Chapter 50

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I woke up the next morning with my head resting on Zach's chest, pressed against the sofa. Beside me, Jordan was breathing heavily and I smiled softly. The warmth of Zach's body enveloped me and I felt so safe and content in his arms, as per usual. 

The room was still quite dark with just a thin slither of sunlight slicing through the gap in the curtains. My friends were all scattered around the living room, including Mason who joined us late last night. The majority of them were asleep but I could see Blake sat up on his phone on the opposite side.

"Morning," I grunted, stretching out and rolling off Zach as carefully as I could so I didn't wake him.

I hopped over Liam who had pulled Lexi towards him during the night so she was tucked into him. I smiled down at the two of them and jumped over Ryders massive head before reaching Blake.

"Have you checked the news?" He asked nervously as I moved to sit beside him.

"What now?" I sighed, slumping beside him.

"There is a chance humans will declare war," he stated bluntly and the breath whooshed out of me.

"What?" I gasped. "They can't, thats suicide."

"They seem to think they can win with the right weapons," Blake stated. "In this article it says they are getting machine guns and grenades to take on a whole pack at once."

"They have no clue that machine guns or explosions won't kill us." I sighed. As soon as wolves heard about this, they would want to attack. And there was no way humans could fight back.

"Apparently not."

"Hey. Everything ok?" Mason asked, peeling Carolines passed out body off him and joining us on the other side of the room.

I studied my friend and all I could think of was: what side of this war would he be on? "Yeah, want a drink?" I asked, leading the two of them to Lexis kitchen so we didn't wake everyone else.

"Won't Alexia mind that you are in her kitchen helping yourself?" Mason laughed and I shrugged.

"I usually do." I grinned as my phone rang. After a sigh, I answered the unknown number, assuming it was an Alpha or ally. I was wrong.

"Ella," Ricks voice greeted me and I froze.

"Rick," I sighed and glanced up to see Lexi approaching us with wide eyes that matched the guys.

"I assume you are busy dealing with the upcoming war?" He asked, sounding victoriously which made me squirm.

"I am, a little busy for a chit chat if I'm honest," I snapped, still keeping my voice down so I didn't wake anyone. If Zach woke up now he would be fuming.

"Then I will cut to the chase. I wanted to let you know that I will be seeing you very soon. I was going to wait a while longer but with this war looming, my plans have changed."

"How inconvenient for you," I spat.

"Yes, well, if there are no humans left, there is no war between species. And if the new wolves want to attack the old wolves, they will be my own personal army to attack anyone I want. It will have to do." He feigned sadness. "So, see you soon."

"Bye Rick," I snapped, ending the call and sighing.

"Rick?" Zach's voice growled before he appeared in the doorway, bright orange eyes locked on me.

I bit my lip. "Apparently the fact that humans are planning on declaring war on werewolves has sped up his plans." I huffed, dropping into my seat.

"War?" Mason asked, eyes wide.

"Yeah. Its a possibility," I groaned, burying my head in my hands. The rest of them seemed to be woken from Zach's growling and we were all soon gathered in the kitchen, waiting for... well something.

"So, are we at war now?" Olly asked after a while.

"I'm not sure to be honest, but it's highly likely," I replied with a huff. I rested my head on my arm, studying Lexi's kitchen before my eyes locked on something. "Alexia?" My voice was quiet and shaky.

"Yeah?" She hummed.

"Who's that?" I pointed to a photo of her and her brother when he was just a baby, he was in the arms of a large man with definite murky green eyes, Lexi hovering beside him.

"My dad," she huffed, slumping subconsciously against Liam. "I keep telling my mom to get rid of it but she seems intent on remembering the bastard."

I glanced at Zach who could also see the photo and shared my panicked look. "Alexia," I whispered, "thats Rick."

The silence echoed through the room while we all stared the the photo. Rick looked reasonably happy but there was still something off about him in the photo, his dark eyes were almost glaring at the camera and his grip on his son seemed just a little too tight. It just didn't look right.

"Let me see," Liam demanded suddenly, snatching the photo from the surface and studying it. "Oh my god." He was the only other one who had met Rick and I couldn't miss the way his hand grasped Lexi's and squeezed it reassuringly.

"You've seen my dad?" Lexi whispered shakily, lowering into a seat on the other side of the counter. She looked tired, more exhausted than I had ever seen her and the guilt ate away at me.

I nodded solemnly, "I'm sorry Lexi."

"And he is the same guy who wants to turn humans into his own personal army?" Lexi asked, meeting my eyes with hope dripping in hers.

I sighed and nodded. I hated that she had to know this about her own father. I knew how that felt, to have a father who was also a power hungry ass - even if that turned out to not be the case.

Lexi had always resented her dad for walking away when her brother was only a few weeks old. She had always been angry at him, but now the anger seemed to be matched with hurt.

"That means you guys are cousins, right?" Caroline asked and Lexis eyes lit up a little when she looked back to me.

"Yeah, I guess it does." I smiled sincerely at her and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. "I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do?"

She looked dazed as she shook her head. "No." I sighed as she leant into me and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, cradling her head against my chest.

"So let me get this straight. We are in the middle of a humans versus werewolves war, there is some power hungry guy out there that wants to kidnap Ella who just happens to be Lexis dad, Zach and Liam have a secret long lost brother and Els evil dad is trying to not be evil... am I missing anything?" Ryder huffed.

"I don't think so no," I muttered. We really did seem screwed.

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