Chapter 14: Dancing and Teenagers

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After kidnapping Agent Turner, the guilt of leaving Gus behind was continuing to eat at me. I needed to do something to help him, but I didn't know what. If Sentinel Services could make Gus forget me, what else could they do? It's a thought that scared me. I decided to keep my mind busy by helping mutant refugees and occasionally checking on John's progress on finding out what they did to Gus.

I was just about to enter the control room when I saw Sonya coming out. I sent a smile her way as I entered to talk to John.

"Hey, did you find anything?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah. I figured out that Pulse may not be the only one Sentinel Services turned against us. There are rumors all around of mutants working with Sentinel Services." John said leaning against the table with a stressed look on his face.

"Maybe you could take a break for a little bit. You deserve one." I said approaching him.

"No, I can afford to take a break. Not now. I need to figure out a way to get into this building. We need that information." He said still not looking me in the eye.

"John, you can't do everything. Let Marcos take a look at it. Rest." I said, but he still didn't listen to me. "Do you want to go somewhere with me?" I asked and he finally looked at me.

"I don't have time for this." He said.

"It's a place Gus used to take me. I haven't been there since he died, or went missing." I said realizing that Gus was still, in fact, alive. I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and I knew that made him crumble.

"Fine, but only for a few minutes." He said following me out of the room. I began walking to where Gus took me when I was stressed. The grassy fields and beautiful trees made it impossible to think about anything but the landscape. 

"Gus brought me here whenever I was overly stressed or needed some time away from headquarters." I said turning around to walk backwards as we headed towards the spot.

"I guess if you want to get away this is a good spot." John said as I suddenly stopped and put my arms out at my side with my face towards the sun soaking in the heat. "What are you doing?" John asked.

"I always tried to soak these moments up. We didn't come here often, but he always seemed to know when I needed it." I said dropping my arms to my sides and approaching John.

"Yeah, Gus always put others before himself." John said.

"Come on, let's dance." I said grabbing John's hands and trying to get him to let loose.

"No, Dylan. We should head back." John said trying to walk away. I used my powers to put a wall up in front of him to stop him. "Really? How old are you?" John asked rhetorically. 

"I'm not letting you leave until you come over here and dance with me. You need to get out of your head and stop feeling guilty." I said wiggling my hips and holding out my hand.

"There's no music." He pointed out.

"You don't need music to dance." I said.

"Fine, but then we're going right back to headquarters." He reluctantly said.

"Fine." I said still holding my hand out. He came towards me and took my hand. We began to slow dance and he broke the silence.

"Do you feel guilty?" He asked.

"All the time." I said into his shoulder.

"How are you this happy while feeling guilty?" He asked.

"I try to keep myself busy, but you took that too far. Everyone needs a break." I said.

"Yeah, I know. I just couldn't stop. Pulse is my best friend." He said.

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