Chapter 45

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"So, how did you manage to convince Zach that this was a good idea?" Liv asked me as we strolled through town the next morning.

I hitched my bag higher up on my shoulder and sighed. "It was difficult, believe me."

"I'm surprised myself actually, I thought he cared more," Ryder chirped with a knowing grin which I rolled my eyes at.

"You know thats not it, Ry. I can't miss the exams if I want to graduate and I doubt Rick will be back so soon, not while we are all on high alert," I explained, handing over the forms I had stuffed in my bag to Olly and Liv. "These are the forms that say you transferred from California last minute and are ready to take the exams with the rest of us," I told them.

"Great, and you guys will whisper answers from across the exam hall so we don't blow it by failing completely?" Liv asked desperately.

"Yep, I will be whispering to you since I am closest." Ryder grinned while Liv scowled.

"You better be smart!" She snapped, snatching the papers from my hand and forcing them into her own overstuffed bag.

"I am," Ryder assured her with a grin and then turned back to me. "Anyway, don't you think this is the perfect place for Rick to attack? Lots of young, impressionable humans for you to turn so you can make a start on his bloody army?"

I bit my lip nervously. "I just have to hope that didn't cross his mind." I sighed, suddenly feeling a little more nervous.

"To be perfectly honest, I'm rather shocked it crossed your mind Ryder," Blake laughed beside me and I grinned.

My best friend scoffed. "I'm more than just a pretty face you know Blakey, I might not be your level of smart just yet but you may need to watch your back," he threatened with a smile before turning back to Liv. "Don't worry, we will ace this test." He winked.

We continued towards the school gates, chatting about the content of the mornings test and trying to feed Liv and Olly as much information as we could for both them and our own revision.

We entered the main building and took our seats in the canteen while numerous teens around us stress ate. "Oh great there are more of them." Rebecca scoffed as she and Marissa passed our table with disgusted frowns on their faces.

We seemed to collectively agree that ignoring them was our best option but they seemed eager to anger us. "When will the school sort out this infestation? Hm Marissa?" Rebecca let out an exaggerated sigh.

"You know, Becky-," I smirked as a frown crossed her over-glossed lips, "-considering the two of you are in love, you seemed pretty shocked to see Zach yesterday," I reminded her and watched as her smirk dropped off her face.

Instead, she scowled. "He is wasting his time with you. Actually, I'm shocked that anyone would want to spend time with a needy, greasy little rat who can barely pass a basic math test," she spat and opposite me, Ryders fists were clenched.

"Rebecca if you don't shut up-," he warned.

"You'll what?" Marissa giggled alongside her best friend, rolling her eyes incredulously.

Ryder stormed up out of his chair. "Neither of you will live to see graduation," he growled, staring them down while I saw his fingernails sprout into claws.

I jumped up beside him and took his clenched fists in my hands. "Ryder, relax," I whispered, squeezing his hands so he would realise what was happening.

He took a couple of deep breaths and sent the two girls a look. "Stay the hell away from us," he grumbled before retaking his seat.

"Like we would ever want to step within a few miles of you lot." Rebecca scoffed, completely contradicting herself by stepping forward as she spoke.

"Yet you're still here." Caroline sighed, narrowing her eyes.

"You should be grateful she is here. Becky is the prettiest, most popularist girl in school!" Marissa jumped in to defend her friend.

"Popularist?" I heard Olly scoff.

"Alright, I sat quiet but I am so done with this prissy little barbie bitch." Liv rose from the table and turned to face a horrified looking Rebecca. "I don't know who you are but your attitude stinks just like that perfume. And whoever the hell told you that you were beautiful must've been a damn good liar so let me be honest with you honey, you look like a retarded monkey high on steroids, your personality is even more mangled than your face and I doubt anyone on this planet actually likes you."

"You-." Rebecca started but was cut off.

"I'm not finished." She held up her hand to silence her and I grinned. "I don't know how this lot have put up with your shit but I sure as hell won't. I'm aware Zach is drop dead gorgeous but he could be blind and you could be the last girl on earth and I doubt he would even give you a second glance. You reek of desperation sweetie and its making it difficult to breathe so please go."

I had never in my entire school life witnessed the beautiful and popular Rebecca utterly speechless. She always had a stupid comeback or a bitchy comment to make and I was half tempted to get my phone out and take a photo.

"You shouldn't have said that to me," she suddenly snapped, obviously waking from her trance.

Liv took a step closer so their faces were almost touching. "Trust me, you are no match for me," she assured her.

"Whatever, come on Marissa." Rebecca clicked her fingers and Marissa trailed after her like a well trained pet.

"So what else is on the exam?" Liv asked, turning back to all of us gawking and taking her seat. "What?"

"What happened to not drawing attention to ourselves," Olly groaned.

"Oh come on, she was asking for it." Liv huffed, turning to me for support.

"She is going to try to make your life hell," I warned her and she shrugged.

"She tries anything and I will eat her." She grinned and I laughed.

"I think you might just be my new best friend." Caroline grinned and I could definitely see the two of them being close. Both blunt, honest and don't back down - it would be hell on earth.

"Nah ah!" Ryder objected. "She is mine! I want her in school every day to shame Rebecca, ok El?"

They all turned to me and I laughed. "Fine with me."

Olly rolled his eyes while his sister grinned with pride. "Uh oh, the barbie dolls are conspiring." Caroline nodded to the corner of the room where the two were bent towards each other, whispering and shooting glares towards our table.

Liv waved enthusiastically at them when they next looked over and Rebeccas glare magnified. "How have you not put her in her place before?" She groaned, turning back to us with expectant looks.

"We usually can't get a word in." Caroline scoffed. "We've been close to killing her a few times though."

At that, everyone turned to me with amused looks and Olly and Liv followed their gazes with wide eyes and confused looks. "It was one time!" I growled.

"The great Alpha lost control with a human?" Liv mocked and I scowled.

"I was in complete control," I defended.

"Bullshit, its a good job we stopped you before you bit her," Ryder reminded me.

"Urgh, imagine Rebecca as a wolf?" Lexi groaned beside me and I laughed.

"She would probably file and paint her claws," I muttered.

"And whiten her fangs," Jordan added.

"And she wouldn't eat meat because she is on a diet and how could we stand doing that to our bodies?" Caroline gasped mockingly.

"A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips," Ryder recited and we all burst out laughing as he tapped his hips.

As the bell rang out to alert us of the start of the exams, we were all in a fit of laughter and had forgotten all about the exam content.

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