Chapter 15: Lies and Broken Hearts

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Marcos, Reed, and Andy left a little while ago. I passed out as much food and water as I could, but realized that we don't have enough for everyone. I couldn't look at desperate faces any longer, so I decided to take a walk. I saw John and Sonya talking outside, so I decided to eavesdrop.

"Maybe a little to the left." Sonya said jokingly.

"Figured it was time we started thinking about reinforcing this place." John said placing another cinder block on the wall he was building. He looked exhausted and very sweaty.

"So, you never told me, how did your conversation go with Clarice?" Sonya asked him curiously.

"She left. So I'd say not well. It's about par for the course these days." John said working.

"If you're talking about Pulse, that wasn't your fault." Sonya said emphasizing what I have been telling him for weeks.

"How do you figure that? I left him. I let Sentinel Services take him." John said still feeling guilty.

"You thought he was dead." Sonya defended.

"I was wrong. I should've saved him. He told me something before that mission." John said thinking.

"What did he tell you?" Sonya asked sincerely.

"He told me that if we survived that mission, he was going to propose to Dylan. So not only did I leave him there, but I also made Dylan leave him and I couldn't tell her that he was planning to spend the rest of his life with her. I was a coward and I couldn't tell her and I felt guilty every single day for that." He said leaving me stunned against the pillar I was hiding behind.

"I don't think anyone would've told her that, Johnny. It would've been too painful for her." Sonya said.

"That wasn't my choice to make for her. I should've told her that night she came crying to my room. She couldn't eat, sleep, or talk for at least three days. Maybe I could've eased her pain." John said. I started feeling tears going down my cheeks and they wouldn't stop. Gus was going to propose? John kept that from me for two years? Everything was piling up and I didn't know how to feel.

"That's not your job, Johnny." Sonya said.

"It should be. Gus was my best friend and I promised to take care of her if anything ever happened to him. I'm starting to think that maybe the X-Men made a mistake Choosing me to be part of the underground." John said doubting himself.

"Johnny, you can't think that way. I know you want to live up to who your father was, but you're doing all you can." Sonya comforted.

"It's not enough. We have more refugees in there than we can possibly save. I can barely protect a bunch of veterans." John said.

"You were chosen for a reason." Sonya said.

"The X-Men said a war is coming. They didn't say we'd win." John said glumly. I walked away and headed to my room to digest the information I just heard. How could John keep that from me?


I was with Sage and Shatter in the control room trying to help Marcos, Reed, and Andy with their mission when John walked in. I tried to ignore him, but it was rather difficult.

"Hey. Just got word from HQ in Alpharetta." John said after walking in. 

"What happened they get hit?" Sage asked concerned.

"Yeah. They managed to get about half of their people out. They're on their way here now." John said trying to prepare us. 

"Here? We're already over capacity - by at least 78%." Sage said matter-of-factly.

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