Chapter 47

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"You think its their brother," I whispered.

It was silent for a long time. The only sound were the cogs whiring in my mind as I thought it over. Zach could have another brother. Liam could have another brother.

I knew for Zach, one was enough, knew he wouldn't really care - especially if he wanted me dead. I knew he wouldn't risk searching for him if it endangered me.

But when I met Liam, he was desperate for family. He had spent his life alone, bouncing between homes and never having a stable family. He had that now but I had a feeling he would jump at the chance to extend.

"I think so yes," Dean finally answered, meeting my eye for the first time.

"And you're sure?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "You're sure they looked the same? You haven't just forgotten."

He sighed and delved into the pocket of his large trench coat, retrieving a small slip of paper with a picture imprinted on the one side.

He handed it me and I studied it for a moment. Dean looked younger in the photo, stronger, fierce, powerful. In front of me now he looked like a father, here he looked like an Alpha.

But I didn't focus on him for too long as beside him, was Liam. Or at least the spitting image of him. He had been right, if I didn't know the dates, I would've said this was Liam a few years ago.

He looked to be Zachs age, with slightly darker hair than Zach - like Liam - but the same piercing blue eyes. His was largely built and tall with a sharp lined jaw and thick eyebrows. There was no denying he was related to the Thorn brothers.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I asked him, handing back the photo.

"Keep it," he insisted. "Honestly, I didn't think you would believe me. I didn't think you would want to hear it, especially if he was a risk to you."

"So why now?" I raised a brow.

"Because, I have seen you with Zach, with both of them. I know you care about them so it seemed like the right thing to do. And I know they won't put you in any danger."

I nodded. "Do you miss him?" I indicated to the picture then met his eyes.

He considered it for a moment, his eyes narrowed slightly while the corners of his lips switched between a smile and then a frown. "I wouldn't mind seeing him again," he decided to answer and I nodded.

"Thank you for telling me." I smiled over to him and he reciprocated the expression.

"Thank you for believing me." I smiled a bit wider at his thanks. "Ella, I really do want to know you. I'm aware I haven't done anything right so far and you would likely be better off without me; and I will understand and respect you if thats the case. But if you would let me, I want nothing more than to be a part of your life - wherever you will let me, father, friend, anything." He looked to me with a hopeful expression and my heart thud.

I nodded slowly. "I would like that," I told him and he broke out into a smile that suited him better than a frown or scowl. I couldn't hold back my own smile as I continued. "Baby steps."

His grin didn't falter. "Whatever you want." He stood and held his hand out for me to shake but I stepped around his outstretched arm and into his chest, resting my head over his fast beating heart. "See you soon," he whispered, wrapping his arms around me.

"See you." I stepped away and showed him out the office, waving goodbye and he strolled away across the village.

Now for the hard part.

"Are you ok?" Zach asked as I closed the door.

"I'm fine, can I speak to both of you?" I asked, nodding towards the open office door.

"Ella?" Zach's voice was laced with panic. I took his hands and brought them to my lips, pressing a kiss to each of his knuckles.


He nodded and grabbed Liam before tugging him into the office. Their presence filled the small space and my heart pattered in my chest. How were they going to take this?

"What's up?" Liam asked me, frowning alongside his brother while I dropped into my seat behind my desk.

"I need to tell you both something," I explained.

"Are you pregnant?" Liam squealed excitedly and I shot him a deadpan look.

"Don't you think I would be telling Zach alone first if I was?" I laughed forcibly.

Liam shrugged. "I would've thought you would tell us together. I want to be the first to know when you are," he told me, pointing his finger at my non-inflated stomach.

"Just sit down." I rolled my eyes and waited until they had both filled the seats on the opposite side of my desk. "Dean came to tell me something," I began, having no idea how to go about this.

"There was a guy who trespassed on his territory years ago and he took him in. The boy was apparently from a pack who hated werewolves and wanted the descendants of the original werewolf dead so when the boy tried to kill my mom, he ran from my dad."

"Hold on, theres a pack that wants you dead?" Zach snapped, visibly tensing.

"Not anymore, Dean killed them," I assured him, gulping down my nerves so I could keep going. "He killed the entire pack, except for one cub that got away." I met Zach's eyes. "You."

His eyes widened as he swallowed the information. "My pack wanted you dead?" He hissed and I nodded.

"I'm sorry," I whispered but he shook his head.

"Don't be, despite the fact they were family, I'm glad he did. It means your safe," he assured me and I smiled at him with so much love.

"Except, this guy who is still out there," Liam reminded Zach. "He was from our - well, Zach's - pack?"

I nodded, fingering the photograph in my pocket. "Yeah, this is him." I took it out and handed it over to the two of them, holding my breath as they studied it.

"This is Liam." Zach frowned, glancing between his brother, me and the photograph.

"No, this was taken when I was 8," I explained.

"I was only 12," Liam continued for me. "Plus I have never met her father."

I took a deep breath. "He was from your pack, put up for adoption as soon as he was born and all he had to know who his pack were was a note instructing him to one day find the descendant of the original werewolf and kill them. The packs crest was on the letter which is how my father knew where to go," I explained, looking between the two of them. "And he looks just like you both."

"You think we have another brother?" Zach asked through gritted teeth.

"Maybe," I said softly. "There is no doubt you are related, you look exactly alike. And the dates, the information, it all fits."

Before either of them could respond, the office phone rang. I sighed and sent them an apologetic look, picking it up since it was work related. "Hello?"

"Ella, turn on the TV, channel 3," Tyler barked down the phone before he cut the call.

I frowned and glanced at the boys who shared my expression before jumping up and marching into the living room. I grabbed the remote and clicked three before a news headline popped up and I dropped the remote.

Breaking news: Evidence of the supernatural

And below was a clear video of a man in a cage with yellow eyes and claws before he was shifting into a large grey wolf.

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