Chapter 3

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"Who the hell are you?" He snarled as he reached the end of the hallway and towered over me, facing off with Liam. His crystal eyes were glassed over with glacial rage.

He glared at the man who had been so excited and had worked so hard to find him and I saw Liams sparkling eyes dim slightly at Zach's hostility. After not getting an answer, his glare snapped to me.

"Why the hell did I see Tyler and the others come back without you?" He growled, narrowing the frost coated orbs at me accusingly.

"Ah, thats why you're grumpy." I nodded in understanding before sighing. "I sent them back." Instantly, his hand gripped my wrist aggressively.

"I told you to stay safe, not be left alone with a stranger who is trespassing on our territory." He sent me his signature daring look, warning me not to do it again.

"Sorry." I smiled and placed a gentle kiss on his lips before pulling away and turning to Liam. "Zach this is Liam. Liam, this is Zach," I introduced and then stepped back slightly, still in Zach's firm grip but out the way of their meeting.

"Who are you?" Zach repeated curtly, you could still hear the hostility pouring from his voice but it was a little less brash than before.

"I um..." Liam trailed off and sent me a sheepish look. His eyes were pleading and desperate and I felt pity swimming in my mind.

"Zach," I whispered gently, knowing this news was delicate and would change his whole life. "This is Liam Thorn." I squeezed his hand comfortingly as I awaited his response.

He fixated once again on Liam, ice met ice as they stared each other down. A cold silence froze the air and sent shivers over my spine.

Suddenly, a sharp tug on my wrist sent me flying behind Zach and next thing I knew, I was pushed up behind him. "Who the hell sent you?" He snarled, his deep voice was frosty and sharp and I hadn't heard him sound this angry since my dad was killed.

"What?" Liam on the other hand, spoke quietly and his voice wavered.

"Who. Sent. You?" Zach demanded aggressively.

"Zach," I whispered but it was pointless.

"Get out!" He boomed after another span of silence. "I don't know who you are but if this was some attempt to get to Ella, you won't succeed. GET OUT."

Liam was frozen in his place, watching his little brother have a fit before his face crumbled and the light in his eyes flickered off. He nodded gently and turned to trudge out the door, head hung low.

I watched with tears brimming my eyes as he closed the door behind him and soon his scent was fading. Zach's body stood, tense and firm in front of me before he snapped around to face me.

"Don't ever endanger yourself like that again," he warned, raising his eyebrows in his usual daring manner.

"Zach-." My voice was barely a whisper and I cut myself off, not knowing what to say.

He had pushed his only family away because he was scared to let someone near me. The heartbreak on Liams face after searching for years for Zach made my own heart shatter in my chest.

"He was a fraud," he demanded firmly, trying to convince himself as well as me.

"Was he? He looked just like you, the eyes, the face. He even acted like you Zach, he called me sweetheart for crying out loud." I laughed, holding his face in mine so he couldn't hide his emotions from me.

"He isn't my brother," he murmured back, fear ablaze in his eyes.

"The story fits." I shrugged. "And if he was here to hurt me he had his chance when I was alone with him, instead he just asked for help finding you."

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