Chapter 16: Making Up and Collateral Damage

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Three Years Ago...

John, Lorna and I were at a diner attempting to recruit a promising mutant ally. His name was Marcos and he worked for the Guerra Cartel. Getting him on our side would not be easy. 

"Marcos. Thanks for coming." John said greeting the guy that entered the sucky diner.

"You bring me out to the sticks just to try the coffee, or what?" Marcos asked quizzically as he sat down next to me in the booth. John took his seat next to Lorna.

"If that's why you came out, prepare to be disappointed Coffee sucks here." Lorna said stirring the coffee with her powers.

"This is Lorna. That's Dylan. They're my partners on this thing. Lorna, Marcos. Dylan, Marcos." John said introducing us.

"Charmed." Marcos said in Spanish looking at Lorna. He nodded in my direction, though he didn't look as interested in me as he was in Lorna. Weird... I thought he had a girlfriend... Oh well.

"Hi." Lorna answered in her usual tone.

"I'll get right to it. We've heard a lot about you, what you can do. We want you to join the Mutant Underground." John said getting straight to the point.

"Listen, I'm flattered, but, uh I don't think you guys get my situation." Marcos said.

"Your situation's why we're here. We know your story. You're already helping mutants cross the border. We just want you to do it full-time." Lorna said.

"That was just a side thing, okay? There was room in a couple of trucks, so I gave some people a ride, that's all." Marcos defended.

"It was an awful lot of people to just be a side thing." I said remembering how many people it was. 

"It was just a side thing. No big deal." He said directing his eyes at me and I shrugged taking a sip of my coffee. Lorna was right, this coffee did suck. 

"You really want to run drugs for the Guerra Cartel the rest of your life? You could make a difference." John said.

"It's more complicated than that." Marcos said.

"Everything is complicated, but we make it work." I said giving Marcos a side glance.

"What, because you're dating the boss's daughter? Get a new girlfriend." Lorna suggested.

"That simple, huh? - Just break it off?" Marcos asked skeptically.

"Sure. Tinder's full of girls that are into mutants." Lorna said.

"Yeah, you don't know Carmen. She's, uh she's tough." Marcos said.

"There are other tough chicks." Lorna shrugged. 

"Think about it, Marcos. The X-Men are gone.The government's cracking down. If mutants are gonna survive, it's up to us." John said trying his best to convince him to join. Marcos sat back in the booth considering it.

"Mutants die every day. At the hands of Sentinel Services, Humans, and Cartels. We just want you to be on the right side." I said adding my words of encouragement.

We got out of the booth to let Marcos think and headed back to headquarters and I went straight upstairs to my room.

The Next Day...

I just woke up after an amazing night with Gus and he was still sleeping soundly beside me. I was admiring him when he woke up.

"That's creepy, you know." He said with his tired voice.

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