Chapter 4: Finding Marcos and Getting Chased

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As soon as Clarice and I finished sewing Zingo's favorite toy, we saw Marcos rushing toward the door. "Woah, Where's the fire?" I asked concerned.

"Listen I need to go meet someone that has information about Lorna. Don't tell John. I just want to see if it's legit. Will you cover for me?" He asked trying to go to the door. 

"I don't know Marcos... Sentinal Service is everywhere right now looking for those kids. There's too much heat to go to a meeting with someone who probably doesn't have any information." I said sheepishly.

"God... He told me that Lorna's pregnant. I need to know if it's true... Dylan I'm begging you, please." He said desperately giving me his big doe eyes. 

"Fine, but if you take too long... I'm gonna tell John and he's gonna be pissed at me and you. I will throw you under the bus." I said crossing my arms looking him dead in the eyes.

"Deal... I'll be back soon." He said as he walked out the door.

"Are you sure that was a good idea?" Clarice asked concerned.

"No, but I will tell John if he's not back in a couple hours..." I said looking at the door where Marcos just exited. 


          It had been a couple hours and Marcos still hadn't checked in. I was starting to get worried. I kept thinking about all the things that could've gone wrong while pacing back and forth. 

"You're really starting to make me nervous. I think it's time to tell John." Clarice said watching me pace.

"Yeah... I know. John's just really gonna be pissed at me, so I need to figure out how to tell him without getting his wrath." I said while biting my thumb nail. I know it's gross, but I was nervous. I bite my nails...

"Come on. Let's go." Clarice said grabbing my arm going towards the control room where John and Sage were discussing something important.

"Don't want anyone else brought into here, so anything along the river is fine. Here. Just do what you can, okay?" John told Sage. "Something wrong?" John asked Clarice and I when we walked through the door.

"We need to talk to you." Clarice said pushing me forward.

"It's about Marcos." I said fidgeting nervously.

"Uh, Dylan, you know how Marcos is. Uh he's an emotional guy. So, whatever he said, don't take it personal." John said going back to what he was doing.

"No, it's not about that.It's He got a phone call from some guy. Something about helping a family. He ran off about an hour ago. Alone." Clarice explained while I looked on nervously.

"What? Why didn't you tell me?" John asked.

"Because he told me not to, and he didn't want to get anyone else involved because it was dangerous. But then I was thinking about how I owe his girlfriend. And she'd be pissed if he died." Clarice explained.

"Dyl, did you know about this?" John asked.

"Yeah... He told me that Lorna is pregnant and I want to help him find her." I told him sheepishly.

"Come on." John said grabbing a jacket heading towards the door.

"Well where where are we going? We don't even know where he is." Clarice said.

"You really don't know John..." I said following John towards the door grabbing my own leather jacket.

"I found you. Trust me, I can find him." John said opening the car door to track where Marcos was.


John tracked Marcos to an abandoned building. We pulled up to the building and went inside. John kept ushering us towards a pair of heavy looking metal door.

"They're on the other side of this door. Oh, no... Sentinal Services is here... We need to get this door open now." John said repeatedly throwing his body against the door.

"This is taking too long... John, move out of the way." I said pushing John out of the way, creating enough force with wind to break the doors open. 

"Come on! - Go! Go, now! - Go! Go! Go!" John shouted at Marcos and the family he was meeting.

"They're coming!" Marcos yelled referring to the death bots the Sentinal Services released.

"That way! Go! To the hallway!" John yelled pointing towards the door we entered the building through.

"Get up! - Go!" A man yelled.

"What? Go." A teenage girl yelled.

"Go! Go!" I yelled.

"Watch out." John said as he pushed a boy out of the way of a robot getting hit in the process.

"John! I got you, don't worry." I yelled panicking, but focusing enough to get rock to form around the robot.

"Here they come!" Marcos yelled getting his hands ready for fight.

"Clarice, you got to get us out of here." John said listening on the other side of the door.

"What do you mean?" Clarice panicked.

"You got yourself out of the prison, you can get us out of here!" Marcos said realizing that Sentinal Services was closing in.

"No, it's different. I can't see where I'm going. It's too dangerous." Clarice said.

"All right, well, we will die if we stay here, so can you please just do it?" Marcos yelled.

"They're getting through!" The teenage girl said while trying to hold off the spider bots with some type of shields. I went up to help her by producing giant gusts of wind and an occasional wall being brought up from the concrete floor.

"I can't do it." Clarice yelled.

"Yes, you can!" John yelled.

Clarice then started to create a portal back to headquarters.

"Go! Hurry!" Clarice yelled.

"Come on! It's safe! Go! Go! Go!" John yelled after testing the portal first. Marcos went next than the teenage daughter then the mother.

"Andy Andy! Come on!" The mother yelled trying to get her son through. I eventually tore the boy, Andy away from what he was doing and put him through the portal. I was about to go through, but heard gunshots. Then I felt a piercing pain in my side. I couldn't move at all it felt as if I was paralyzed.

"Dad! - No! Dad!" I heard someone shout.

"Dylan!! Hold on!!!" John yelled trying to get back through, but then Marcos pulled him back.

"I can't hold it!" Clarice yelled.

"Go, Clarice... I'll be fine... Go!!! I know you'll find me." I said trying to get her to go to safety. Clarice jumped through the portal leaving me to be with the family's dad. Sentinal Services came up to us shining bright light in our eyes and putting some sort of collar on me as well as hand cuffs. At least I would get to see Lorna.

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