Chapter 24

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The inside of the house matched the outside; gloomy, old and rotting. Upon entering, my eyes slowly adjusted to the vast darkness and then began to take in my surroundings.

To the left was what looked like a kitchen. Counters pushed up against the back wall and a small sink was situated beneath a smashed window, letting a biting wind howl through the room. A thick layer of dust coated the surfaces and with each step, a cloud of the grey powder puffed up into the air, causing us to choke. Large cobwebs hung from the corners and I screamed when an equally large spider trundled along the wall beside me.

Liams laugher filled the room while he doubled over, watching my panicked state. "The big bad Alpha is scared of spiders," he chuckled, bringing a scowl to my face.

"Shut up," I snarled, releasing shards of dominance that silenced him effectively.

I turned back to the rest of the house and tried to imagine how it looked years ago. The small greying sofas in the lounge would've still been a fresh white colour and the hard wood floors beneath our feet wouldn't have been splintered and rotten.

My eyes scanned the rest of the house as I explored, Zach never straying too far from me. "Oh my god," I breathed when I turned down a small hallway and my eyes zeroed in on the deep crimson liquid spilling down the grimy wall.

"What?" Zach rushed to my side in an instant and followed my wide eyed gaze to the wall. He took slow steps towards it while I remained paralysed in my place. I gasped when he reached forwards to touch the oozing blood but breathed a sigh of relief when he turned back and told me "its dry."

I nodded and turned to leave the hallway when I caught sight of something small and silver glinting in the moonlight that was streaming through another window - this one was only cracked, not smashed into pieces. "Is that a bullet?" I asked Zach, stepping closer and bending down.

Sure enough, a small round bullet was wedged between the floor boards with small droplets of blood decorating it. I shared a nervous glance with Zach and my heart seemed to pound faster now before it stopped completely upon the sound of something clattering in the next room.

"Liam?" Zach yelled, grasping my hand and leading me back into that room. Quickly, I examined the room, trying to locate any threat.

"I'm fine," Liams voice made me jump and I turned to see him standing near a bookcase while all the books were scattered and broken on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Zach growled.

Liam grinned back at us before tugging gently on the shelving unit which opened to reveal a staircase down to a basement. "Woah," I murmured.

"It just got creepier," Liam muttered, glancing over to us while I glimpsed up to see Zach's expression go hard. He locked his jaw and removed any emotion from his face.

I squeezed his hand gently before he approached the top of the staircase and ever so slowly, descended with me trailing right behind him. I could feel Liams presence directly behind me as I followed Zach further into the artic blackness.

A small cupboard was situated at the bottom of the stairs and as Zach slowly opened the door, my eyes took in all the trinkets on the shelves. Piles of books with pink leather covers stood high on the shelves, matching the diaries at home. A box full of random items was sat on the floor to my left and I bent down to find a wilted rose on the top and a small brown teddy bear.

On the top shelf lay another book that I opened to reveal beautiful photos of my mom and dad in both human and wolf form. Small writing was scrawled beside them with the dates written and some had post it notes or secret love letters pinned to them.

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