Chapter 11

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The next day, the shrilling sound of the doorbell jolted me awake and out of my peaceful slumber. The clock beside me bed read 6am and an irritated groan escaped my lips.

I found myself tangled amongst the sheets and a pair of strong arms that held my back firmly against Zach's chest.

I twisted in his arms to try and wriggle free, however I failed and ended up making him tighten his grip. "Zach, the door," I muttered, squirming in his hold.

"Morning beautiful," he purred in my ear, his voice hoarse and groggy.

"Morning." I sighed, realising my attempts were futile and relaxing back into his arms. "The doorbell is ringing," I told him when he tugged the covers completely over our bodies.

"Liam!" He yelled, making me jump in his arms. "Get the door!"

"Zach!" I hissed, lightly slapping his arm.

"What?" He sounded so innocent and I knew if I turned around he would have puppy dog eyes and an angelic look to him, even if he was more like the devil than an angel.

"You can't ask him to answer the door. This is our house." I shook my head at him and tried once again to pull away from his strong hold.

I failed.

He decided to ignore my scolding and rested his head in the crook of my neck, planting gentle kisses and lightly pulling at the skin.

"How did I get to bed?" I asked as his tongue slid over the bare skin on my neck, making me feel tingles through my body.

"I brought you up," he hummed and then his lips halted their movement. "Don't worry, I didn't take advantage of you." I could feel his smirk against my skin. "I wanted you to feel everything I am going to do to you."

Before I could comprehend his words, his hands were shooting under my shirt while his lips continued to caress my neck and I couldn't stop the blush that crept to my cheeks or the excitement that rushed through me.

"El! Its for you!" Liam called suddenly from downstairs and mere seconds later Zach was snarling behind me.

"I will kill him I swear," he hissed and I chuckled gently before removing his arms and pulling away. "Hey." He pouted from the bed as I slipped my jacket over my pyjamas.

"Later," I replied, pressing a kiss to his lips before slipping out of the room and down the the hallway. The cool air nipped at my skin and I desperately wanted to curl back up beside Zach and let his skin warm mine.

The guy was like a human radiator.

"Who is i-?" I stopped short as I saw Ryder standing on my doorstep with a sheepish look on his face.

"Hey." He smiled uncomfortably while Liam snapped glances between the two of us.

"Hey," I replied, narrowing my eyes in confusion. If he was here to argue, I so wasn't in the mood.

"Can I speak to you?" He asked, glimpsing at Liam before focusing his eyes back on me. I knew he meant in private but I didn't know whether I had the energy right now. It was too early.

But, he was still one of my best friends so I nodded towards my study. "Sure."

Silently, he followed me inside while Liam sent me quizzical and unsure looks, to which I nodded in response. Once we were inside, Ryder pressed the door closed, soundproofing the room to shut out Liams nosiness.

"Is there a reason you are here at 6 in the bloody morning?" I asked, wanting to go back to bed. Back to Zach.

"I wanted to see you before school, you are coming back this week aren't you?" I could see him searching my eyes for answers when I shook my head.

"Not this week, I have things to do," I told him honestly. With Jordon being out of control again, I needed to be here. I couldn't leave Tyler to deal with it, he would expect me to punish Jordon for breaking my rule about harming humans but I couldn't.

"You said that last week," he huffed and I started to lose my patience.

"Yes, well, last week I had a dead pack member and one that was hanging in the square and this week I have a best friend and a pile of deaths I need to cover up," I snapped. I didn't mean to but it was early and I was so busy with things with the pack, I didn't have time to even think of school.

Ryder let out a defeated sigh and averted his eyes from mine and onto the floor. "Look, I am sorry about that. I know you didn't want anyone to know but I was worried about you El," he explained and my brows furrowed.


"Yeah, when I saw what happened I couldn't help but think the worst. I thought someone was out to get you again or someone in the pack was rebelling against you and I was scared you were in danger so I told them, thinking if we all pestered you enough, you would spill and I could stop worrying."

I looked into his eyes as he spoke and saw his genuine honesty and guilt over the situation, making my heart crack a little. "What about accusing Liam? You had no right to do that and it wasn't to protect me."

"Of course it was El! Some random guy that you barely know is living with you and I know you wouldn't look into him because he is Zach's brother and you don't want Zach to lose him. I know you El." He sighed once again.

"You really think I am that naive?" I snapped. "Ry, do you really think Zach would let him within 100 metres of me if he considered him a threat."

"You looked into him?" He muttered the question like he already knew the answer.

"We didn't need to. He proved he wasn't trying to hurt me when he stopped a group of wolves who marked me." I huffed and Ryders jaw dropped.

"They what!" He snarled.

"Relax, Zach killed them," I assured him and he nodded in appreciation. "Ryder, Liam is safe. I'm safe," I promised and he hung his head slightly.

"I'm sorry El, I really am," he whispered and I let out a sigh.

"I know," I replied and his head snapped up to meet my gaze. "You idiot." I rolled my eyes as he embraced me in a tight hug.

"I love you." He grinned.

"Love you too."

"So we're good?" He asked and I nodded with a smile. "Great, I will let you get back to Zach who wants you to feel everything he wants to do to you." He laughed and I jammed my elbow into his chest.

"Idiot," I muttered, blushing furiously at the fact he heard our conversation.

We had gotten our bedroom sound proofed, but, like the office, if the door wasn't firmly shut, anything could be heard.

"Can I go and see Jord?" He asked me as we left the office.

"Yeah, she is staying in my parents old room," I told him and he grinned at me before disappearing up the stairs. I followed behind but then strolled back into my own bedroom where the most gorgeous guy on the planet was waiting for me with a mischievous look on his face.

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