Chapter 11: Rescue Missions and Unexpected Reunions

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John gathered everyone in the common room to talk about a plan to save Lorna.

"We know that Lorna is being held in a cell at the Sentinel Services Regional Headquarters. We believe that Reed Strucker is there with her. They're being moved soon to an ultrasecure facility. And we don't know much about it, except that the people who go don't come back. That's why we got to move now. And I'm not gonna sugarcoat this. We're talking about attacking the Sentinel Services." John said finishing his speech.

"We lost six people the last time we went up against them directly." Sage said.

"I know that better than anyone. It won't be like last time." John said trying to convince everyone.

"I hope not." I said to myself.

"You're right. Last time, we just hit a relocation center with a fence and some guard towers. This time it's a prison. Their systems have improved. Extrapolating from other attacks, we've got an 86.5% chance of failure." Sage said pointing out that we were more likely to fail than not.

"And if we do nothing, then there's a 100% chance we never see them again." Marcos countered.

"I know we're new here, but please." Caitlin begged.

"Lorna's risked her life for everyone in this room. Harry, your parents would be dead without her. Sage, she pulled you out of a gutter, and she got you clean. I mean, she's She needs us." Marcos said.

"Doesn't change the math, Marcos." Sage said.

"I don't care about the math. I care about Lorna. Who's with me?" Marcos said.

"I'm in." Clarice said.

"Yeah, I'm in." Sonya said.

"You know I'm there." I said nodding at Marcos.

"Okay." Marcos said surprised more people didn't volunteer.


Everyone that volunteered ended up in the control room discussing our plan of action.

"Six people? Unbelievable." Marcos scoffed.

"Marcos, don't be so hard on 'em. A lot of 'em lost friends the last time." John said defending everyone.

"Yeah and we're going to loose more if we don't do anything." I said.

"Six of us to break into a prison." Marcos scoffed again.

"Um, seven, technically." Caitlin said gesturing to herself.

"I'm sorry, Caitlin, but" Marcos said, but was cut off by Clarice.

"So how are we gonna do this? If there's a window, I can portal us in, but there's gonna be guards and cameras." Clarice asked.

"I could try making a wall to block the guards and cameras, but it would take a lot of energy." I said.

"Harry, could you?" Marcos asked.

"I can make the guards see this, but not the cameras." Harry said making himself invisible.

"Well, if we go in like that, we're never coming out again." John said.

"Exactly." Marcos said.

"What if we don't go in? Look, I know I can't shoot lasers from my hands, but I do have an idea. Daniel said the place they're taking them is far away. To put them on a plane, they'd have to move them. Let's get them while they're moving." Caitlin said knowing it was the best option.

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