Chapter 52

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"Hey El!" Jordan called, running towards me with books spilling from her arms.

I caught one as it slipped before it hit the ground and held it out to her. "Hey," I greeted, eyeing the mass of text books. "How did it go?"

She beamed. "Ok I think, what about you?" She smiled up at me and I warmed at the innocent look on my best friends face - she really was beautiful.

"Not sure." I shrugged, dropping her book back onto her huge toppling pile. "Whats with these?" I nodded towards her leaning tower of paper.

"Revision for the next exam," she stated as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. I scrunched up my face but nodded nonetheless, walking alongside her to meet the others.

"Hey," they all greeted.

I walked with my group of amazing friends through the town where we dropped Mason off home. Then the rest of us vanished into the thick of the wood, concealed from anyone who lived in Ridgeview.

As we started the ascent up the mountainside, Ryder discretely pulled me aside. "How are you?" He asked me and I narrowed my eyes.

"Liam told you didn't he?" I groaned and he nodded regretfully.

"Told him what?" Liv asked and I turned to watch everyone give her a death glare. "What?" She asked, raising her hands in defence.

"They were all secretly listening because they are nosy and can't mind their own business and you just alerted me of it so now we can leave and make our conversation private if we wanted to," I explained and she rolled her eyes.

"I thought friends didn't have secrets?"

"They don't," Lexi informed her, sending me a pointed look.

"Don't give me that look, I have no secrets," I assured her. "If you must know, he was referring to the fact that Zach and Liam are going to find their brother tomorrow," I explained.

"Wait what?" Caroline gawked.

"Zach is leaving you?" Jordan asked me.

"I thought he was dangerous?" Blake narrowed his eyes.

"Sounds like a secret to me," Lexi scoffed.

"Its not a secret. I just didn't mention it because I knew you would make a big deal out of nothing. This brother may be dangerous but he is in danger with a war brewing," I explained.

"No, there is no way Zach would leave you, much less to bring someone who wants you dead back to your own home. Liam must have forced him," Caroline stated I shook my head.

"He wouldn't," Lexi defended and then slammed her jaw shut, checking to see if anyone noticed her eagerness to defend Liam. Luckily for her, everyone was to hung up on my news to notice so it was only me smirking at my cousin as she blushed a bright red.

"Zach trusts you guys to take care of me, plus my dad and Aiden are going to be around a lot more," I reminded them. I informed the pack of the decision yesterday and after explaining the benefits, the majority were on board.

"So you're ok with it?" Ryder checked, still waiting for an answer from his original question.

"Yes, it was my idea," I informed him and he nodded hesitantly.

We approached the border of the village and one by one, everyone split off from the group to head home until it was just me and Ryder heading to the centre. He grabbed my wrist just before we entered the inner circle. "You know I'm here for you, right?" He checked.

I rose to my tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek. "I know, thanks." I smiled and he returned it before crossing the gardens to his house while I strode towards mine.

"Hey baby," Zach greeted with a smile.

"Hey." I kissed him gently.

"Get rid of the bag and come with me," he ordered, pulling my school bag from my shoulders and slinging it onto the floor.

"Where are we going?" I asked him while he dragged me out of the house and across the inner circle.

"Well, I am going tomorrow and I want to spend today with you," he explained, holding me close as we entered the woods and headed up the mountainside and away from civilisation.

"Zach?" I called when we passed the clearing and ventured into the thick of the wood. We reached the peak of the mountain and started down the other side where the forest was more dense and much darker.

"Zach where are we going?" I asked, still stumbling after him. He kept dragging me along, still silent until we eventually arrived at the creek.

Small lights decorated the rock face and soft music floated through the air. In the centre was a blanket laid out and a picnic basket rested on top.

"What is this?" I asked him, a smile sprawling across my face.

"A date," he replied, helping me onto the blanket and sitting right beside me. "I just needed to be with you before I go," he whispered and I melted.

"Good, because I needed to be with you too." I smiled, resting my head in the crook of his neck.

"Here." He passed me a strawberry dipped in chocolate and I opened my mouth willingly. The sweet taste consumed my senses and I moaned at how delicious it was. "If you do that again, the plans for the evening will change dramatically," he warned and I giggled.

"Sorry, I just love strawberries and chocolate." I smiled up at him sweetly, licking my lips.

"Stop it," he groaned, turning away and back to the basket of food. I pouted until he turned back around with a small wrapped box in his hands. "Here, I bought you this."

His face suddenly became serious as he handed me the beautifully wrapped box. I smiled up at him suspiciously as I pulled away the ribbon and peeled off the soft silk that encased the small leather box.

With a little difficulty, I pulled it open to reveal the most beautifully breath taking ring I had ever seen. The slim, silver band was encrusted in crystals the same colour as the icy blue eyes I had fallen in love with. One large, sparkling diamond twinkled in the sunlight in the centre and blurred as tears filled my eyes.

"I couldn't wait, not another minute or another day or another year. Marry me Ella." I glanced up to see Zach had shifted onto one knee and was taking the ring from the box with a hopeful look on his face.

"It doesn't have to be soon," he continued, "we can wait as long as you want. I know you are still in school and we are young but I don't want to leave without knowing you are my fiancé and future wife. Please, please marry me and I will love you for the rest of our lives together," he promised while tears slipped from my eyes.

"It wouldn't matter if I was your wife or your fiancé or just your girlfriend, I will be waiting for you to come home and I will love you eternally," I promised.

"You could never be just my girlfriend, you are my entire world, my entire life and I want to spend every moment I can making you smile."

I did smile, massively. I think my face split from the huge grin that overtook my features. "In that case, I think I might just say yes," I teased, holding out my hand for him to slip the ring on.

He smiled widely as he did. "Good, it may have been a question but it wasn't a choice." He shot me the daring look he used so often and I fell even more in love with him.

"I love you Zachary Thorn," I whispered, joining my ring claimed hand with his and staring down at how well our fingers fit together with the huge diamond sparkling.

"I love you too, Ella Thorn." He grinned up at me and I laughed, slamming my lips onto his and kissing my fiancé with everything I had.

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