Chapter 10: Disappointment and Loss

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Bullets were being fired at us from behind. I wanted to be bulletproof like John. It's official.

"Lauren, can't you shield them?" Andy yelled at his sister.

"I can't shield what I can't see, okay?" Lauren yelled back frustrated.

"Just stay down." Caitlin told her children.

"We're getting too close to headquarters. Where are they?" I asked frantically.

"Where the hell are our people?" Marcos asked again.

"You heard Dreamer. They're working on it." John said continuing to drive faster and faster.

"Not fast enough. We're getting way too close to headquarters. We're gonna have to fight." Marcos said preparing to turn around to fire at them. Just then, a portal opened up in front of the car.

"Look! Look, there! Go. Go. Go, go, go, go, go." I yelled pointing towards the portal. John sped up and went through the portal. It led to just outside headquarters. The car came to a stop and we could finally breathe without those guys following us.

"Is everyone ok?" I asked worried.

"Yeah... I think so." Marcos said.

"Get everybody inside. I'll be there in a minute." John said.

"Okay." Marcos said.

"You were right. I'm sorry." Caitlin said apologetically.

"That's all right. You did something stupid for someone you love. Can't say I haven't done the same." Marcos said exiting the vehicle to go inside. I was close behind, but decided to wait for Clarice to congratulate her.

"Hey." John greeted Sonya and Clarice.

"Are you all right?" Clarice asked hugging John. I was surprised and a little jealous.

"Yeah. I'm fine. We all are." John said confused, but hugged back.

"I can't believe it worked. I mean, a freaking SUV? I'm so glad it did." Clarice said releasing John from a hug.

"Go on inside and I'll see you there in a second." John said waiting for her to leave.

"Yeah. Okay." Clarice said happily going inside.

"What the hell was that about?" I asked Sonya.

"What did you do?" John asked accusingly.

"You needed help. She needed something to connect to, so I gave her a memory." Sonya said a little ashamed.

"Without her permission?" I asked appalled.

"Man." John said disappointed.

"Of us." Sonya added.

"Do you realize what you've done? What that could lead to?" John scolded.

"Believe me, Johnny, I do." Sonya said walking away.

"I need to tell Clarice." I said about to walk away, but was stopped by John.

"We can't tell her yet." He said.

"Why not? Dreamer messed with her head and she doesn't deserve to know?" I scoffed.

"She deserves to know, but we need her to help Lorna and with this motivation, she can help us get her back." John said.

"Who are you? You know what? It doesn't matter." I said attempting to walk away again, but was stopped.

"Wait, are you gonna tell her?" John asked.

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