Chapter 41

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"Hey beautiful." Zach smiled over at me as I fluttered my eyes open the next Saturday morning. Outside, birds chirped and the warm sun beamed down on the busy little bees and cubs who were chasing each other and squealing in the village.

"Good morning." I smiled back, taking his hand in mine and grazing my thumb across his knuckles.

After a lot of convincing, I continued the week at school and had now reached exam season which meant I only had to turn up for my exams. Nothing had happened since I had received the note so I was starting to wonder if it was just a bluff.

"So, I have decided we are spending the day together," Zach announced with a gentle kiss on my lips. "I think we need to spend some time together."

"We are together practically all the time." I giggled.

He rolled his eyes. "I meant just the two of us."

"Ah." I nodded. "So are you asking me on a date?"

"No." I frowned at his response before he continued. "I'm not asking." He grinned and rolled out of bed before I could slap him.

I followed and quickly dressed before we walked hand in hand out the door. Technically, the two of us only ever went on one date despite being together for months so I was excited to spend a care free day with my boyfriend like a normal teenage girl.

"So, where are we going?" I asked him as we strolled in the sunshine through the village. My blue sundress flowed around me lightly and my sandals clicked against the floor with each step.

"Into Ridgeview," he replied, his warm hand clasped around mine.

"Could you be more specific?" I teased.

"Well first the cafe because we need some breakfast," he told me, speeding up a little when we reached the woods.

Zach never let go of my hand, not even when we were sat in the cafe with a delicious breakfast in front of us. The two of us scoffed it down pretty quick and were just about to leave when a familiar face walked in.

"Zach?" The high pitched voice questioned. "Baby its so good to-." Rebecca seemed to cut of once she saw me suppressing a grin with my hand locked with Zach's.

"Rebecca," I greeted as politely as possible. Zach shot me a look out the corner of his eye and I grinned.

"Zach I had no idea you were back." She chose to ignore me and took a seat beside him, resting her hand on his bicep.

Her grin widened when Zach dropped my hand, only to use it to remove hers. "Yeah I came back to spend the day with Ella," he grunted, retaking my hand.

"Oh, well if you want some better company for your day back then I am free," she hinted, tucking her hair behind her ear and fluttering her false eyelashes at him.

"Hey Becky, there you are," her sidekick bitch Marissa called, appearing beside me and grinning when she saw Zach. "Oh, hey Zach," she giggled.

Zach nodded in her direction and then turned to Rebecca. "Looks like you already have plans." He again, nodded towards Marissa who erupted into a fit of giggles from the attention.

Rebeccas face fell and she snapped her head round. "Marissa!" She hissed, grabbing her friends arm and storming towards the door.

"Nice to see you Becky." I grinned and she let out a strangled squeal before dragging her drooling friend out the door.

I turned back to a disturbed looking Zach and sniggered. He smirked back at me before the two of us burst out laughing. "You have no idea how badly I have been wanting that." I laughed.

He rose and eyebrow in confusion. "She won't shut up at school about how you two are secretly together," I explained. "She seems to genuinely believe you are in love with her so that was perfect."

I was still chuckling to myself when I met Zach's eyes and suddenly the laughter died on my lips. He was staring at me with such intensity I squirmed in my seat. The love and admiration and happiness he felt glowed in his beautiful eyes and my heart ached for him even though he was sat directly opposite me.

"Lets go." He dropped some cash onto the table and tugged me out of the cafe and back into the woods.

"Are we going home already?" I asked but he shook his head.

I followed him all the way past the village and stopped when we reached the clearing where the pack gathers on a full moon. It was also where Zach and I came the night after our first date.

I was blushing just from looking at the patch of grass where I lay with his body over me while the sun set behind us, our clothes scattered about in the grass while we merged into one.

Zach smirked when he noticed my blush before sitting in the grass and pulling me down to sit between his legs, leaning backwards against his chest with his arms tightly around me.

"I hope you aren't expecting history to repeat itself?" I teased and he chuckled above me. His laughter was one of my favourite sounds, so deep and soft, like it could just wrap around you and hold you close.

"Which time?" He retorted and I frowned. The other time the two of us were alone here was when Dean and his pack were attacking. Zach had been attacked by 5 wolves and was bleeding on the ground as I was dragged away.

"Fair point," I grumbled and he laughed again.

We were silent for a while, reminiscing about our previous memories in the exact same spot while the sun beamed down over us.

"Can I ask you something?" I broke the silence after a while.


My heart warmed at his words, I knew it was true. I could tell him anything, ask him anything, come to him about anything. He would be there, always.

"You know when we were talking about our parents the other week?" I asked and he hummed in my ear. "Do you want kids? I mean, we have never actually talked about it so I was thinking the other day about it and I... I just realised I don't even know if its something you want," I rambled, nervous for his answer.

He took my hand in his and kissed my head. "I really want kids. With you," he added and I smiled.

"Me too."

"But," he continued and I tensed, "you're going to have to woo me a bit first babe, this is only our second date." He laughed and I elbowed him lightly in the ribs.

"Shut up. I didn't mean now." I scowled and his lips pressed against my shoulders. "I just don't want my kids to be a neither." I sighed and he tensed behind me.

"They won't be. I'm never letting you go so they will have both of us nagging at them." He grinned and I laughed.

"I can't imagine you nagging. Just ordering and then yelling." I giggled.

"I'll get better at that," he assured me, laughing behind me. "Otherwise you will be the nice one and I'll be the asshole they always complain about."

I laughed with him, shaking my head. "You're gonna be an amazing dad one day, I know it." I smiled to myself, picturing Zach holding a baby or playing with a kid.

"And you will be the most incredible and beautiful mother in the world," he responded and my smile grew. Already, I couldn't wait for the future I would have with Zach.


Hey guys!
I haven't done this for a while.

I'm so sorry for the late posts so this was your double update, I have been hectically preparing for exams which have now been cancelled.

The good news is that I now have only free time on my hands so hopefully I can get some writing done!

I hope you are all staying safe and passing the time by reading or doing something you love!

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