Chapter 8

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"He's dead!" Liam declared as he stormed into the living room. Zach and I were curled up on the sofa, wrapped up in each other as he collapsed into the chair opposite.

"Already?" I asked incredulously. Warren (the killer) had only been strung up in the square for just under a week. Stronger wolves can last over two weeks with no food and water, proving his weakness.

"Yep! Stopped breathing this morning." He grinned and I nodded, sinking a little further into Zach's hold.

"The day after the funeral as well," Zach commented solemnly.

"Nobody has been questioning your leadership since then you know." Liam turned to me, grinning wickedly.

"Good." I huffed.

"You know, I moved around a lot, looking for my family in every corner of the world. I have met thousands of Alphas and none were like you," he commented, eyebrows raised.

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my brows.

"Another Alpha would've separated them self from the situation and killed them both, you didn't because you knew he didn't deserve to die for defending his daughter." He shrugged. "You can be scary but you're fair and I haven't met anyone else like that."

"Dude, stop hitting on my girlfriend," Zach snarled next to me, tightening his grip and making me laugh.

"Ew gross." Liam scoffed and I let out a deep growl. "I meant because you are like my sister, not because you aren't hot," he defended.

"Digging yourself a deeper hole there brother." Zach's eyes flashed with flames before simmering back to a cold icy blue.

"Oh for god sake," Liam grumbled, swinging his legs up onto the sofa and lying on his back. "I was just trying to say that maybe your parents were right to believe a girl could lead just as well as anyone." 

A wide smile crossed my face but before any of us could speak another word, my phone rang. The high pitched blaring bounced off the walls before I answered. "Hello?"

"El, I need your help," Jordan whimpered from the other end.

"Jord? Whats-." I began but was cut off by a familiar snarl that sent shivers down my spine. Jordan was a wolf and was out somewhere, prowling around.

As a wolf.

My heart raced in my chest and panic fluttered within. I turned instantly to Zach and pulled out of his hold. "I have a Jordan situation," I told him, grabbing my coat.

"What's going on?" He asked. I could hear the worry lacing his tone.

"I don't know, she turned before I could ask. All I got was 'help'," I explained, approaching him once again. "I need you to make sure everyone stays inside while I find her." I cupped his face in my palms and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Ok." He nodded.

"If you see her, run. She will attack anyone or anything in her way ok? Please run," I begged, knowing Zach would try to help her out and get hurt in the process.

"I will. Be careful ok, please?" He pressed his lips firmly to mine and held me against him for a while before eventually pulling away.

"See you in a bit." I nodded and with that, I was gone.

I charged through the village, following the scent of Jordans wolf and the sound of her growls and whimpers. As I neared the origin of her scent, the stench of blood rushed to my nose, making me race that much faster.

I was soon approaching an open space amongst the trees and in the centre stood Jordans wolf. Littering the floor around her, unrecognisable bodies drowned in their own blood. I froze at the scene, deep red pooled around the floor with shards of flesh torn from the skeletons and tossed across the ground. Snapped and damaged bones were strewn at Jordan's feet and what looked to be an arm hung from her mouth.

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