Chapter 31

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I found myself with the key to cell number 8 dangling from my forefinger while I stared into the eyes of the soulless man who resided in the very same cell.

"Why should I do this?" I questioned aloud. "Just because you might not have killed her doesn't mean you are any less dangerous to me and my family." I narrowed my eyes to watch a look of exasperation cross his face.

"Ella, I never meant to kill your father. My intention was to harm him enough to stop him from interfering but he was determined to die before I got to you so thats what had to happen." He looked up at me with small flickers of hope in his eyes, begging me to believe the lies that spouted from his mouth.

"Maybe you shouldn't have been trying to kidnap his daughter-," I paused and shook my head, "-your daughter - in the first place. You never would've had to hurt him if you weren't so hell bent on hurting me," I snapped aggravated.

He sighed once again. "I was never planning on hurting you. I'm not a monster Ella. Your parents took you from me and denied me from ever being a part of your life." A flicker of sadness crossed his face and I frowned. "I was angry and acted out of rage but I only ever wanted you to know me."

I scoffed. "Why should I believe you?" I growled deeply.

"You shouldn't." He shrugged incredulously. "That would be naive and stupid. But I am giving you my word that I have no desire to harm you or your family. My target is my brother. He killed the woman I loved and I want to know why and I want justice to be brought upon him. I know you want that too, so open the door and we can both get what we want." He finally rose from the floor and crossed his arms over his chest, awaiting my decision.

I stared blankly at the man before me. His sunken eyes blinked back at me, waiting for my next move but I remained frozen. "You haven't had moonlight in a long time and by the looks of it, not much sleep either. You're no longer an Alpha, but I am. That makes me stronger, faster and more dominant than you. If you even try to hurt anyone I care about, I will tear your heart from your chest myself," I warned, throwing the key into the cell. "I'll be upstairs," I told him, turning on my heels and leaving the dungeon with my heart jumping in my throat.

What the hell had I just done?

The light was blinding from outside when I reached the staircase and as I climbed, the voices of my brother and boyfriend floated through the air and I gulped. Ascending the stairs ever so slowly, I gazed up at the three boys who all focused their undivided attention on me. "Hey," Aiden greeted with a soft smile that mirrored the others.

Guilt gnawed at me. I should've checked in with him first. It was his dad too and this was his territory. I had no right to strut around making decisions about his prisoners.

"Sweetheart, are you ok?" Zach asked, approaching the top of the stairs quickly and placing a kiss to my cheek.

I squeezed my eyes closed and took a shaky breath. "Please, please don't get mad," I begged him, taking his hand and rubbing my thumb over his tense knuckles while knowing full well he was going to go ballistic.

"Mad about what?" He frowned, raising a brow at me.

"Just promise, none of you will get mad." I sent the three of them a pleading look which was returned with worry and suspicion.

"El? What did you do?" Aiden asked, taking a step closer alongside Liam.

"I'm sorry... I-."

"Let me out." Deans cool voice echoed from behind me and when I turned, a smug grin sprawled lazily across his face while he took in everyones shocked silence.

As expected, I went hurtling backwards until Zach's bulky frame towered over me, blocking me from Deans view completely. "What the hell?" Aiden growled, joining Zach while Liam glared at me.

"Well, I guess this time I will have to make sure you stay dead," Zach snarled and charged forward while Dean took up a defensive stance.

"No don't!" I ran at him and grabbed his arm quickly. "Please don't," I begged, staring up into his cool blue eyes. "Zach." My plead was clear and he relaxed a little in my hold.

"Why not?" He frowned, glaring at Dean and then repositioning me behind him.

"Because he might not be as evil as we thought," I told him with an exasperated sigh. "He might be... but he might not be."

"What are you talking about? He tried to kill you a few months ago," Zach reminded me, moving a strand of my hair behind my ear and gazing down at me with a pained expression. Like even the thought of it hurt too much.

"Actually, it was never my plan to kill her," Dean called, shaking his head. "Her parents took her away from me, I was simply going to take her back. But then, people got in my way so I had to result to more violence than I initially intended." He shrugged as though it was not a big deal and my anger stirred within me.

"That doesn't make it ok," I snapped, scowling in his direction before turning back to Zach. "It wasn't him who killed my mom. We rang the number that sent me that video and someone else answered, someone who sounded exactly like him."

"My brother. Always been a bit of a bastard but I didn't think he would ever go that far. I want to know why," Dean finished and Zach spent a few moments in silence, glimpsing between the two of us with an absent expression.

"I still want answers Zach. And so does he, which for now puts us on the same side," I whispered, squeezing his hand gently.

"I don't trust him," he stated, shaking his head at me.

"I'm distraught. The man who killed me doesn't trust me." Dean rolled his eyes with a scoff. "My daughter does so you will just have to deal with it," he told him with a smug grin.

I whipped my head back around to face him, my eyes bugging out of my skull. "Firstly, I don't trust you. Not one bit. We might have the same goal but I don't trust anything that comes out of your mouth. Secondly, you are not my father. My father is dead, because of you. And I will never forgive you for that," I snarled.

His face fell a little but he quickly masked it with a look of indifference. "Regardless, you need me if you want to know why your moms dead. So you're going to have to have a little faith." He grinned.

Zach snarled beside me. "Faith? After everything you've done? After the lives you took and the threats you sent. After all the torment you put your own daughter through, you think you deserve any kind of trust or respect?" He growled and took a threatening step towards him.

"What are you talking about? Threats?" He raised an eye brow in confusion.

I furrowed my brows in anger. "The phone calls, the random people giving me messages from you, the attacks on my friends. Don't you dare blame those on your brother as well," I spat, taking Zachs hand and stepping backwards.

"What?" He frowned over at me. "I didn't send you any threats, what would I gain from harming your friends? I called your father once to let him know that I was coming and that I wouldn't stop until I got to see you. That was it." He sounded genuine and I was taken aback by how desperately I wanted to believe him.

But I couldn't.

"You're a liar and I hate you. I hate you for what you did to my dad. I hate you for taking my mom from me when I needed her, whether it was you who killed her or not. I hate you for trying to hurt my boyfriend. I hate you for tormenting me and threatening me. I hate you for attacking my closest friends. I let you out, so go ahead and hunt down your brother; but stay the hell away from me," I spat, turning away and storming off Aidens territory with tears cascading down my cheeks.

"Ella!" I heard him call but I ignored his plea and charged ahead, finally letting out a breath when Zach and Liam fell into step beside me.

Hey guys!
I am so so sorry for the lack of updates, Christmas was so stressful and then I went away for New years completely off the grid!
I hope you all had a good break and happy new year!!!!

I should be updating weekly as usual from now on. X

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