Chapter 12: Traffic Violations and A Kidnapping

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We went to a lot where we hid untraceable cars and supplies. I was standing there, stunned.

"I know you didn't have to save me, too. Thank you." Reed said.

"Thank us when we're home and safe. Right now, you need to get out of these clothes, and we need to move." John said.

"They'll be hunting for us." Marcos said.

"I was so afraid I was never gonna see you again. Thank God you're all right." Caitlin said to her husband.

"You said something about Andy and Lauren?" Reed said.

"They're all right, Reed. We're gonna see them now." Caitlin answered.

"These cars aren't traceable, right?" Marcos asked.

"New plates, no record. They're good." John said.

"Thanks." Lorna said when I handed her clothes we stashed there.

"We got to talk. When we were out there, when we lost our powers." John said trying to whisper so I wouldn't hear.

"Yeah, what happened? What did they have?" Marcos asked.

"It was Pulse. He was there with Sentinel Services." John said.

"What? - That's impossible. He died." Marcos said.

"Marcos, I saw him. He's alive. He tried to kill Dylan." John said the last part quieter. I rubbed my neck where Gus choked me.

"No, he hated Sentinel Services almost as much as he loved Dylan. He protected all his people in Macon. They raided that station. No. No, he'd never work for them. God, if they can turn Pulse, then they can..." Marcos said, but was cut off by John.

"Sentinel Services drone coming in. We got to move, now. It'll see us soon." John said listening intently.

"I'll draw it off, try to take it down." Marcos said going towards a car.

"Okay, I'm coming." Lorna said now in normal clothes.

"You just got out of prison, Lorna." Marcos said.

"You go, I go." Lorna said.

"We'll meet you at headquarters. Go." Marcos said to the rest of us.


We got back to headquarters and it was a frenzy.

"Shatter! Hey. What are all these people doing here? What's going on?" John asked as we went inside.

"More like what isn't going on. You need to talk to Sage." Shatter said ushering people inside.

"How long has it been like this?" John asked approaching Sage.

"A while. Soon as you hit that convoy, Sentinel Services hit back." Sage said.

"How hard?" John asked.

"Raided every place there were even suspected mutant sympathizers. With no warrants. They are out for blood. We got our hands full." Sage said.

"Those bastards." I said.

"And we can't move anyone, not with this kind of heat." John said.

"I'm manning the scanners, trying to keep our people off the grid." Sage said.

"I can help with that." I said my voice still strained.

"We need to keep listening. If anything comes up on the radio, we have to know about it." John said. Then there was shouting and the sounds of a fight outside the control room.

"You go. I got this. I'll come get you if anything changes." I said to John. He exited the room to handle that situation.

"So, when are you and John gonna finally bang?" Sage asked.

"Excuse me?" I asked not knowing if I heard her correctly.

"When are you and John gonna bang? I give it a few weeks. Maybe a month before something happens." Sage said.

"There's nothing going on between John and I." I said.

"Yeah and I'm bad at math." She said sarcastically.

"I think I liked it better when you and I didn't talk." I said.

"Yeah. You and me both." She said.


"Hey, John we got something." I said walking into the common room.

"What is it?" John asked.

"It's really strange. It sounds like there was never a manhunt in the first place." I said gesturing to the control room.

"What?" John said.

"Until a few minutes ago, the radios were going wild with activity. Manhunts, the works. And then the chatter just stopped." Sage said.

"We're gonna pull over the large gray sedan." An officer said on the police scanner.

"What, is that a traffic stop they're calling in?" John asked.

"Yeah, a-and a minute ago, it was a drunk and disorderly over by the freeway." Sage said.

"And there's nothing on the manhunt?" John asked. 

"Yeah. I think they might know we're listening." I said.

"Maybe, but there's a possibility they've abandoned the search." Sage suggested. 

"They didn't abandon anything." Reed interrupted.

"Yeah. We're handling this, all right?" John said not wanting Reed's help.

"Let me help you. I used to work these kind of manhunts. I know the protocols. You want to protect this place, I could be good for that." Reed said.

"He's got a point, John." I said.

"Copy that. Be advised, 488 at 17." The dispatcher said.

"488 is petty theft. Sending all units for a petty theft? No way. You have a map?" Reed asked.

"Right there." John said pointing to the map.

"The last three calls to come in before this one was a burglary in Stratford, lewd conduct at a bar in Hapeville, and a 586 in Glen Haven. They sent multiple units to all of these places. Which means that they know we're listening. So now they're speaking in code. Sentinel Services is searching here for Eclipse and Polaris. And they've got Atlanta PD here. They're tightening a net, working a grid." Reed said circling all the locations.

"Looking for us." John said realizing what Sentinel Services was doing.

"Finally, we are a step ahead of them." I said.

"Yeah. It's about time." John agreed.


John and Reed had a plan to send Reed out to mislead Sentinel Services so that Lorna and Marcos could get back safely. Reed just had to tell his family that he was going. I was going to help him, but Dreamer came up to me and pulled me aside.

"Hey, I need your help with something." She said.

"With what?" I asked.

"Lorna and Marcos just called and said they kidnapped a Sentinel Services agent. They want me to help them get information. I need you to go with me to keep Lorna under control. You know how emotional she can get." She said worried about her task.

"Yeah, let's do this. I've never seen a vulnerable Sentinel Service agent. That'll be a sight." I said getting ready to go with her.

"Yeah, it'll be nice." Dreamer replied as she led me to where Clarice was ready to make a portal.

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