Chapter 15

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"Urgh." I let out a groan as I dragged myself into a sitting position and leant back against the cool, concrete wall.

"Are you ok?" Liam asked, leaning against the wall opposite with his elbow resting on his bent knees. His expression was glazed with concern as he scanned my own for some kind of clue.

I pasted a smile onto my face and nodded. "I'm fine. How long was I out?" I asked, smiling through the agony that was tearing away at my gut.

"No clue, not that long I don't think." He shrugged and then I realised there was no clock in the cell and no way to see whether the sun was still up.

"Heard anything else from Zach?" I asked hopefully. The deflated expression Liam held was enough of an answer and a knot twisted in my stomach. "He will find us," I stated confidently.

I knew Zach wouldn't give up until he found us both, the part I wasn't sure of was whether I would still be here when he did. Blood still poured from my wound and my head felt a lot lighter than it usually did.

"Its still bleeding." Liams eyes widened as they zoned in on my blood coated shirt and then back to my panic filled eyes. I gave a small nod in reply which was followed by Liam cursing. "Shit."

In seconds he was up and stripping his shirt off his extremely sexy chest. The material peeled away to show his perfectly sculpted abs and his broad chest and shoulders. I gawked for a second because... well, he was gorgeous before blinking and trying to think about my boyfriend and how much I missed him.

Liam strode towards me quickly and swiftly and in seconds he was lifting my own shirt. "Liam?" I hissed in confusion but he waved me off and brushed the material up just below my breast, exposing my blood coated stomach.

A ripping sound filled the silence and then he began bandaging my wound with the torn material, tightly tying it so that blood couldn't escape as easily. I watched his steady hands and the concentration on his face before he tugged my top back down and raised his eyes to mine.

"Thanks." I smiled and he smiled back before shuffling to sit beside me.

"Anytime," he replied, wrapping his arms around me and steadying me so I was leaning my head against his bare chest.

"Zach's going to kill you, you know?" I chuckled and felt his chest vibrate as he did the same.

"You don't have to pretend it doesn't hurt," he whispered, rubbing his thumb along my wrist.

"It doesn't," I lied as the searing agony formed a lump in my throat.

"El, its only me. You don't have to lie or pretend with me." He spoke soothingly and for a second I forgot about how much I missed my boyfriend or how much pain I was in. I forgot it all and just allowed Liam to comfort me.

"I'm Alpha," I explained and it was explanation enough. I couldn't be weak. Ever. I represented my pack and a weak Alpha meant a weak pack which meant anyone could attack.

I had to pretend, always.

"Not here you aren't. Here you are human, you are just Ella and I am just Liam and you don't have to pretend," he whispered in response.

"I don't want to be weak," I whimpered, squinting my eyes closed so he couldn't see the pain on my face.

"Believe me you aren't." He spoke soothingly, tucking me closer to him so my face was pressed against his chest. The scent of home mixed with wolf and burning wood filled my nose, providing a sense of comfort.

My eyes fluttered closed while Liam whispered to me. "He's going to get us out." It was a promise, plain and simple.

I drifted in and out of my deep sleep for the next few hours, always waking secure in Liams arms. Sometimes he would be asleep beside me when I awoke and other times he would be glaring at the trap door, his jaw tightly clenched and his expression stone hard.

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