Chapter 32

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That night, I lay beside Zach with our hands joined between us and my head resting on his chest. His arm draped around me and mine curled around his torso.

"Are you ok?" He asked through the darkness.

"No," I squeaked.

He tucked me further into his chest. "Why did you let him out? If you hate him and don't trust him? Why endanger yourself like that sweetheart?"

A sigh escaped my lips. "I also hate his brother for killing mom. I know he does too. I saw his face when I played the video, he looked broken. Despite his actions, he loved my mom and he is the only way I will know why she was killed," I explained.

"We could've asked him ourselves," Zach whispered.

"I want justice. He deserves to suffer for what he did and I know Dean will make sure of that."

"Or, we could've just reunited two evil murderers who might come after you next," he grumbled and I froze.

"I never thought of that," I admitted reluctantly and Zach sighed above me.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, you know that." It was a promise that brought me a little peace of mind but my bigger worry was if my friends and family would become collateral damage once again.

I shook my head slightly to remove the thought from my mind. My head was already a mess and I couldn't worry any more or I might've combusted. "I want to believe him," I told Zach in a whisper, staring into the darkness.

"What do you mean?"

"I want to believe that he didn't take her from me to hurt her but because he loved her and couldn't be without her," I told him, squeezing his hand tightly. "I want to believe that he didn't send those threats. I want to believe he wanted to get to know me when he came for me and he never wanted to hurt anyone. I want to believe him but I can't. Because I know its not true." I sighed, tears trickling down my cheeks.

"I don't," Zach grunted in reply. His hand swept across my cheek, swiftly flicking away my stray tears.

"Why not?" I peeped.

"Because if it wasn't him threatening you, then who the hell was?"

I shifted in the bed to face him and saw his stricken expression. Gently, our lips collided and the warm feeling of his soft mouth covering mine dusted away any fears or thoughts. It was just me and him. In that moment, the rest of the world crumbled away and the two of us were safe, together and happy. "I love you Zach," I told him softly.

"I love you too baby. So much." I shuffled back so my hand rested over his steadily thumping heart. "No matter what, you are going to get through all this, I promise. You'll always have me." Our lips met once again and we both melted into each other, his words bouncing around between us.



I didn't go to school the next day. Hell, I hadn't been to school in weeks and somehow, I didn't think I would be any time soon.

I had a feeling that was over. At some point in the last few months, I had grown up. School seemed too trivial compared to what was going on around me and I had too many responsibilities to just blow off for school.

So I stayed in bed for as long as possible.

"You think you might get up today sweetheart?" Zach's voice whispered from behind me. The digital clock directly in front of me read 10:55 so it wasn't actually that late in the day.

I felt Zachs hand slide up from my waist towards my chin and the warmth of his skin against mine alighted every one of my nerve endings. His thumb drew circles over my cheek while his soft lips pressed against the back of my shoulder and I sighed from genuine happiness.

"Nope," I replied, leaning into his touch as much as I could. Meanwhile, his other hand trailed over my torso before rising a little towards my breasts and I held my breath from the anticipation.

His hot breath suddenly fanned against my ear as he drawled, "fine, then I will just have to find something to keep us both busy."

I smirked and turned my head to meet his sparkling eyes, smiling up at him widely. I loved this man so much. He understood that right now, I didn't want to talk about it, I didn't want to pretend, I just wanted him. I needed him. I needed the one person who made me feel safe and happy no matter what went on outside these bedroom walls.

"Sounds perfect to me." I closed the gap between us and pulled his bottom lip into my mouth, holding it captive between my own lips. Our foreheads were pressed together while our mouths danced together, his tongue coaxing my lips apart so he could take charge. Obviously, I let him.

Soon, his whole body was over mine, cocooning me beneath the sheets and heating my body to about one hundred degrees. However, as his hands brushed over my skin gently, goosebumps began to litter the trail he left.

"I love you," I mumbled into his lips, needing him to hear those words right now. I needed him to know how much I appreciated him taking care of me without making me feel helpless.

Not that I think he minded this particular method.

He pulled away, much to my disappointment, and rested his forehead on mine, sliding his hands down my arms until they slipped into mine, our fingers folding together. "I love you too. And you know I'm here... if you want to talk about it."

While the offer was sweet, that was the last thing I wanted to do. Admitting I made a mistake was like driving a knife through my heart - painful and not something I was willing to do. I also couldn't tell Zach I was scared. I couldn't tell him that Dean scared me, not just because he killed my father and was a violent asshole, but because he was my biological parent. The only one I had left. I was scared he was lying about everything he said yesterday. I was scared to be disappointed.

So, I shook my head. "I don't want to talk about it," I confirmed and he nodded with a smug smile.

"I didn't think so, just thought I would put it out there."

"Thank you." I kissed him gently. "Thank you so much."

For a while, all we did was stare into each others eyes, our hands joined and our bodies pressed together. Then, it was suddenly like a switch went off and we were tearing each others clothes away.

I couldn't strip away his boxers fast enough and by the time I had, he had managed to rid me of my shirt and underwear, leaving me naked and breathless beneath him. As per usual, he spent a few silent minutes analysing every inch of my bare skin, scanning it and making a mental image so he could remember every part.

And while he did that, I did the exact same thing to him. I noted every scar on his smooth and otherwise perfect skin, every crevice and bulge in his chest, every crease, every flaw, every perfection. I loved every single part of him and I never wanted to forget this sight.

It was my favourite view. Him, naked and smiling down at me with so much love in his eyes, so much admiration and desire. I squirmed beneath his intense stare, accidentally grinding my hips against his.

A smirk forged on his lips and the love and adoration morphed into lust instantly. The icy blue seas in his eyes sunk into the darkest recesses of the ocean as they raked over my body again, shamelessly.

Zach's lips crashed down onto mine like a tidal wave on a shore. Our bodies writhed between the sheets, every part of us touching as intimately as possible. His taste filled my mouth and I was drunk with ecstasy as we became one.

No matter how many times we made love, I would always be amazed at how perfect he was. He was the perfect combination of wild but gentle, fast but loving, fiery and passionate but full of love and adoration.

He was perfect.

And he was mine.

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