Chapter 21

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"Ella open the door," Zach's gentle voice called from outside the office. Gradually, I had managed to get my breathing under control and now, small tears just trickled down my face every few moments.

"Ella please." I could hear his desperation and guilt gnawed at me for shutting him out - literally. But I couldn't speak because my throat had run completely dry and my knees were so weak I couldn't stand.

"Ella!" The desperation morphed into a warning and for some reason, I found the stern daring tone to be comforting. It was Zach.

"Ella, open the door or I will knock it down," he threatened and I knew he would. I felt awful for worrying him so dragged myself along the floor and twisted the key so he could enter.

As soon as I moved away, he burst into the room, shutting the door behind him. His eyes scanned the room and quickly landed on my curled up form on the floor.

In seconds, Zach sunk to his knees and the familiar warmth of his hold wrapped around me. "Ella, I'm sorry." A gentle kiss pressed to my forehead and one of his large hands found my small, trembling ones.

"I can't believe he wasn't my dad," I sniffed, clinging to Zach's hand like it was the only thing keeping me breathing. I felt as though if I let go, I would fall.

"Ella listen to me. He was your dad. Ok? Biological or not, he loved you so much and he would've done anything for you." He dropped my hand and lay both of his on either side of my jaw, forcing me to face him. "He was your dad sweetheart."

I sat numbly in silence, sinking further into his arms while my mind swam with questions. Questions that nobody was around to answer.

Thoughts and feelings clogged up my mind until I felt like my head was about to explode unless I found release so I pulled out of Zach's arms and wobbled on my shaking legs as I rose to my feet. "I'm going for a run," I whispered, my cracked lips unable to part more than a hairs width.

Zach jumped up beside me and clasped his hand around mine. "I'll come with you," he offered gently although I knew that it wasn't going to be up for discussion. I simply nodded before silently traipsing up to my room to change into some running clothes. Zach did the same, watching me closely to make sure I didn't suddenly break on the spot.

Once we were out of the house, I forgot everything and just allowed my legs to carry me up the mountainside through the thick woodland. I slipped between trees, barely slowing to navigate a path and just barreling across the valley, no direction in mind. In fact, nothing was on my mind. Not my father, real or adopted, not my mothers secrets and lies, not Zach's worry for me. All I focused on was the wind whipping at my hair and the debris covered ground crunching beneath my fast steps.

After a long run across a dozen or so miles, I found myself slowing near a particular lake and being greeted with two perfectly straight, sharp edged, tall headstones. "Sweetheart?" Zach's voice barely whispered and I jumped, forgetting he was beside me as I stared emotionlessly at the stones.

I no longer knew what to feel.

I turned to Zach to see concern etched across his face. "Let's go back," I muttered before taking off in the direction of the village, unable to look at the beautiful icy blue eyes I loved so much flooded with worry.

As soon as the house was in sight, I slowed to a walk, panting a little from the rapid pace I had sprinted back with. My forehead dotted with beads of sweat that I quickly swiped away before pushing the front door open.

The quiet chatter from the living room silenced as soon as I did and I panicked, suddenly feeling everything I wanted to block out come rushing back. Tears trickled down my cheeks and I had to hold in my sobs as I dashed back into the office, closely followed by my boyfriend. He lowered us both onto the sofa, cradling me against him while I cried softly in his arms.

We sat in content silence for a long while, me basking in every ounce of warmth and comfort he was providing with just his presence alone. Being in his arms was like nothing else, it was where I was safest and happiest and the rest of the world - and the problems along with it - faded away.

But Zach wouldn't let me get away with avoiding the problems that easily and deep down I knew that. Which is why I wasn't at all surprised when he gently whispered, "are you ok?"

I hesitated, slipping my hand beneath Zach's shirt, tracing the outline of his abs with my nails. I didn't want to lie to him but the words "I'm fine" slipped from my lips. My voice came out weaker and shakier than I had anticipated and he saw straight through me.

"Baby, you don't have to lie to me." His tone was the familiar daring one and despite everything, it brought a smile to my face.

"Its just hurts. How did I not know he wasn't my father. All this time, they were lying to me," I muttered.

He turned me to face him again and lightly kissed my lips. "He will always be your father sweetheart. They both loved you and if they lied, it was to protect you."

"Protect me from what?" My eyes met his own beautiful icy blue ones that were currently clouded with worry.

Our lips locked in a gentle kiss before he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and frowned. "I don't know baby. I'm sorry."

"He wasn't my father," I whispered shakily. "I don't know who my dad is."

"Sweetheart." He took my hands in his and cradled them against his chest. "Alex Reed was your dad. Ok? Just because he wasn't blood doesn't mean he wasn't family."

He pulled me to my feet and held me against him for a while. My head was buried in his shirt and my hands ran up and down his back.

When I pulled away, our lips molded against each other in a fast, desperate manner. His lips were soft and strong, pulling and sucking on mine. Our tongues tackled for dominance, dancing in my mouth before he forced me into submission and let his tongue explore my mouth. The kiss was soft but passionate and I felt myself melting into him.

Eventually, we both stopped for air, our foreheads pressed together. Our breaths intermingled in a concoction of pants and gasps. "Come with me," he ordered, his voice husky. I nodded, following him from the room and back into the living room where everyone was quietly chatting again.

"Hey." Jordan smiled sweetly, bringing everyones attention to us. Immediately, I could see her smile was forced and worry swam in the recesses of her beautiful green eyes.

Liam quickly stepped closer to me, kissing my cheek delicately. "You ok sweetheart?" He asked, his own eyes wide and searching.

I nodded silently, words escaping me. Feeling everyones eyes on me as Liam retook his seat, I backed up into Zach's safety and warmth. "Sweetheart listen to me. Blood doesn't mean family. Your family are all right here and none of us are blood. He was your dad, blood or not," he told me, kissing the side of my face.

I scanned the room, looking into every pair of worried eyes with so much love and gratitude. These people were the constant in my life and Zach was right - they were family. "He's right." Ryder nodded in agreement.

"Yeah... I know." I nodded, melting further into his arms. "Nothings changed?" It came out as a question and Zach stared deep into my eyes.

"Nothing's changed." It was a promise. Just like when he told me he loved me, he was so sure and that immediately reassured me.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Caroline offered, clearly not oblivious to the heaviness that hung in the air. Last night had been so much fun and I wanted to get back to that.

"Definitely." I nodded and everyone else quickly agreed.

Soon we were all sat around on the sofa, me tucked in Zach's arms with my family around me. Our laughter echoed through the room and we stuffed our faces with popcorn.

I smiled, taking in the way we were all squished together, completely comfortable with each other. My oldest friends and newest friends all simply enjoying each other's company.

We were family. An unconventional, multi-species, messed up family. And I realised that was all I wanted, my unconventional family was pretty amazing.

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