Chapter 18

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Early the next morning, I awoke in Zach's strong arms, pinning me to his chest while his body heat and the blanket warmed me. I was so cosy and toasty that I drifted back to sleep until the cold air brushing over me stirred me again.

"Sorry baby." Zach smiled gently, slipping out from beneath the covers and tucking them tightly around my body. "I'm going training for a bit."

I whined a little, hoping to spend the morning with him... catching up. "No, Zach stay," I begged, reaching out to grab his arm.

"Sweetheart, I will be back in a bit ok? I'm just going for a quick run before it gets too warm," he explained, kissing my cheek before stripping in the middle of the room, causing my stare to linger.

"Fine," I huffed with a pout, rolling onto my back and glaring at the ceiling, not being able to look at his perfect body any longer.

He was silent for a while, scuffing around the room changing and grabbing his shoes before he appeared hovering over the top of me. "Put the pouty lips away." He kissed them gently. "I will be back in an hour at most, stay in bed and I will make us breakfast when I get home," he promised and rolled off the bed.

I drifted into a light sleep for just over half an hour but then gave up. It wasn't as easy to sleep when my radiator had gone for a run. Without Zach's arms, I felt cold and a little less safe, feeling cautious to close my eyes.

Eventually, I scrambled out from beneath the covers and made my way downstairs to the kitchen after a quick shower. "Hey," I greeted Liam, who sat in the kitchen in silence, probably in charge of keeping me safe while Zach was out.

"What are you doing?" He snapped, jumping up off the seat and darting across the room to stand in front of me.

"Um..." I stared at him in confusion, scrunching up my brows as utter fear and worry washed over Liams features.

"Get back upstairs!" He ordered, pushing me backwards lightly. "Zach will kill you and me!" He grumbled.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, brushing his hands off me.

"You're supposed to stay in bed, he will go mad if he sees you are up," Liam explained.

"Liam, the moon healed me, I'm-," I started before the sound of a door swinging open made me jump.

"What are you doing up?" Zach growled from behind me, rushing to my side and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I tried to get her to go back up!" Liam defended, holding his arms up in surrender.

"I have work to do," I explained, shooting Liam a glare for snitching and wriggling out of Zach's hold - well, trying.

"Sweetheart, you need rest. I told you not to leave the bed." He sent me his challenging look before starting to walk me towards the stairs.

I fought against him, trying to stop his fast pacing but received his daring look, only intensified. "Sweetheart," he warned me.

"Zach." My tone matched his and a small flash of dominance crashed against him. "I have work to do, and I'm fine," I assured him, lifting my shirt up to just below my braless chest. "See." I showed them my faded scar on my stomach, the pale red line only being visible in the light.

"Don't care," Zach snapped.

"Zach, I am not a cub!" I growled, shattering his stubbornness with a wave of dominance. He stared for a moment, resisting as much as possible before pushing me into the office and slamming the door.

I suddenly felt small and helpless as he glared at me, sending a shudder down my spine as his eyes darkened with anger and desire. "Zach," I whispered, scooting backwards.

"Sweetheart. Don't ever use your dominance on me," he snarled as he strode towards me. As soon as he finished, his lips crashed onto mine.

The kiss was rough and punishing, tugging on my lip and exploring my mouth with his tongue. I knew there was no use fighting him for dominance in that sense, when it came to physical contact, Zach was in charge and I was more than happy to submit to his magic touch and skilled tongue. His hands pulled me violently towards him, pinning me against him and deepening the kiss further. I tugged on the roots of his hair, causing a deep groan from the back of his throat.

When we finally pulled away we were both breathless, with our foreheads pressed together and our eyes locked onto each others. "I missed you," I breathed.

Zach's hand ran down my arms and around my waist before pulling my shirt over my head and starting to remove pyjama shorts. "I'm going to show you just how much I missed you," he growled.

Before I knew it, we were both naked and I was lay across the carpeted floor with him above me, his lips locked onto my breast and my nails scraping over his bare back.

"Zach please," I begged him and met his smirking lips in a kiss as he positioned himself at my opening.


"What are you doing?" He asked me later that day as I sat in my office chair, reading through some papers.

Obviously, I won the argument with Zach, but I had been watched all day while I worked by either my boyfriend or his brother like I was a child.

"Trying to find some information about what happened to us," I explained, watching out the corner of my eyes as he leaned against the door with his muscular arms folded over his chest.

"What do you mean?" He raised an eyebrow and I pushed the paper aside and turned to him.

"I want answers. I want to know why the hell Liam and I were the only ones taken. I want to know who the fuck stabbed me so I can tear their throat out, I want to know why I was the only one stabbed and I want to know what psychos thought they could kill me," I ranted, clenching my jaw as I spoke.

"And have you found anything?" He raised a brow and I frowned.

"No," I grumbled, sifting through the piles of papers left to read. "Where did you find us?" I asked him.

"You were about 20 miles from here in the woods in Wildegate," he told me as I pulled out a map from my fathers drawer. "What are all those markings?" He asked, pointing to the circles on the map.

I shrugged. "I don't know." The popping sound filled the silence as I took the cap off the pen and circled the large wooded area in Wildegate. "I wonder if thats near wolf territory..." I glanced to Zach to see him look away.

"What?" I asked him. His fists clenched tightly until his knuckles turned a pasty white shade. "Zach?" I stood up from the desk and rounded it so I was in front of him.

I took his fists in my hands and rubbed my thumb over his tight knuckles until he loosened up a little. Once he did, I curled one hand around his and placed the other on his jaw, turning his head so he could face me.

I could feel his stubbled chin beneath my palm and felt the heat from his skin. His eyes were clouded with emotion, too many for me to have even a clue how he was feeling.

I pressed my lips to his and brushed my thumb over his cheek,  "Whats wrong?" I asked him gently. His icy blue eyes melted when he looked at me and instead, glistened with love.

"Wildegate..," he started, tightening his grip on my hand, "used to be my packs territory," he finished and my heart hit the floor with a thud.

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