Chapter 42

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"Zach?" I was still leaning against him with the warmth of the sun encasing around us. I felt at home but suddenly, an uneasy feeling settled in my stomach.


"Do you smell that?" I felt my eyes flash amber and my claws force their way through my skin, boiling hot anger simmering just below the surface alongside my fluttering nerves.

Zach sniffed behind me before a deep growl ripped through the silence. "What the hell is he doing here?" He snarled, tightening his grip when I tried to stand. "Don't"

"I want him off my territory, now," I barked, pulling my phone out to inform Aiden that his father was at the border of my territory.

"Let me get Liam," Zach huffed, doing the same and shooting his brother a text. "Don't do anything stupid and stay by me."

He took my hand and held me close as we ran back down to the village, meeting Liam in the square before the three of us sprinted to the border.

When we arrived, the sight of my father trespassing was much different to what I expected. The group of border wolves were all standing casually around, not making the slightest attempt to restrain him.

"Whats going on?" I asked them with a bark.

Their gazes all flickered to my left and I finally turned to the man who haunted me for months and then convinced me to release him from his cell.

His hair was still a chocolate brown colour, which now reminded me of my own upon looking at it. However, wisps of grey threaded through it, slowly spreading and soon I was sure every hair would match.

His hooded green eyes were ablaze with amber flames and long fangs rested on his frowning lips while he glared down at a man on his knees.

The man - who I assumed to be his brother - had hair a little darker than Deans and unlike his, there wasn't a single splash of grey. However, his menacing face was more wrinkled and pale than my fathers and I knew he was older.

His eyes matched Deans and were an eery green, like murky water washing over illuminated algae. A sadistic looking smirk was sprawled across his face despite the fact he was on his knees and restrained in front of his brother.

"Tell her!" Dean ordered, his voice booming through the silence.

I shared a confused glance with Zach - who edged closer to me so I had a brother on either side.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped impatiently and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Tell her Rick." Again, Dean snarled at Rick, whose smirk grew.

"Tell her what little brother?" He questioned. I was shocked at just how similar they sounded, if it weren't for the fact I could see his mouth moving, I would've believed Dean was speaking.

"Tell her that I sent a bullet through her mothers heart after torturing her for days and then laughed when she took her final breath?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

His words shot straight through me, causing an ache in my chest. Clearly, my father saw red because I saw his grip on Ricks arms tighten and watched the smirk morph into a wince.

"Why?" I asked him, fighting to keep my voice steady. "Why did you do it?"

He simply shrugged as though her life meant nothing and the pain pulsed in my heart. "I didn't need her anymore."

Dean let out a deep, fiery growl that had me backing up a little. Again, Rick winced and cringed while claws sunk into his skin. "I don't know why you are angry baby brother." He smirked but I could read in his eyes that he was still in pain. "She left you and took your daughter, I was just helping you out."

A snap sounded through the air and Ricks arm no longer looked right, bent at the elbow in the opposite direction. He groaned in pain but continued to smirk and I felt the strongest urge to wipe his arrogant smirk away.

"YOU KILLED HER," My father bellowed, a small tear sliding down his cheek while a look of genuine hurt and weakness crossed his face.

"What did you mean, you didn't need her anymore?" I asked to pull the attention away from the grieving big bad wolf.

Rick simply grinned. "Tell her what you did," Dean demanded, softer this time. He sounded tired, exhausted even.

"Well, you see Ella darling," Rick smiled maliciously, "it wasn't actually my brother who sent threats to you a few months ago-," he paused, his grin widening and a spark lighting in his eyes. "-It was me."

Zachs hand curled around my arm and he gently tugged me backwards a step, putting himself between me and my crazy seeming uncle. "Keep going," Dean snarled.

"The girl who came to visit you, the one who told you my dear brother harassed and abused her, the one who claimed to know your mom from when they were locked in the cells together, she lied," he continued and I frowned, remembering the dread that came after speaking with the battered looking girl.

I couldn't help but remember the way I lost my temper and yelled and accused her falsely. But now, hearing it was all a lie, maybe she deserved it? "She was abused, but... by me," Rick finished and I snarled.

"What kind of sick bastard does that?" I growled, attempting to lunge at him and beat the shit out of him but Zach was quick to hold me back.

He simply shrugged in reply. "She was fun, crying and begging while I did whatever the hell I wanted to her. She was so strong in the beginning, kind of like you." His gaze locked on me and his grin spread. He was enjoying this immensely. "I took great pleasure in breaking her."

"So all the attacks on my friends? That was you too?" I grumbled.

"Yep." He sounded proud. He seemed to beam with pride at his disgusting actions. "I especially loved the fire, if only I could've killed that little girl."

This time I couldn't help myself, I charged straight at him with the plan to tear him apart limb from limb. How could he wish death upon an innocent child? And Blakes sister no less?

This time, it took both my boyfriend and his brother to hold me back, pinning me in place with strong grips on my arms and not enough lease for me to reach the bastard that sat, smug as ever, in front of me.

"What about the guy in the supermarket?" I screamed, fighting against the guys grips still. "The one who shot himself?"

"Oh I almost forgot about that! Me too, I'm afraid," he boasted with a nod. "Do you want to know the best part?"

He studied me silently while I glared back. Did I? Somehow I doubted it would be the best part and since he was saving it til last, it would probably break me into a thousand pieces. But I had to know.

"What?" I snapped, taking Zach's hand for support.

"I convinced him-" he nodded towards Dean, "-to kill your father." And with that, my heart shattered. "He wanted to peacefully tell you the truth and ask if you would want to get to know him and using my older brother persuasion, I convinced him to storm your territory blind with rage and kill anyone who gets in your way. Isn't that right brother?"

Dean sunk in his place, genuine guilt and regret washing over his features. His eyes flickered to mine and glowed with the hurt and sadness he felt. "Ella I'm so sorry," he whispered.

I struggled to hold myself together as I turned back to the monster on his knees. "Why? Why attack me and why the hell did you make me believe your brother and my father was the one orchestrating it all?"

This whole time I had believed Dean was the bad guy, Dean was the one who wanted to hurt me. I believed everything he said was a lie and that he couldn't be trusted but after all this time, he genuinely did just want to know his daughter.

A wicked grin crossed Ricks face and he looked between me, Dean and Zach before answering. "I needed you unprotected."

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