Chapter 39

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"I don't want to go." I pouted the next morning as I watched Zach cook me pancakes. They smelt delicious and I was drooling from the second I woke up with the scent wafting through the house.

"You never want to go." He laughed, handing me a punnet of strawberries to chop. It was the only thing I was allowed to do in the kitchen.

I grabbed a knife from the drawer and huffed. "I am the Alpha of the pack, I shouldn't have to go to school."

Zach flipped a pancake and then shot me a look. "Then don't go."

"I have to go!" I grizzled. "Its my last year and I have to graduate next month. I just have to," I reminded him for the hundredth time.

"Then go."

I popped another strawberry into my mouth before shooting him a look. "I will, I just don't want to."

"Well you are going to be with your friends and its only a month left." He shrugged, dishing up the pancakes.

"It was so much better when you were there. I had no time to actually care about the work because I was too busy investigating you and trying to figure out who was trying to kill me."

"I wouldn't call that better baby." He laughed, handing me the plates to sprinkle chunks of strawberry over. "Liam!" He yelled before we took our seats at the dining table.

"Why the hell are we up so early?" His dear brother grunted a couple of minutes later, dropping into an empty seat wearing a pair of boxers.

"Jesus, couldn't you have got dressed?" Zach groaned, covering my eyes and screwing his face up in disgust.

"To be honest Zach, I thought there was a fire or an apocalypse or something so making myself presentable was low on my priority list," he snapped, shovelling pancake into his mouth while he spoke.

I raised an eyebrow. "Apocalypse?"

"Well why else would we be up at this ungodly hour?" He frowned.

"Its 8am. And Ella is going to school." Zach rolled his eyes at his brother who suddenly appeared to have a revelation.

"I forget she is still a cub sometimes." He smirked over at me while I snarled. Zach sighed and moved to sit beside me and we ate in silence until our plates were empty.

"Those pancakes were amazing," I told Zach, pressing a kiss to his cheek before taking my plate to the sink. "I'll see you both later," I called before leaving the house and making my way to school.


"Bored," Ryder groaned, throwing a paper airplane at me.

"I just don't understand this Ry. I hate physics," I huffed, shoving the plane back in his face and slapping the text book in front of him. "Help me?" I begged.

"Bored," he whined, once again, launching the damn plane at my face.

"Ryder!" I snapped, scrunching up his plane and tossing it into the trash in the corner of the room.

"Hey!" He grumbled. "Fine, what are you stuck on?" I pointed to a section on the page and he started droning on about equations and friction or something.

"Ok I give up." I sighed, turning to my best friend. "So, what did you do yesterday?"

"Laughed at the girls. You guys were really drunk and quite hungover, especially you." He laughed, shaking his head in amusement.

"Well I don't do half-assed." I shrugged.

He nodded. "Fair point."

Thankfully, the bell blared through the room and the two of us sprung from the room and down the halls to my locker before meeting the others for lunch.

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