Chapter 13: Revenge and Family

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Clarice, Sonya and I were getting ready to portal to where Lorna and Marcos were with the kidnapped Sentinel Services agent.

"Let's hope this doesn't go bad." Clarice said to herself as she made the portal.

"Hey. We got here as quickly as we could." Sony said after she jumped through the portal.

"We've got something else in mind." Lorna told the Sentinel Service agent. I looked closer and realized it was Agent Turner. The guy that put me in a psych facility.

"You son of a bitch. I should kill you for what you put me through." I said as I tried to get closer to him, but was stopped by Marcos.

"Hey, we need him for information. The press will go wild if a mutant killed a Sentinel Services agent. We can't stoop to their level." He said.

"He put me in that facility." I said looking angrily past Marcos towards Agent Turner.

"Ahhh, I heard you broke out, Ms. Harper. I do hope you enjoyed your time in there. It's too bad your visit was cut short. They could've helped you." He said condescendingly.

"You're lucky we need what's in your head." I said walking away.

"Why didn't you guys use the door?" Marcos asked when he was sure I wouldn't attack Agent Turner.

"We're trying to keep a low profile here." Clarice answered.

"Pretty sure that ship has sailed." Lorna said.

We then heard vehicles pull to a stop outside and people getting into position. "This is Sentinel Services. We know you have the hostage. Come out now!" Someone said with a bullhorn. What were we going to do now?

"It looks like they're getting ready to move in. Can you get us out of here if things escalate?" Marcos asked Clarice.

"Maybe." Clarice said unsure.

"Maybe?" Marcos scoffed.

"Dude, FYI, it's a bit more taxing tearing holes into space than it is turning your hands - into flashlights." Clarice said sassily.

"Point taken." Marcos said.

"He knows what they did to Pulse. He doesn't want to share." Lorna said approaching Sonya."Okay, I'll see what I can find out." Sonya said approaching Agent Turner.

"I'm warning you, whatever you're planning on doing, this is assault on a federal officer." Agent Turner said like we would care.

"Hmm. Don't worry, handsome. You won't feel a thing." Sonya said as her pink breath entered Agent Turner's nostrils.

"Oh, hey. Hey, they're moving. Now, we are running out of time." Marcos said looking out the window.

"Then I'll buy us some more." Lorna said using her abilities to move some metal."Watch out! Tear gas!" Marcos shouted.

"Marcos." Lorna yelled.

"You okay?" He asked Lorna.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good." Lorna answered.

"Everyone stay still, I can push the gas out." I said coughing. I moved my arms in a way to make wind push out all the gas. It seemed to be working, but I was still inhaling too much smoke. 

"Dylan, you can't keep doing this. We have to go. Now." Marcos said ushering me towards Clarice and Sonya.

"Is she done?" Clarice asked.

"Sonya, Sonya! Come on." Lorna said trying to grab Sonya.

"Go, go, go! Hurry! This way! Sonya!" Lorna yelled.

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