Chapter 9: Missions and Armed Goons

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The next day I tried my hardest to avoid John after he completely blew off my confession. To say it was awkward between us would be an understatement. Every time we passed each other I would turn around and walk the other way. John would try to talk to me as if nothing ever happened, but I couldn't pretend that everything was ok.

I was in the control room with Sage and Sonya when Marcos entered the room in a panic. "They're gone... They're all gone. We need to go after them or our lead on Lorna is dead." He blurted out so quickly I almost missed it. He began pacing.

"Marcos, slow down. Who's gone?" I asked trying to get him to stop pacing.

"John said the Struckers are gone. Caitlin, Lauren, Andy, the whole family and my way back to Lorna with them." He said starting to panic.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok. John... He can find them." I said rubbing his arms in comfort.

"Yeah... I was going to meet him now." He said exiting the room. He stopped when he realized I wasn't following him. "Aren't you coming?" Marcos asked.

"I don't know if that's a good idea." I said turning back towards the screen.

"Come on, Dylan. This is Lorna we're talking about. I know you're uncomfortable around humans, but this is for your best friend. Think about her." Marcos said not knowing the real reason why I didn't want to go.

"Fine. I'll go, but I'm not saving your ass when you do something reckless." I said crossing my arms and exiting the room to find John with Marcos following close behind.


"They left last night and didn't take much with them." John said examining the Strucker's room that was messy. I picked up a shirt to examine it.

"They left in a hurry too, judging by the way everything is thrown around." I said throwing the shirt back on the bed.

"Why the hell would Caitlin do this?" Marcos asked trying to find any explanation.

"She believes she can help. That whatever connections she has can make a difference. She spent her whole life believing in the system." John said trying to look at me, but I avoided his gaze. He looked away disappointed that I wouldn't acknowledge him.

"How could she be so naive? No, I talked to her about this, I thought she understood." Marcos asked flabbergasted.

"She doesn't know what mutants go through. I didn't when my powers first manifested. I hated what I was, but then I had people to help me find my way. Those people are right here, so we just have to show her the struggles we face every day." I said thinking about my rough first years being a mutant.

"Yeah, but first, some people have to learn the hard way. We need to go after them." John said going to pack a bag.

"Aw, John, we don't have time for this. Lorna could disappear into a federal hellhole any day now." Marcos said worried about Lorna.

"If they get arrested before they come back here, they know where this place is. They get caught, we get caught, - and we don't get Lorna back." John said logically.

"Yeah." Marcos said reluctantly following John to get ready to find the Struckers.


In the car on the way to find the Struckers, I began thinking about the first mission I went on with Gus...

Four Years Ago...

It had been a couple months since Gus and I had our first kiss and things were really good. I'd never felt like this before and everyone could tell we were happy. John had Sonya, Lorna had Marcos, and now I had Gus. Everything in my life was close to perfect.

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