Chapter 6: Breaking Out and Something UneXpected

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          It's been a while since I had that "encounter" with John. I don't know exactly how much time, but I know I've been here at least a couple weeks. Hopefully everyone was looking for me. I don't know how much more of this I could take before I actually go crazy. 

"Hey, Dylan... Time for your pills." Dan said handing me a paper cup of medication and some water.

"Dan, you know I don't need them." I said knowing that the pills made me feel foggy and unfocused.

"I know, but if you don't take them, I have to strap you down." He said reluctantly. Dan was a middle aged guy with two kids and a wife he loved very much. He's the only person that shows me any kind of sympathy. He knew not all mutants were dangerous.

"Fine." I said reluctantly swallowing the unneeded pills. 

"Thank you. I'll stop back after my rounds." He said knowing that I was in isolation.

"Thanks, Dan." I said watching him leave. I was already starting to feel the effects of the pills. I was spacing out. The only good thing about the pills were that they made time go by faster and the wall in my padded room really interesting.


          I don't know how much time passed before I heard someone screaming. There was always someone screaming, but this one was different... Stronger... More Desperate... I couldn't hear exactly what they were screaming because of all the drugs I was on. I could barely move.

I heard my door open and someone rushing in. "Dyl.... get.... out.... you...." I heard a familiar voice say. I couldn't understand, but I felt like the drugs were starting to wear off a little, but it wasn't gonna be anytime soon.

"John.... have.... go...." I heard another voice yell while hearing signs of struggle. I felt like I was floating then and I felt something I haven't felt in a while, the sun on my face. I closed my eyes and felt safe finally after weeks and weeks. I was put down in the back seat of a car and then felt the car floor it towards headquarters.

"Hey... Dyl, you're gonna be ok. You're safe now." John said brushing my hair behind my ear.

"Hmmm. That place... We need to go back and help them." I said trying to sit up, but found I didn't have enough strength left.

"Dylan, we barely got you out. We can't risk going back." Marcos said from the driver's seat.

"You don't know what they did to me in there. They keep you so drugged that you can't move. You can't eat by yourself and you definitely can't go to the bathroom by yourself. The collars they used shocked me when I was asleep, so I couldn't even sleep without pain. We need to help them." I said tears running down my face.

"We need to find Lorna first." Marcos said.

"You still didn't find her? Why did you come for me first?" I asked concerned. 

"We'll tell you later, but now you need to rest." John said calmly giving Marcos a look that they knew something I didn't. I couldn't question them because I was so tired.


          I was awoken by John a few hours later. "Hey, Dylan... We're home." John said. Marcos must've gone inside.

"Finally, I thought I'd never see this place again. It scared the hell out of me." I said relieved.

"Yeah, you scared the hell out of all of us. Why didn't you go through the portal after me?" John asked confused as to why I would stay when I didn't know that family.

"That boy was fifteen, and that family was together and supporting each other. I never had that, so it was nice to see that a family can stick together even though half of them are mutants. I'd rather be separated from you guys than have a family separated, but I guess that happened anyway." I said thinking about the fact that I didn't have a supportive family.

"Dylan, you know that we need you here. I need you here. I was going out of my mind..." John said looking down at his hands with unshed tears in his eyes.

"Hey, I'm fine. You guys found me. I don't even know how." I said curious.

"You really don't remember?" John asked looking at me surprised.

"Remember what?" I asked wondering what he was talking about.

"You told me you were in a psychiatric hospital. I don't know how, but you kind of whispered it into my ear. I was just standing there and then I heard your voice. It was like your voice was traveling through the wind. I thought that maybe it was part of your powers you never discovered." John said impressed.

"That's weird. I did have a dream where I talked to you, but then I was shocked by my collar. I thought it was just a dream, but maybe I somehow reached out in my sleep." I said.

"Why did you come to me?" John asked.

"I trust you, John. With my life." I said as if it were obvious.

"I trust you too." John said locking eyes with me. We were closing the distance between us and then John took my neck and kissed me. I was surprised because I thought he was with Sonya, but here he was kissing me. I kissed back, of course. I mean John was attractive and the perfect guy. 

We broke away from the kiss and he looked like he regretted it. "I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. Sonya and I are complicated. You and Gus were..." John stuttered.

"John, this has nothing to do with Gus and I. He died two years ago. I loved him, but he would want me to move on." I said.

"Not with his best friend. He told me..." John didn't finish.

"He told you what?" I asked.

"He told me that if anything happened to him, he wanted me to look out for you." John said, but I knew there was something more.

"John, you look out for me all the time. You look out for everyone. It's ok to want something for yourself. I don't know when I started wanting this, but I do want this." I said grabbing his hands.

"I can't do that to Gus. I'm sorry." John said walking away from me.

"So you're just gonna walk away. You're not gonna give it a chance? You kissed me. You made the first move. Now it's never gonna be the same." I yelled after him. I saw him tense, but he didn't turn around he just walked inside leaving me outside alone.

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