You could help other mutants like you. Mutants that are scared and aren't accepted by their parents like you." She said.

"My parents didn't accept me because they knew that mutants were dangerous. I am living proof of that. I've hurt people, so why would the X-Men choose me?" I asked ashamed of my past.

"You can't change the past, but you can make sure it doesn't happen to someone else. You can redeem yourself. Push yourself. Become something, someone you never thought possible." She explained.

"Wow... you should be a motivational speaker." I said crossing my arms.

"I'm serious. The Mutant Underground can really use someone like you. Plus, you wouldn't have to look over your shoulder every second. Sure, you'd have to be careful, but you could be off the grid and help people while being there." She said and I was starting to get convinced.

"Fine... sign me up, but if this goes bad, I'm saving myself." I said blankly.

"We'll see about that." She said getting up from the booth while sliding me her card. She walked out of the diner with her posse following close behind. All this talk about mutants made me think of the time my powers manifested.



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          It was sophomore year of high school. My life was perfect. I had the perfect grades, perfect wardrobe, and the perfect boyfriend, Jared Davis. Sure, he was older, but it was more fun that way. I really thought I was in love, so I was ready to loose my v-card. I wanted the night to be perfect, so I planned everything to a tee. 

          We would go to prom and have the time of our lives. He already booked a room, so we had somewhere to go after the prom. I planned on having candles and rose petals all around us so that it would be romantic. I wore the most gorgeous dress that I've ever seen. It was a halter-top form fitting silver metallic dress with a slit up the leg. He was wearing a black suit with white detailing and a silver tie that perfectly matched my dress. 

        The prom winded down and I was very nervous. We headed up to our hotel room and he struggled to open the door. After a little jostling, the door finally opened. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked sweetly.

"Yes. I'm ready." I said trying to convince myself too.

"You are so beautiful." He said while his hands trailed down my arms to rest on my waist. I replied by kissing him. The kiss got heated and eventually there were bits of clothing everywhere. We settled on the bed and it continued to get more and more heated. I was starting to feel like I was having a panic attack. This was too soon.

"Hey, I don't know about this." I said as he continued to kiss my neck. 

"You said you were ready." he said not slowing down.

"Jared, I mean it... Stop." I said trying to push him away, but he wouldn't budge. He pinned me to the bed and started roaming my body with his hands.

"Stop. Stop... s...stop!!" I continued, but he just muffled my voice with rough kisses that weren't reciprocated. 

"STOP!!!" I yelled throwing my hands toward him and a huge gust of wind pushed him off of me and into the wall. I looked at my hands in shock... I looked to where Jared fell and saw he was unconscious with a giant gash in his head. 

I ran out of the room as quickly as I could without checking on him. I needed to get out of here. I couldn't go home because then my parents would find out I was a mutant. Was I a mutant? That's impossible... My thoughts were firing a mile a minute.

My parents hated mutants, so the only logical option I had was running. Surely, Sentinal Services would come after me because I hurt Jared. They would lock me up and throw away the key. I could empty all my parent's bank accounts and go under the radar. Small towns only, using only cash under a fake name. I've watched way too many movies. Thank God for that. Those movies are the only reasons why I know what to do in this situation. 


          I got up from the diner booth after realizing that I'd been there too long. I probably looked crazy because I had zoned out for probably half an hour, but I didn't care. Maybe I did need the Mutant Underground. I need friends and some sort of connection. I've never been around mutants for longer than a couple days. Maybe it's time to change that. 

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