Chapter 33

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"So-," I clapped my hands in front of my face, "-Dean is out there somewhere doing who knows what and there is a possibility that there is also an evil brother and god knows what he is plotting." I huffed.

Liam raised an eyebrow at me before I continued. "So we need to increase protection of the pack." I turned to Tyler who was nodding in agreement. "We need wolves on the border 24/7 and they need to be alert and awake. We need some more fighters and a couple more protection wolves enforced in case anyone thinks to attack."

"Got it." He nodded and I smiled.

"Brilliant. Can you make a start on that? I need to call Aiden and find out what the hell his..." I sighed before correcting myself, "my, father is up to."

"That's fine, I am happy to sort it," he assured me with a quick peck on the cheek before he was striding out of the house.

"Great, now thats out of the way, pass me my phone?" I nodded to the table beside Zach - who slid it over to me with a nod. "Thanks."

I dialled Aidens number and grinned when he picked up. "Hey El, it good to hear from you."

"Hey, I'm sorry I have been MIA, I needed a bit of time and then yesterday I was back in school and catching up and then today there was school drama and I just-," I sighed, aware that I was rambling. "Sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Are you ok?"

"Fine," I told him a little too quickly. "I just wanted to know if um... if he was there?" I prayed to anyone willing to listen that my father had stayed put and wasn't currently on his way to kill me or my friends.

"Yeah, did you wanna speak to him?" He offered but I quickly set him straight.

"No! No I don't. I just wanted to make sure so my pack aren't on constant alert," I explained. "Has he found anything?"

"He has a few locations jotted down of where he might be but I don't know if its a good idea to let him leave the territory." Aiden sighed.

"Listen Aiden, I can't forgive him for what he did. I just can't. But you're his son, the two of you always had a good relationship, right? You don't have to hold a grudge just because of what he did to me," I assured him. The last thing I wanted was for Aiden and his dad to never have a good relationship because of me.

I plopped onto the sofa as he replied, swinging my legs up onto the coffee table. "He just isn't who I thought he was and I need some time to get used to that."

"I understand." I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "It's up to you at the end of the day but I would love for the guy who killed my mom to be dead. Just let me know when you have decided, just in case." I still didn't trust Dean and wanted to know as soon as he left his territory.

"I will, take care ok?" He pleaded and I couldn't help but smile.

"You too, see you soon."

"Bye." He ended the call and I leant back on the sofa with a content sigh. Aiden had been one of my closest friends in the months after our dads died - or were meant to have died - so knowing he was family was comforting.

"Ok," Liams voice snapped. "Spill. You are in a very productive mood." He sent me a knowing look and I sighed.

"I'm sick of moping. I let Dean out and may have a psychotic uncle aswell as father but sitting around and feeling sorry for myself won't change anything," I told him.

Zach silently moved beside me and kissed my cheek while Liam took my hand. "You are allowed to mope for a while, baby," my incredible boyfriend whispered in my ear.

I leant into his warm embrace and smiled softly. "I know." His lips touched my forehead, barely stroking over my skin. "But I don't want to."

Before he could speak again, the sound of the house phone ringing blared through the house. "Since when did we have a house phone?" Liam frowned while Zach stood to answer.

I laughed and watched while Zach nodded and then threw the phone over to me. "Hello?"

"Hey El, I called your mobile but it said you were in the middle of a call." Tylers voice crackled through the old phone pressed against my ear.

"Sorry, I called Aiden," I explained. "Whats up?"

He groaned. "There are a couple of kids trespassing, demanding to speak with you. They seem harmless but won't leave until you get here."

"Did they say what they want?"

"Just to talk with you," he answered.

"Fine, I will be there as quick as I can," I informed him before ending the call. "I have to go," I told the boys, hopping up off the sofa and shrugging on a jacket. Summer was fast approaching but there was still a chill in the air.

"Where?" Liam raised an eyebrow, frowning over at me.

"Some wolves at the border want to speak to me."

"Wolves? As in plural?" Zach growled, stepping in front of me.

"Yes as in plural. But Tyler and the protection wolves are there, I'll be fine." I pressed a reassuring kiss to his lips before stepping around him and leaving the house.

I arrived at the border a few minutes later to see a larger group of protection wolves than previously - obviously thanks to Tyler - and a few of the border wolves circling three strangers.

The one I saw first was a girl around a similar age to me. Her hair was a little ratty and bleached blonde although it was obvious it hadn't been washed for a while. Her eyes were gleaming amber while she struggled against the wolves holding her.

The other two were boys, one also around my age, resembling the girl majorly. He had slightly darker blonde hair but his face structure and build were the same. Finally, the other boy must've been eleven or twelve, shaking slightly while he was pinned to the ground.

The older two were snarling at the border wolves who had pinned this kid to the floor and I felt my own fury surge. "What the hell is going on here?" I snapped.

All eyes snapped to me, examining me before the members of my pack cowered slightly. A spark of recognition lit up in the older boys eyes and only a second later, he was also bowing down a little.

"Hey, what the hell has it got to do with you?" The girl snapped, causing my eyes to flame in anger.

"Liv," The boy snapped, sending her a warning glare which went ignored. She simply stared at me while I snarled at her, anger bubbling up at the way she spoke to me.

"Did you not hear me? It's got nothing to do with you so why don't you mind your own business and get lost." She glowered at me and it took all my strength to stop from snapping her neck.

"How dare you!" I snarled, taking a threatening step towards her. "Who do you think you are, speaking to me like that?"

She growled lowly before meeting me gaze. "Listen bitch," I let out a deep snarl at the name, stepping closer still, "we are waiting for the Alpha so get lost."

My eyebrows shot up as I registered her words. She had no clue who I was. I didn't know whether to laugh or growl in reaction to her words. "Liv! That is the Alpha!" The boy hissed and the girls face dropped instantly.

"Wh-what?" She slowly tilted her head to meet my eyes again and I sent her a smile that was anything short of menacing. "I- I didn't-." She sighed in despair and lowered her head.

I ignored her and turned to the older boy. "What are you doing on my territory?"

His glance flickered between me and who I guessed was his sister several times before it locked on me and he muttered, "we were hoping for your help."

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