Chapter 12

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The next day, Jordan was feeling better and was up for going to school now that her and the others were ok and they had all been filled in on the situation and assured her she wasn't at fault.

So, I woke up to my alarm blaring, telling me it was time. I let out a deep grumble and rolled over in the warm, snug bed, just to find it empty. Disappointment flowed through me as I realised Zach wasn't there and I suddenly felt cold wrapped in the thick sheets.

I forced myself out of bed and wrapped my robe around me before plodding out to the hallway. The aroma of bacon cooking flooded my nostrils as I descended the stairs, my bare feet padding against the soft carpet.

"Good morning beautiful," my incredibly sexy boyfriend greeted me as I dragged myself into the kitchen. He stood at the island in the kitchen, filling some glasses with orange juice. His large muscles stretched as his arm flexed and I drooled over his perfect abs that were on show due to his lack of shirt.

Liam stood behind him, attending to some bacon in the oven, he too, was shirtless and lets just say good looks must run in their family. Similar to Zach, he had large muscles and perfectly carved abs that lined his stomach. His build was only slightly bigger than Zach's and while Zach looked like the sexy teenage guy he was, Liam looked more like a gorgeous young man.

Both of them were incredibly good looking.

"Morning baby," I replied to Zach once I finished drinking him in, and his brother for that matter but he didn't need to know that. I neared the island counter and took his soft lips in mine.

Eventually, I had to pull away, reluctant as I was, and turned to the older brother who was watching us kiss with a smirk plastered on his face. "Morning Liam." I smiled and nodded in his direction.

"Little sis." He smirked as I quirked a brow.

"What?" I asked him.

"Morning little sis," he repeated while Zach chuckled lightly, curling his arm around my waist.

"We made breakfast," he murmured while his lips found my skin. A small moan escaped my pursed lips and a smirk danced across his face.

"Ok guys, keep it PG. Thats my little sister," Liam groaned as Zach pulled away.

"Liam-." I started but Zach cut me off.

"Don't bother. He is your brother now, whether you want him to be or not." He laughed, letting me go to continue cooking.

"Hey guy- woah." Jordan stepped into the kitchen with her jaw unhinged. Her eyes fell onto my boyfriends brother, then onto my boyfriend - to which I felt a twinge of anger - and then onto me.

Her forest green orbs were sparkling mischievously as she grinned at me. "Wouldn't mind waking up to that every morning." She wiggled her eyebrows and I laughed with her, more than grateful to have my best friend back.

"Tell me about it." I winked and she giggled as I pulled her into a hug.

The four of us sat at the dining table, eating the breakfast Zach and Liam had cooked - which was absolutely delicious - before Jordan and I ran upstairs to get ready for school.

"Have a good day, sweetheart." Zach kissed my lips as we stood at the door.

"You sure you don't want to come?" I pushed, wishing he would come back to school with me. The thought of being without him gave me butterflies and I knew it was the same with him considering he had tried his best to talk me out of going and convince me it was safer to stay at home.

"I've already done senior year," he reminded me, pulling me against him for a hug.

"I know." My voice came out weak due to the disappointment and the fact it was muffled by Zach's bare chest.

"Stay safe, please," he begged, with the daring look I was so used to. He was daring me to try and do something that might endanger myself.

"I'll try." I nodded and the look grew more intense.

"Sweetheart." His threat poured from his tone without needing to say anything else.

I smirked in reply and turned to Liam. "See you later." I smiled.

"Have a good day at school with the other cubs, baby sister." He smirked, crushing me in a hug while I growled in annoyance.

Zach said goodbye to Jordan before the two of us linked arms and strolled through the village, towards my first day back at school since my dad died. Since I became Alpha.

Short chapter I know! I have been completely blocked lately and have absolutely no idea what to write next in the 10 books I have drafted.

Any advice??

Thank you for reading 😘

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