Chapter 21: Summits and Betrayals

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Four Years Ago...

Lorna and I were having our monthly girl's night. We would watch cheesy movies and talk about everything.

"So you and Gus?" Lorna asked suggestively.

"Yeah... He's cool." I said blushing slightly.

"He's cool? He's perfect for you, Dylan." Lorna said.

"Yeah... I guess so. He's so sweet and brave and a really good kisser." I said hitting my head against the pillow.

"I'm just glad you're not a third wheel anymore." Lorna said jokingly.

"Ha. Ha. Very Funny." I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm glad we're doing this. I feel like everything's been so crazy lately." Lorna said.

"Yeah, but I'll always make time for my person." I said. 

"I know. I'm too amazing to blow off." Lorna said flipping her hair.

"Hahaha, so what movie do you want to watch next? Twilight or I Love You, Man?" I asked holding up the two DVDs.

"Hmmmmm... Tough one. I think Twilight. I want to drool over Taylor Lautner's abs." Lorna said.

"Hey, Marcos could hear you." I teased.

"Oh, so what. Marcos knows I'd leave him instantly for Taylor Lautner." Lorna said eating some popcorn as I popped the DVD in the DVD player. I joined Lorna on my bed and we proceeded to drool over Jacob and Edward. I loved these nights.


We were meeting the Frosts in the common area to discuss our plan to end the Hound Program.

"I just want to make something clear. We're working with you on this because the Hound program is a threat to all of us. But if any of you think that being here means..." Marcos said.

"We're friends now? - Oh, you made it clear we're not. We're just here to get a job done, same as you." The Frost sisters cut Marcos off finishing each other's thoughts.

"Marcos, they're right. Stay cool." John preached.

"Stay cool? How are we supposed to stay cool? We're at war and people are gonna die." I said giving John an annoyed look. 

"I don't see a move here. The Hounds are already out there. They're kicking our asses." Lorna said concerned.

"It's a secret program. We can kill it, but it has to happen soon. Our sources tell us Dr. Campbell is working his political connections - to take it national." The Frosts said.

"What do you mean?" John asked.

"He's attending the Humanity Today Summit - in Charlotte, tomorrow." Esme said.

""Humanity Today"? Is that seriously what they call it?" Clarice scoffed.

"I guess they thought it sounded better than "Kill the Muties." Every major anti-mutant figure will be there. Politicians, business leaders Purifiers." Esme said looking at me.

"It's in Charlotte?" I asked concerned.

"Aren't you from Charlotte?" Marcos asked me. I nodded deep in thought.

"Security will be massive. All right? There's got to be a better..." John said.

"I know your parents are gonna be there, but you have to stay focused." Esme cut John off and aimed her words at me.

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