Chapter 14

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As I slowly regained my senses, a wave of deja vu washed over me. Slabs of concrete barricaded me in, preventing any attempts of escape and a thick, stone staircase ascended towards a small hatch.

I pulled myself into a sitting position and instantly let out a wail of pain. Immediately, my eyes began scanning every inch of my body for the source of the excruciating pain and quickly, they fell upon it.

Deep crimson liquid drenched my shirt just below my ribs. Carefully, I peeled away the material to reveal the deep gash splitting apart my flesh. From it, blood gushed out and pooled around me on the concrete floor.

I let out another groan as I twisted my body to survey the room. To my left was a slim, single bed with an old, worn mattress lay on top. A thin, ripped blanket was thrown over the top and a little, dirty pillow lay at the head of the bed near the iron headboard. At the end of the bed lay a small piece of paper scrawled with curly writing. I grasped it between my fingers before pulling it to me and scanning the note.

I am afraid there is only one way out of here. One of you may leave and to do so, you must kill the other. Be creative.

My stomach somersaulted at the note and I turned to the other body in the cell. Tears formed in my eyes at the thought of killing so I quickly stuffed the paper in my pocket and continued to examine the cell.

Beside the bed was a rickety looking table that appeared as though it would break if any amount of weight was put on it. On the other side of the room stood a small, grey toilet that produced a strong aroma, making me scrunch up my face in disgust.

And then, beside me on the floor lay a tall muscular body. His tossed hair was strewn around him carelessly and his icy blue sapphires were concealed by his eyelids. Every inch of him screamed calm and serene, however the still movements of his chest sent off alarm bells in my head.

Swallowing the lump in my throat and braving the searing sensation in my gut, I hauled my body closer to his and shook his broad shoulders gently. "Liam," I whispered, tugging more violently on his large form.

"Liam!" I called much more frantically, a pleading desperation dripping from my tone. "Liam wake up!" I yelled while his body remained still.

Eventually, after screaming and crying for him to wake, his chest began to rise and fall heavily and his eyes fluttered open gently to face me. "El?" His voice was hoarse and groggy, yet he seemed okay as he hauled himself up to sit beside me.

"You scared me," I grumbled under my breath as I regained my strength.

"Sorry." He smiled sheepishly before taking in his surroundings. "Where the hell are we?" He groaned and I let out a shrug.

"No idea." I huffed and he nodded solemnly.

"Ok, then how the hell are we getting out?" He asked, already up and slamming his hands against the solid concrete.

"Careful, there is no moonlight down here so we are human, you break your hand and it stays broken," I told him as he hammered away at the rock.

"Seriously," he groaned, moving onto the steps and punching against the shaft above us. "We are underground," he realised and I nodded as he rejoined me on the floor with a heavy sigh.

We sat in silence for a while, desperately trying to conjure up a plan to get out of here. I kept quiet about the note, knowing Liam didn't need to know that, when suddenly his head snapped to me.

"You're bleeding." His eyes zoned in on the blood soaking through my shirt and quickly flashed a fiery yellow.

"I'm fine," I told him, lying through my teeth as the deep wound sent shards of agony through my body.

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